Why is coffee/caffeine not banned yet in the USA

People should not drink coffee/caffeine, since its bad for humans.

>reduced brain blood flow/ BDNF
>hearth palpilation, high blood pressure
>kills gut microbiome, stains teeth, coffee breath and related to stomach cancer
>bad for lungs and people with asthma
>withdrawal makes you literally disfuctionable
>you only cure withdrawal thats why you feel good = norm

It creates dependency, poor sleep, anxiety and mood disturbances. It also decreases testosterone and raises cortisol and decreases sperm quality. Probably makes you weak spiritually as well

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Thanks for your concern, mom

how about yerba mate?

t. faggot

Ban random thigns until everyone is forced to live the exact same lives. Great idea

>its bad for the human body


not an argument.

If anyone is struggling to quit, try gradually mixing decaf grounds in with your regular coffee grounds. Do it slowly over a month and your body won't feel the change. Eventually you don't even crave it when you wake up, then you can quit without getting headaches.

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coffee is basically burnt shit, burn something in a pan and let it sit in water overnight, it will smell like coffee

guess why coffee taste mostly universally bad to young people? because its bad

though you could say people burn shit and breath the smoke coming out of it so i guess its ok

Yeah, eat shit.

I’m constantly on call for my employment, sometimes 14 hour days, mostly 70 hour weeks. Caffeine is one of the few things at my disposal that allows me, and the rest of productive society, to function.

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The jews make fuck loads of sheckles from it

Imagine my shock, a communist memeflaggot is a statist piece of shit. The government should not have any day over what someone puts into their own body.

itt pic related

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Coffee a shit.

t. tea master race

Because it’s good to the last drop

I have a job

Tea instead, of course.

Why ban coffee while alcohol and tobacco products are still legal? Coffee does a lot to help former addicts kick the habit too. It's helped me get off alcohol. Sure, caffeine is not good for you. But it's several magnitudes better for you than alcohol or tobacco. And as far as vices go, it's relatively benign. Ultimately, we can't ban everything that is harmful. Hell, sugar is A LOT more harmful than caffeine but no one suggests banning sugar.

What about it?

>reduced brain blood flow/ BDNF
Disputing this, while blood flow is somewhat restricted by caffeine, it does wonders for brain activity and alertness.

>heart palpitation, high blood pressure
There are many more factors that cause these, mostly diet and exercise.

>kills gut microbiome, stains teeth, coffee breath and related to stomach cancer
These are legitimate criticisms but moderation is still key.

>bad for lungs and people with asthma
Gonna need a source on this one

>withdrawal makes you literally disfuctionable

>you only cure withdrawal thats why you feel good = norm

Like most softcore drugs, caffeine isn't too bad... in moderation. It should only be taken when you have a good reason, i.e. exams, heavy workload, or about to exercise. If you're drinking coffee/energy drinks every single day, you need to cut back. That's what I did for years and it wasn't good

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Only NEETS don't like coffee.

Decaf tastes like shit tho

Studies in humans have shown that caffeine increases cortisol and epinephrine (adrenaline) at rest, and that levels of cortisol after caffeine consumption are similar to those experienced during an acute stress. Drinking coffee, in other words, re-creates stress conditions for the body.

Why not both

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I know, it's not a permanent thing, it's a stepping-stone to getting off coffee without experiencing the headache.

>Communist flag
Being anti-coffee is probably the most intelligent and morally acceptable position you hold in spite of how incredibly retarded it is.

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Yes, but it has also been linked to memory retention, and the heated steam can help clear sinuses, that’s why I’ve recently begun drinking tea. And I’ve been doing it consistently at about once a day, no sugar though, sometimes salt or milk but not together.

You are free to do what you want user. I'm walking in the opposite direction now.

This can be countered by eating some carbs before drinking caffeine and also taking some vitamin c prior to that as well. Your body produces adrenaline and cortisol when you work out too faggot

>banning something will get rid of it
Read a book, nigger.

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Not sure why you're yelling at me, I'm just answering someone else's question with facts alone.

Coffee raises testosterone you dumb faggot

Don’t get me wrong I don’t suggest doing it all the time, and I’ve never drank coffee before, because I would always keep myself awake, suddenly I stopped being able too, but I have exams now, so until summer, I’ll be taking tea. Besides it’s less caffeine then coffee.

Tea also has caffeine though

That makes a lot of sense. But higher levels of epinephrine aren't necessarily bad as long as it is done in moderation.


Yeah, it does but don’t drink too much of it. And I kind of need it right now.

right to choose. also not everyone has these symptoms. never had an issue with coffee, but I only drink it occasionally

>unnecessary adrenaline at rest
Do what you want user, I'm not your mother.

One could make the same argument for coffee, then. Just drink less of it or a weaker blend. In fact, some teas have even more caffeine than the average cup of coffee. All depends on the leaf (for tea) or the bean (for coffee).

spoken like a faggot who collapses after an Espresso. its none of your Business what people consume, if it doesnt lead to the damage of others.

Not herbal teas (e.g. chamomile, peppermint, etc.)
And even the caffeinated teas have less caffeine per cup than coffee.

Because one is good for you while the other isn't.

I'm just sad that I'm immune to overdosing. Damn you for reminding me, commie.

What kind of retard gets hooked on coffee? What the fuck do you put in your coffee? How many pounds of sugar? That’s why you get headaches you fat fuck.

vastly overestimated actual work and what is good sleep. enjoy your addiction.

That's incorrect, headaches are a result of the caffeine. Google it if you need to convince yourself.

Senpai, you do know people have jobs like that right?

I drink a lot of coffee and appreciate these facts. I wasn’t aware of this. Thanks.

Never drink mint teas, spearmint peppermint destroy testosterone levels

Shut up faggot

My headaches lately have been due to what I think are mold spores and sinus infections, I really don’t think the caffeine has affected me since I’ve been having many far worse headaches even before ever having caffeine.

It only happens on discontinuation.

Good to know, I’m glad I don’t like peppermint then.

Coffee drinkers have a lower incidence of thyroid disease, including cancer, thannon-drinkers.

Caffeine protects the liver from alcohol and acetaminophen (Tylenol) and other toxins, and coffee drinkers are less likely than people who don’t use coffee to have elevated serum enzymes and other indications of liver damage.

Caffeine protects against cancer caused by radiation, chemical carcinogens, viruses, and estrogens.

Caffeine synergizes with progesterone, and increases its concentration in blood and tissues.

Cystic breast disease is not caused by caffeine, in fact caffeine’s effects are likely to be protective; a variety of studies show that coffee, tea, and caffeine are protective against breast cancer.

Coffee provides very significant quantities of magnesium, as well as other nutrients including vitamin B1.

Caffeine “improves efficiency of fuel use” and performance: JC Wagner 1989.

Coffee drinkers have a low incidence of suicide.

Caffeine supports serotonin uptake in nerves, and inhibits blood platelet aggregation.

Coffee drinkers have been found to have lower cadmium in tissues; coffee making removes heavy metals from water.

Coffee inhibits iron absorption if taken with meals, helping to prevent iron overload.

Caffeine, like niacin, inhibits apoptosis, protecting against stress-induced cell death, without interfering with normal cell turnover.

Caffeine can prevent nerve cell death.

Coffee (or caffeine) prevents Parkinson’s Disease (Ross, et al., 2000).

The prenatal growth retardation that can be caused by feeding large amounts of caffeine is prevented by supplementing the diet with sugar.

Caffeine stops production of free radicals by inhibiting xanthine oxidase, an important factor in tissue stress.

Caffeine lowers serum potassium following exercise; stabilizes platelets, reducing thromboxane production.

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Love how you faggots can never provide any fucking sources to any of your statements

Yes it is an argument. An opinion from a homo is worthless. At least I know to stay away from you because you're fucking homo. I already knew but user just had back.

You must like your candy.

you got mate there? is it easy to get?

stimulants stop working, it doesn't matter what job u have.

Keep people going, so they produce more and more.

Relax, soon coffe will be replaces by pic related.

Nice work losing to capitalism, btw

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I think coffee is ok but don't drink too much of it. Maybe a cup in the morning and occasionally on a weekend afternoon. But what do I know?


>actual work
Yeah that's what your parents do to support their soul crushing disappointment. You know, YOU.

Fuck you, just stop drinking coffee if you dont like it. You dont need to try and ban it.

I mix high quality macha powder with my colombian ROAST every morning. It not only gives me the energy to carry out my daily tasks but it also gives me the energy and functionality needed to be at my optimal state when dealing with Venezuelan merchants on runescape.

Whats the point of spreading misinfromation, you obviously don't know my personal life.

The thing is caffeine stops working so i dont know what work you are talking about, you only cure withdrawal, not getting the same results as first time.

My sources for The anti-coffee radicals simply cannot recover

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You're just 10 years behind them.

they dont produce more because of caffeine, in fact it hinders people. only produces money to starbucks.

>if a study is done in [more recent year] it is more true

The anti-coffee radicals expose themselves as brainlets once again

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you should have said that coffe is a spic beverage from the "spic-est" place of america...central america.

in every place that coffe is not traditional ( the US, europe, australia etc) they fuck it up degeneracy comes in making it into a "stimulant beverage" instead of enjoying it.

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based Canadian coffee frog poster

also blocks new braincell griwth in the hippocamus. moderate regular use that is.

yeah i said BDNF.

No child, I'm saying you just haven't done it for enough years yet to know the negatives.

Nothing like complete state control of everyone's lives, eh?

Right to choose to do heroin, spic, I've never had any problems taking or quitting that either, retard, fuck you. Ban all drugs including caffeine or legalize and regulate all of them. Now.

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Ban everything unhealthy

the ultimate boomer answer. tips fender.

Look here’s the thing senpai, if you you spend $10 on a fancy latte at Starbucks because you want to seem trendy. Then yes, you should probably just stop having coffee altogether, because there’s no real reason for you to be drinking it. Tea and coffee without significant additives are kind of bitter and gross, they’re meant to do a thing, and really not to make you feel comfy. Because when you’re enjoying things, you don’t need the boost, and you’re right after awhile the boost diminishes, but when you’re taking it out of a necessity, it means that you won’t mind as much if the experience sucks. Caffine is a drug, it should be used like one.

> admitted caffeine junkie
> has headaches
> 'nah my known symptoms of caffeine withdrawal are actually just my allergies to the mold content of my local environment, my caffeine addiction has nothing to do with it'

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I did this, then switched to tea. Went from 400 mg a day to about 50 (two cups of tea). Already falling asleep more easily and waking up feeling more rested.

Weird shit, too, laying in bed I get the urge to do these spontaneous stretches. I think that caffeine really keeps the muscles tight. I miss coffee but I feel much better now. And I was only a 4 cups a day man.

Isn't it the second most traded commodity after oil or something?

Much less, with regard to how each drink is traditionally prepared.

I swear, I have never drank caffeine before about 4 days ago.
I’ve pulled all nighters, perked myself up after maybe 3 hours of sleep during a long string of nights, I’ve done it all without coffee, no matter how much anybody would tell me to drink it.
Now, i’m Only drinking about almost a cup of tea a day. Simply for the health benefits.

Because it kills natural sense of spirituality.

I hate Steven Pinker without even having read his works.

oh got it wasnt aware if that term.

Right. Listen here Vlad, there is no way coffee will ever be illegal. And coffee isn't bad for you anyway

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Based and Coffeepilled

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state control can be beneficial when frim the right ethnonationalist forces. freedim just keaves the oligarchs to run everything. ie rap and porn are banned ib cgina and they stilk live fairly free day to day lives.

Decaf is trash. It's coffee with additional chemicals. Dumbfuck.

Coffee, one cup a day, isn't bad for you. No sugar. No cream or milk.

You weren't born needing coffee every single day, but now you are dependent.

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>Not herbal teas (e.g. chamomile, peppermint, etc.)
>And even the caffeinated teas have less caffeine per cup than coffee.
>Because one is good for you while the other isn't.

Kek, the whole basis of argument is caffeine in coffee is bad. But it's ok in tea?

Based and redpilled coffee poster.

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>Current evidence indicated there was no nonlinear association between coffee consumption and gastric cancer risk. However, high coffee consumption (more than 6.5cups/day) might increase the risk of gastric cancer in the US population. More high quality studies were warranted to further investigate the association

Avoid drinking 6+ cups of coffee a day and you should be able to steer clear of the gastric cancer risk. Who the fuck drinks that much coffee anyway?

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>The virgin coffee - makes you gay and makes your hair go pink and into a bun, makes you hang around in cafes with gays. Restricts blood flow, making your benius gay and small
>The chad chicory - Have to drink alone in stony silence, bitterness filling you up, every sip takes guts and balls. Pre-biotic fiber feeds your gut biome and lengthens your benis dramatically. Potassium content relaxes your blood vessels, maximizing blood flow.

My gram gram is 98 and drinks coffee daily. Eat cock senpai uWu

No, actually I drink coffee about 3 times a week. Some weeks I go without. Sometimes 5 mornings a week.

So I should only intake things I needed as a baby? Are you fuckin 12?

Imagine needing to drink a ground up root to that tastes like shit JUST to have healthy bowel movements. Pitiful.

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>So I should only intake things I needed as a baby?
Addict cope. I don't need to prove it to you, you're proving it to yourself.

I was up to 2 pots a day at one point. If you actually want to quit, then just quit cold turkey.
Find out why you’re using it (like self medicating) in the first place. Are you getting enough energy naturally? How’s your sleep? Diet? Exercise? Etc.

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