New $20 Bill

Why are racists so hell-bent on stopping this change from happening?

It's time this woman gets the recognition she deserves.

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I’d let that bitch ride MY Underground Railroad, ya feel me?
Black women were MADE for BWC!

Absolutely disgusting

I could totally go for some pancakes.

So blacks are currency again?

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Koko the gorilla was an amazing animal. RIP, Harambe's grandma.

>underground railroad
>illegally release less than 100 slaves
>has no effect on the development of the United States whatsoever
>somehow deserves to be on United States currency

Fuck off nigger

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What an ugly fucking worthless baboon slave. Filthy niggers are the scum of the earth, the beasts of the field are not descended from Adam

Are they worth $12?

Bet she sucked dick like a mofo tho

Let's zoom in a little more

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More like 100,000 you fucking retard.

Cause I don't want the 20 dollar bill to be worth 12 dollars.

>New $20 Bill
It's 2019. Nobody carries paper money except poor people and drug dealers.

>comparing some chimp to thomas jefferson.
Clown world.

>aiding and abetting 100,000 criminals
they should be jailed

Fuck this is disgraceful. Jackson belongs on the 20.

because niggers already have the syrup bottles, mugshots, california, detroit, anything that fails or is violent, some sports, music and everything that's unwholesome.
why should we give them over representation and money?

>except poor people
>not keeping 5 hundo on you just in case you need it
>being too poor to keep 5 hundo on you

Jackson is on the 20 out of spite. Its a bery long running joke.

She was a gun toting, democrat shooting, bible thumper. I am not seeing the problem

Who wants mean aunt jemima on the cover of a twenty?
Cmon now, give it up!

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Based and three-fifths-pilled

>release less than 100 slaves
Burger education. Made worst by the fact it is your own fucking history.

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Doesn't matter. He's still vastly more important to our country and history than this nigger.

Yeah that's inflated for sure. However, even if that was true, not a single one of those slaves ever went on to do anything of importance to help advance our civilization.

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There's a reason why they didn't do that.
Not opposed to getting Andrew Jackson removed from it either. It's actually a huge fuck you to him from the Federal Reserve

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t. MIGApede

cant wait to start using niggers as currency again :'D

then i will have an even better reason to inform customers that we dont accept $20 bills

I think I have 10 thousand hundo on me because that's what my card limit is unless I call or something.

my history teacher actually said she should be put on one of the dollars

why would they put a gorilla on our money

Tell me someone's already made a shop of this with 56% face or Tyrone.

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The first money with negative value

All the cool people draw swastikas on their $20 bills

She's purty.

You wouldn't want your 20s to steal themselves now would you?

Why put Harambe in the $ 20 bill? I know he was a cool mascot but even tho I think he was not that important?

Jackson should be replaced with Teddy Roosevelt. Jackson would kill himself if he found out his face was used on a central bank's useless filthy note.

comparing some chimp to thomas jefferson.
Clown world.
>$20 bill
>Thomas Jefferson
Clown world, indeed.

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>Jackson would kill himself if he found out his face was used on a central bank's useless filthy note.
Thank you!

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I was hoping to get my hands on one of these. I would take it straight to the grocery store and buy some pancake syrup.

Only idiots rely totally on electronic cash.

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Have fun defacing this ape-woman's face.

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Everybody has a credit card you fucking moron, the keyword was 'when you need it', meaning when cards won't work as payment, you stupid faggot. Inb4 the austistic spergout about how he only does business in establishments that accept cards.

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Bring back Jackson to lynch this negress

We wuz currency and sheeit