Like any political system, Islam maintains social order & cohesion.
1. provides the social infrastructure that encourages the sexes to fulfill their strengths.
2. prevents freeloaders- you cannot reap the benefits of Islam (which extend to the market) without participating- as such, other religions are excluded from the geographic region in which Islam operates. Islam provides Covenant Communities (Hoppe explains this) where Islam is the covenant.
Islam isn't "what bad people do," but rather "what many people choose."
1. Examine the state of relations between the sexes in the West- who benefits, who pays?
2. See how the West is controlled by Jews- in Islam, Jews are not allowed their religion, through which they claim persecution when disenfranchised from power.
You are putting your habits as more important than the survival of your kind!
Thomas Brooks
Oh my Allat, this is just the perfect religion for me, tollerant, progressive, even more progressive than stupid Europe, they have had a tradition of pedophilia for 14 centuries now and in Europe its still a hot topic to touch. I hope soon their values will spill over! Hurray and how they say in London, Allahu Ekber!
>tolerance Islam does not tolerate allowing one's people to be invaded. >pedophilia Muhammad had an arranged marriage- he didn't have sex with her when the marriage was arranged.
Andrew Morris
I cant wait for some saudi master prophets race arab to tell me what to do and how I will get virgins when I do it.
>But I heard I could get a dancing boy, what is this now? You listen to Western propaganda!
Evan King
>Islam does not tolerate allowing one's people to be invaded. Jihad! You are teaching falsehood! I proclaim takfir on you, scum! Abu Hajaarr! Get me the saber!
>He doesn't realize how comfy Jews had it under Arab/Ottoman rule. >All they had to pay was an infidel tax >Follow a literal cucked prophet who was epileptic and schizo >Couldn't get pussy, so he had to fuck kids
Imam from Afganistan told me, he said they all get one, its tradition there. I dont think you really know what you are talking about, sorry, I will continue my version of rainbow islam, you are to bigoted, dancing boys deserve love too and need to express their sexuality!
>I am not Jewish. I am White, like you. I asked you something different. Will you if you get a son, circumcise him as is tradition and how prophet and all the muslims and early and later generations did?
Notice how it's always Americans and Anglos who create this kind of thread? Fuck (((Islam))), fuck (((Judaism))) and fuck (((Christianity))). Not Pagan tho
Mashallah brother. Islam wins, always- it's a matter of time only.
Parker Mitchell
At the height of the Islamic Golden Age - homosexuality was openly spoken and written about. Abu Nuwas (756-814), one of the great Arab classical poets during the time of the Abbasid Caliphate, wrote publicly about his homosexual desires and relations. His homoerotic poetry was openly circulated right up until the 20th century. If Nuwas and his homoerotic poetry could represent the height of Baghdadi culture, it is natural that other Muslim societies would also be quite open to homosexuality. As historian Saleem Kidwai puts in the fabulous book Same-Sex Love in India, “Homoerotically inclined men are continuously visible in Muslim medieval histories and are generally described without pejorative comment.” In fact, far from being pejorative, Muslim societies once openly spoke of same-sex love, even celebrating it at times. Mahmud of Ghazni, a towering sultan of his time (971-1030), was actually held up as an ideal for, among other things, deeply loving another man, Malik Ayaz. Mughal Emperor Babur wrote of his attraction to a boy in the camp bazaar in his 16th-century autobiography – a celebrated work of literature Till the 19th century, Muslims treated homosexuality as a part and parcel of life, so much so that students were exposed to romantic stories of homosexual love – a position untenable even today across parts of the Western word. Sadi’s classic Gulistan, containing stories of attraction between men, was considered essential reading for Persian students. Ghanimat’s Nau rang-i ishq, a seventeenth century masnavi describing the love affair between the poet’s patron’s son and his beloved Shahid, was a prescribed text in schools. So what caused Muslim societies to go from coolly reading homoerotic poetry to outlawing and stigmatizing same-sex love?Muslims countries where being gay isn’t a crime. All that the five – Mali, Jordan, Indonesia, Turkey and Albania – share in common, they were never colonized .
Oh what wonders await us, bright future indeed. Hey son, come here, daddy will just cut your dick a little bit, dont worry, its ok, you have to have faith.
Based Croat They can't even admit that apostates are growing too. Just check Twitter for Ex-muslims and you'll we see them. And it's not even a quarter of all Ex-muslims (those don't want to die by the hands of their own family).
>Islam is not meant to explain natural phenomena. What do you know, majority of scholars are doing it and in Islam you listen to what majority of scholars agree upon, you cant interpret something on your own, so I will say that this one is fake, or taqiya because they are doing it and they all have doctorates and more in Islam, do you even speak arabic?
Also you did not answer, will you circumcise your son if you get one?
You still haven't answered me, will you circumcise your son if you get one?
>science Scholars don't do science- they only preach to those wanting information, according to Allah.
Caleb Miller
Converts last 2-3 years, then when the OH WOW of new thing dies out the emotional investment that they had dwindles a bit and reason comes back and then they in most cases just say, fuck this shit and leave.
>It's up to the community. Ok I am asking you third time. Will YOU do it with your son? So what are you saying, that when you get your son you will go door to door to your Muslim neighbors and ask them weather you will circumcise your own son? lol bullshit that is not how it goes, you cant trick me habibi I might know more than you on sharia and aqeeda.
>Scholars don't do science Whats wrong with you, most of Islamic "golden age of science" it was scholars of Islam, where do you think they all studied? It was all done in mosques. What have you been taught white boy, you are still confused I see. Here, read pic related.
Religions, properly operating, are living animals that adapt to their peoples.
Zachary Miller
>yfw muslim wives are some of the most unfaithful when given the chance to be I'm white, non-muslim, but I've probably fucked more muslim women than a muslim man lol
Colton Reyes
>Those were not true Muslims. Àre you saying because someone has sinned they have lost their deen?! You my friend have just been rewarded taqfir, because that is the teaching of the khawarij sect, nice, you are no longer Muslim because of this line you said, nice going Now go get ghusl, say shahada again and all your good deeds are gone, you start from scratch.
>Religions, properly operating, are living animals that adapt to their peoples. avoiding the question for the 4th time lol Yes or No habibi? its a very simple question, stop with taqiya bullshit Im not your ordinary kuffar, just be honest, mkay
>claiming that Muhammad is a nigger You’re a filthy kike for stating that. Muhammad was a brown arab man. You should be beheaded for trying to slander Muhammad.
Ahmad ibn Abi Sulayman, the companion of Sahnun said, “Anyone who says that the Prophet was black should be killed. Ibn Musa al-Yahsubi, Qadi ‘Iyad, p.375
>coping this hard One, you didn't answer the question I asked. Two, most muzzie women are exactly like that. Sometimes I like to give them facials and make them put their pajamas back on so they have to walk around with my drying cum on their face. Why does Allah not think it an affront if I prolapse them, user?
He was a piss drinker and he recommended it to others as well. saheeh hadeeth, in which it says that some people came to Madeenah and fell sick. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) told them to drink the milk and urine of camels, and they recovered and grew fat. In the story it also says that they apostatized and killed the camel-herder, then the Muslims caught them and executed them. Narrated by al-Bukhaari (2855) and Muslim (1671).
This is actually true, one because they have to have a facade of being pious chaste habibtis but animal inside of her just wants to fuck hard, so there is a massive sexual frustration, on the other side her husbands dick is mutilated, raspy because it has no protective layer so it gets all dry and shit, it lost its girth so she doesnt feel like its filling her holes as much and they dont have feeling in their dicks so they dont know what they are doing, all of that you can imagine the poor women, they just wanna have some fun. So then when you come along I bet it is wild.
Hey mr FBI, these US convert Muslims were saying something about mass redpilling the kuffar, they are planing to poison everyone, you should check their IPs, better be on the safe side. I mean look what their children were saying in Philadelphia mosque, that they will behead and stuff. Very disturbing
It's admittedly a degenerate habit that I picked up but I've turned it into my own personal crusade to fuck as many of them as I can. I'm still toying with the idea of moving out of this area and letting all these men know that their wives have been unfaithful just to see the aftermath though.
Dont worry. I fucked one and husband found out. He was such a pussy he did jack shit. They are all hot air when they dont have entire majorty backing them. Kinda like ants.
I'm not worried about my safety. If I was, I wouldn't be plowing another man's wife to begin with. I'm more curious to see what would happen to all the wives lives that I've ruined.
Evan Gutierrez
You bring a little bit of joy to their monotone cultist robot like existance. Your doing gods work user, keep it up.
>I'll win by fucking Islam women >and improving their genes >I'll teach them!
Blake Phillips
They most likely want out anyway but cant because of societal pressures and emotional investment into their identity. And yeah if they do leave its death penalty if it could be enforced.
Of all photographs of pretty girls in hijabs you had to choose the one who legitimately thinks about it as a fashion trend, as evident by her age, colourful veil and pink hair. Good grief
Isaiah Diaz
But you improve their genes- and probably their English as well- you're sure teaching them!
Aiden James
It's a start.
Josiah Campbell
Mohamed was a pale ginger
Aiden Sanders
>that encourages the sexes to fulfill their strengths.
I asked him few very simple questions and hes avoiding me like Im pork I doubt this guy knows anything about Islam desu, either bait troll that wants to mine anti islam memes or shill.
I am sad, Ante, seems like he's a yet another one of those cucked apologists, I wish we would get those who instead denying all the violence existing in Mohamedanism, instead supported it, because infidels deserved it, or something like that. It's funny though, because of people like OP for instance, Mohamedans are being corrupted way faster by the decadent west, than anyone would ever admit, it's amusing to watch
>One man solely responsible for raising the IQ of an entire populace of retards. Seems pretty legit to me. On a more serious note, if their husbands are dumb enough to raise my offspring, that's on them. What's your book say about raising another man's child that can from your wife's womb?
There we go, first search result for a "pretty white girl in a hijab" (let's gloss over the fact that she's Arabian for a moment). A yet another reason why OP can not be taken seriously
The only ones who actually do understand and believe 100% in what is written and how it is written are Isis type and look how their glorious effort ended, Allah helped them just like he helped defend Mecca and Qaaba when it was raided, 30 000 pilgrims butchered like sheep, leader climbed on top of Qaaba and shouted OH Allah where are your birds now? then took the black stone and used it as a toiled for decades until he was bored, then he decided to smash it into pieces and came to some mosque and just threw it inside. Now if there was a based and badass man that was one. Imagine you and 100 or so of your gang rush into Mecca, piss all over the place, steal the black stone, challenge allah and kill everyone there just for kicks. And yeah, Allah promises in Quran and hadith that mecca and kibla will be safe until the end times
Islam is ultimately too foreign for Europeans. Christianity, as part of its foundational structure, took on many European facets to the point where it's very hard to see where one begins and another ends as it has come down to us. Islam has had 1,400 years of a totally different philosophical development often taking Persian elements the way Christianity took Greek.
I know, but that wasn't my point, my point was, despite the fact that I absolutely hate the ideology, I can still respect them standing their ground, regardless if they're beliefs are right or wrong (As a note, not sure if you remember/were there, I am the Slovak who used to paste all those paragraphs about mohamedanism (even before the Italian Dr.Kaffir)and brought back the 19th century term mohamedan and mohamedanism instead of Islam and muslim)
Logan Mitchell
>religion of a paedophile. fucking kill yourself faggot. you fucking muzzies are absolute subhumans. you'll all be expelled from our countries soon.
Justin Cook
Fuck all of that I believe in Nat Socialism! Everyone who is based is welcome to join, everyone who is undermining it in any way, gas. Christcucks bullshiting meanwhile working against the cause, pagans bullshiting meanwhile not doing shit and both fighting, meanwhile juden is killing us all.
Unfortunately there are no challenges today :( These guys here are absolutely low tier, I bet they are still learning al fatiha. Can you post some of juicy ones for my folder as well good sir if you would be so kind
the bbc is a well known paedo organisation. doesn't represent real bri'ish values.
Chase Bell
National Socialism didn't even survive it's first and only war. Compare that to the explosion of Islamic conquests in the centuries after Muhammad's death.
Grayson Rodriguez
exactly, that one was an actual threat to the (((order)))
Wait, what are you even arguing? Do you even know your own position well enough to attack another's?
If an idea can't stand up to outside attack it's a shitty idea. It's the same as when Leftists say "[commie country] failed due to capitalist undermining!"