Seems like it's all over, he's bent his knee to Israel, hasn't made the wall, and the accusations of obstruction are mounting. Anyone might sit the 2020 election out and not vote at all? I think I just might do that. Doesn't seem to be /ourguy/
Anyone regret voting for Trump?
Other urls found in this thread:
yeah but at the time and currently we dont have a choice all we can do is try and hold jewjew cum's feet to the fire
>we don't have a choice
Best thing we do is not vote in the 2020 election. Fuck Trump.
>Anyone regret voting for Trump?
Swing-statefag here. Yes. I even bought his faggy, MAGA hat. He lost me when he cucked on the shutdown back in January. Everything since has only affirmed my decision to drop him.
>Anyone might sit the 2020 election out and not vote at all?
No. I'll vote, and depending on the democratic nominee, I may vote for them. I'm registered republican, so I won't be able to vote in the primaries for whoever, but I'm hoping either Yang, Sanders, of Gabbard win the nomination.
looks like 2020 shilling has begun
Same. I lost faith in Trump, I hope Sanders wins though and the MIGAtards get BTFO
>he voted for trump
Shill post. Yeah bc Hillary would have been better. Life is full of choices, sometimes they all suck and you have to pick the least crappy choice. I'm going to go clean my gun now and thank God Hillary or another Dem didn't end up in the White House.
MAGA Bitch. You shills have no power here
It's either Israel first and America second with Trump or Israel first and America last with the Dems, Trump is your only reasonable choice if you love your country.
when i realized 4d chess was jewish checkers i felt like an amerimutt for the first time in my life
Oh the irony MIGAtard
cant even come up with somethig new ,whats next are you going to your shill folder to post the kushner pasta ?
1-If you are a shill, open this link, there is the pastebin choice if you are afraid of someone logging you.
1.1-If they dont allow you there is something shady going on and you should be afraid of it.
1.2-The text is called new order of barbarians, if they tell you the site have virus, ip logging or something like that, search at your prefered web search site and read it at another site, there are more than one with the text. There is also the pastebin, I posted before.
2-Read the entire text.
3-The text is not so huge, this was not made to make sure you read something and stop working while doing it, you can do both at the same time.
3.1-If they dont allow you yo read the text saying you can't read external links at work time, read at home, remember the text is called new order of barbarians, again, new order of barbarians.
If they aren't telling you everything they wont allow you to read the text.
If somehow not even them, know everything, and allow you to read it, then read it anyway, the way you act will be influenced by the text and they will force you to quit or whateaver and you will see they werent telling you everything.
The irony is calling people JIDF for being against MIGA. MIGA AS IN MAKE ISRAEL GREAT AGAIN!!!
I dont regret it but this time around it wont be a "change vote". Why bother?
Why would I sit the election out?
It only takes a few minutes to vote.
That's still not irony, brainlet. You shouldn't use words you don't know how to use.
Interesting post.
Obvious shill is obvious
>Attempts plebit posting style
>uses greentext
Kek level reverse shill shilling.
Here is your (you)
>Thinking you can actually stop the kikes by voting
>believing the United states
Come on its 2019
In the options field faggots
>a freakin leaf
>just don't vote, goy!
>It was her fucking turn!
That’s why I’m going Yang gang
Might as well help the economy by getting 1000 a month
>we dont have a choice
That's what (((they))) want you to believe. Stop playing their game, both sides are controlled
vote for whom? another jewish puppet?
you fucks are so easy to manipulate.... ive watched from the shadows... i told everyone it doesnt matter who gets elected nothing changes, your vote doesnt matter... and i held this opinion for a long ass time.
the more i looked into things and the jews around trump i started holding out hope that he got a group of americans together that wanted to burn it all down from the inside. while ive never been 100% on the trump train I can see the game being played.
you fucks however have goldfish memories and will bail on anyone soon as a nose shows.
things arent that simple.
TLDR: you are all getting jewed
jews shilling for you not to support trump because of jews is going to let the jews win you fucking morons.... its not even that sophisticated of a tactic.
pull your head out of your ass and dont give these commie fucks one god damn foot hold.
is trump legit... who knows... what the fuck is the alternative. its only been two years and you all think he should have kicked every klike out of office and stopped working with israel at all
you need to live in the real world not your jew free fantasy world.... because that wont come for a long time.
Should have been on the acceleration pill from the start
The answer is obvious.
>MIGAtard dribble
Sorry kike, but I stay with my own people. Anyone dealing with a kike or shaking hands or even talking to a kike in a non-threatening way is a traitor in my eyes. We need a President candidate who speaks of removing the kikes from our nation or otherwise I won't be partaking in voting.
Why is not voting preferable to voting for trump?
Ultimately you're voting in favor against a white ethno state and the only proper solution is a race war.
Hes only put kikes in office and given Israel a golden brick road to world dominance
>hasn't made the wall
Funding for the wall passed by declaration of national emergency a few months ago.
this is the dumb shit that has no basis in reality.... as much as id like the same as you that just isnt how things are going to go down in the real world.... tactics and strategy are more complicated than that.
Oh no, you just announced a report.
>haven't even completed it yet
>spics keep flooding in
Uh huh
so where is the wall?
You can't expect it to be done only a couple months after getting the funding.
>(((tactics and strategy)))
>b-but sucking jew cock is just part of my 4d chess
Haha fuck off. You don't need to use kike terminology, just go out and swing the sword at the beast and your fellow brothers will follow you in the great crusade.
>It will be done in wait 2019...ok it will be done once Trump is elect in office again in 2020 or even after he leaves in 2024. JUST GIVE MORE MONEY TO ISRAEL OK?!!??!
What's better: Trump winning or a democrat winning?
then why dont you get on with it then tough guy
>Implying MIGA is any different than most Democrats
Yang Gang bitch
Stick to your other arguments. The wall is being built. Everyone remembers Democrats failed attempt to obstruct it.
>wall being built despite not even done
>meanwhile giving money to Israel
You were saying?
Ya, one of those arguments is weak, and the other is strong.
When Yang fails to secure the nomination, which choice is preferable?
>Implying Yang won't dominate the primary
Lol fuck off MIGAtard. $1000 is coming.
fair to say pretty much all "lol MIGAtard" posts come from yangfags?
Writing in Yang bc they’re all shit ttbh
you forgot trampling on 2A
with trump it goes: israel, saudi, russia, north korea, then america. he doesn't give a shit about us
If you voted for Trump hoping him to be the next Hitler or something or some kind of anti-semitic kike killing beast you are a huge idiot that should never breed
"help" is a funny word, isn't it