Remember when eggs were healthy, then bad, then healthy again and now are bad again?

Remember when eggs were healthy, then bad, then healthy again and now are bad again?

How the fuck can I trust Science when it changes it's mind every 6 months!?
I have already froze over 100 eggs in my freezer!

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jak je potem rozmrażasz?

if you like eggs then eat eggs
dont listen to other people what to eat and what not

Are you the guy that freezes his eggs?

Eggs are good for you. They have lots of vitamins and a good amount of protein. Eggs and meat being unhealthy is a meme so you consume more (((carbs))).

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It's just food lobbies fighting each others.

>eggs in my freezer

i never knew..carry on

>polish chef user
never change

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Just eat eggs, literally how life begins can't be bad.

Can’t believe this guy hasn’t died yet. There’s no reason for anyone to do this

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Eggs are good for you.

They are literally natures steroids

all of these meme studies on diets always seem to fail to account for the fact that people who eat certain foods aren't as likely to watch their diet as other people. Also eggs are cheap and are thus consumed by poor people a lot, who make a ton of other bad dietary decisions like drinking 3 liters of shasta per day. I don't buy the eggs r bad meme. I eat around 20 per week and I do a ton of cardio/lifting and my cholesterol levels are good.

>freezing eggs
why in the fuck are you doing this?
they take less time to cook than to defrost.

Butter is also bad although there is no actual scientific research to prove so.

What if life begins with rape?

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but why?

What's the vodka situation?

icecold egg vodka


You're a queer for going to that website and a faggot for reading a single word on that page

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Egg protien is so pure they use it to compare all other protiens to it.

Because I have a lot of them and their suggested date is 7th of May.

>never won a shokugeki

you have good instincts to be questioning these studies, a lot of them are "pop-science" bullshit for clickbait news headlines and internet ads.

Also if science is being done wrong, or has problems, that should be a motivation to fix science. Not completely throw out science

Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon discussed most of this.

Eggs, butter, raw milk (all from free range animals if possible), meat, seafood, liver and organ meat are all very nutrient rich.

Fermented foods (sauerkraut, kombucha, beet kvass) are very healthy too.

Do frozen eggs come out any different when cooked scrambled?

The vegan Jew wants you on a grains and plants diet

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>changes it's mind every 6 months

Something tells me Nutritional """Scientists""" have 98.5% of having a vagina.


Eggs, like all foods, are simultaneously healthy and unhealthy for various multiple reasons.

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>I have already froze over 100 eggs in my freezer!

were they on sale? is it some kind of autism?

she has a recipe that roman soliders used to eat.

Lentil soup, but cooked in a homemade (obviously) beef bone broth and with a fermented fish sauce condiment.

>How the fuck can I trust Science when it changes it's mind every 6 months!?
Like gender and global warming.

I fucking knew you're not gonna use those eggs from yesterday in any other way than cooking. I was even typing a response, but your thread was closed before i could post. Let me answer your previous question first: Yes, throwing eggs at politicians is a political move, because it does create bad optics screwing with
My yesterday response was much better, but i forgot most of it, sorry.
As for today question, remember when in the 90's early 2000's every """"doctor""" said margarine=good, butter=bad? What do they say now? It's all fucking bullshit propaganda made by those with big money.

Eggs are hawt

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in dutch, proteins are simply called egg whites

Forgive my Polish friend, Przybyszewski is the first of his village to have a fridge.

They come out fine when fried.
Be sure to mix yolks and whites or separate them. Don't freeze intact yolks and eggs in shells.

Can we talk politics before I get smashed again with a hammer by J?

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eggs are one of the few things you can eat far past their "sell by" date
an easy method for figuring out if your raw eggs are still good, is as follows:
fill a deep bowl/cup with water
gently put the egg into the water
a good egg will sink to the bottom and lay on its side with no buoyancy
an egg that is still good, but nearing the end of its life will sink, but lay on one of its ends. if it stands on one end in the water, you have about a week left
it's a bad egg if there is any buoyancy, or if it floats at all

my eggs usually stay good for three to four weeks after the date. i buy five dozen at a time and eat between four and eight whole eggs every single fucking day
you cannot replace an egg breakfast.

Some things just have negatives and positives.

But eggs are food intended for an embryo, not a grown adult human, so consider that.

Post more food, thanks, might as well post about the ways you're preparing it.

jesus fucking christ man

It started with (((Fleischmann's))) margarine and a flawed study saying fat (the thing that regulates hormones, makes up your brain, etc...) was bad for your heart.

I can't understand why no one questioned it. Most ppl are aware that people starve eating rabbits bc they are too low in fat.

Clean healthy fat is very nutritious and calorically dense. It also helps to absorb vitamins.

Depends of individual consuming it.

Thank you for the info. Medfag here, in med school here we were taught that eggs are super healthy and the americans are nuts for claiming they are not, most likely to promote the sale of their grains by big farming.

All I can say is that after I'v begun eating regularly 2-4 eggs a day (maybe every 2nd day) I feel much better than before. but i've been malnourished good chunk of my life.

They are good for macro and micro nutrients. But they contain antinutritional factors like lectins and histamines. This can be inflammatory for many people and is a very common cause of acne. If you eat a lot of eggs and have bad acne, try dropping the eggs for 2 weeks and see how your skin responds.

Woah, keep it cool with your balanced opinions here, you're gonna offend people!

I either eat 20 eggs a day or none - depending on the latest research.

Mentire bloodline has been eating 8 eggs a day all day erryday with the yellows and no heart conditions, nothing. Very strong people physically. Most of them are officers in armed forces. The opposition you hear against eggs, or any food items in general is just jewish test runs to see how it'd affect the economy and populace and can t be monetised. Something very similar has happened to the tobacco indusry specifically smoking. Used to push them, cigs were included in MREs, advertised a lot, even had their own fliers and shit. Then somehow they decide it is not manly anymore, it gives you cancer and whatnot, much like the ((studies)) that prove that red meat causes cancer, now not even a single advert. Cig packs have a grotesque image similar to a prolapsed tranny axe wound and men smoking cigars nowhere to be seen, who once dominated enire telivision industry. Just ignore them

You'd be better off eating chicken and butter.

Exactly. All nutrition is context-dependent.


51 cents for 8 eggs.

By the way, if I throw a frozen egg at someone will I still be charged with throwing an egg?

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if i could buy eight eggs for 51 cents i would be eating at least a dozen a day.
breakfast = best start to the day
last meal = big testosterone boost before bedtime


>By the way, if I throw a frozen egg at someone will I still be charged with throwing an egg?
You will be charged with assault. If it causes damage. There is no special exemption in law for throwing eggs, it's just that most times it does no serious damage.

Its called critical thinking.
Yokes contain a large amount of cholesterol which is the main subject of contention - a simple answer is the you contains more nutrients but also more calories including some unhealthy fats. The whites are deficient in most nutrients, but are almost perfect for macro purposes, being almost entirely protein.
My solution is to take the best of both, I buy regular eggs and a carton of eggs whites and make two eggs+egg whites to increase the protein ratio of the meal while keeping calories down. I have this with mixed with some shredded chicken and salsa about 4 days a week and have regular cholesterol for my age (29).
Do your own research - see the benefits and learn what you need. 'Nutritionist' aren't real doctors and most will try and sell you their next fad diet to keep you coming back, independent research mixed with recommendations from your actual doctor to supplement is the way user.


Read Guyton Physiology if you want to know how your body processes dietary cholesterol, 80% of the body's cholesterol is made in the body.

>unhealthy fats
no such thing

I got a completely unintentional boner from this.

Artificially hydrogenated vegetable oils are indeed unhealthy fats, practically toxic.

I eat so many things that can cause acne that it might be difficult to even start testing it. I had big outbreak but most likely caused by drinking yeast (a lot of B vitamines, but can be a double edge sword) which happens a lot and after some time passes.

he rite

One time I boiled down glue and said it was food but it made me sick wtf???

Eggs are a symbol of life. You should have more respect towards it and stick to good, old spanish rotten tomatoes.

the egg industry pays scientists to do ridiculous studies like one group eats eggs and another increases meat or butter consumption, then when eggs are less bad the fake news says "wow eggs are healthy after all". don't believe big ag and the media.

>my cholesterol levels are good.
Cholesterol is a meme

The difference is that in the case of vegetable oils, it's the government, the food industry and medical professionals that vouch for its healthiness

Isn't cholesterol like a part of every living cell in your body or something? Don't you like need it to live?

The doctors that vouch for them are sellouts because physiology books are clear that they are extremely unhealthy. But the average goy cannot attempt to read one of them so they know they can get by with it.

All people I hold in high esteem already.

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Been in a high fat diet for a few weeks
Once I get blood work done I'll share here

Think I am predisposed to high cholesterol but I still love foods like shrimp, butter, and eggs.

Is high cholesterol leading to heart disease a myth?

What if the consensus in these books is simply wrong?

It's the diary products.

They cause acne.

But most people eat diary products on a daily basis, they cannot figure out that its the cause of their acne.

Go raw vegan, that's the way to perfect skin.

Look up photos of raw vegan persons on Google, they have flawless skin.

what about olive oil, avocado oil, coconut oil, sesame oil?
I heard those are ok?

That's the whole argument against eggs though; their cholesterol content. Saturated fat appears to be the real issue.

If you are genetically predisposed then that means you are unhealthy from the start and would have to avoid it. Get tested to be sure. Healthy people need cholesterol, sick people with genetic problems don't.

Veganism is the neo-liberal world order diet/way of life

olive oil is the nectar of the gods

Ziomie, co?

I was the same. Previously drank a gallon of raw milk daily and smoothies with raw eggs. Since I cut out eggs/dairy and started focusing more on meat/fat/legumes/greens my lifelong back acne has been reduced by 90%. It sucks because eggs and dairy are so affordable. But chicken/lentils/butter is relatively cheap also.

The books basically say dietary cholesterol is not a problem, that cholesterol is vital for cell structures, skin, brain function, hormones etc and that hydrogenated vegetable oils should be avoided. Basically the opposite of what the medical community worldwide says.

>centrist non-opinion
Shut up cuck

Yes, it's sugar and nothing else.
heart disease kill most the races enamored with sugar for a reason.

I don't really listen to them anymore. All food is just calories and I watch that.

Those are all practically perfect fats, fish oil too is great. Olive oil is best cold as it converts into toxic aldehydes at hight temperatures.

Does freezing them change the taste?

> (OP)
>Are you the guy that freezes his eggs?

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But apple seeds are legit poison. Don't eat them. Look out for poisonous mushrooms too.

how much carbs do you think is in an egg retard lmao; protip it's not much

>Don't you like need it to live?
Yeah but ask any health fag and they will tell you how cholesterol is horrible.

People who have genetic defects that do not allow them to process dietary cholesterol should avoid it. But sugar/carb diet is indeed the number 1 cause of preventable diet related disease in most of the world.

Not really. I use salt and pepper though so it may be hard to tell.

I will buy your cook book when it comes! You always have things I have never seen before.

But nutrionists say to stay away from hydrogenated vegetable oil too. So not the total opposite.