Trump to Chamber of Commerce: eat shit and die, niggers

I fucking love this guy.

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Other urls found in this thread:

He's still got the moves

Truly a madman of the highest honor

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Kikes aside, this continues to be a primary reason I will support Trump in 2020. He won on his own steam, is publicly beholden to no special interests, and beat a career politician with less than half as much money as them. That should be a template for all politicians.

You just see what Trump is up against on a daily basis and that's why he's only gained more and more support.

Adelson was his biggest donor dumbass. Trump's only big cabinet goy is a Rothschild banker (Wilbur Ross) that bailed him out 30 years ago.

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Trump’s Mar-a-Lago asks to hire 61 additional foreign workers using visa program
>There’s "help wanted" at The Trump Organization’s Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach, Florida. But the company is looking outside of the United States to fill 61 open positions at what the President often refers to as the “Winter White House.” The server positions will pay $12.68 per hour, and cooks will make $13.31 an hour.

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the trick is to get the nation wrecking zionists to bruise his ego, then he will show them no mercy

He's a massive fraud.

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He's given them everything they wanted, and more.

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>muh Adelson
Oh gee you mean one of the biggest casino magnates in America supported one of the other biggest casino magnates for president? Must be all about kikery.
>Trump's only big cabinet goy is a Rothschild banker (Wilbur Ross) that bailed him out 30 years ago.
Yeah, because if you become president, the last thing you'll do is give a job to a guy who was able to fix things for you in the past.

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Holy shit that shadow...

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Never forgives, never forgets.

Obamaleaf is it you?

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Neither Spicer, nor Tillerson, nor Priebus, nor Hagin are Jews. Your graphic is a total fucking lie and you need to kill yourself.

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Also McMaster isn't Jewish, and Dina Powell is fucking Coptic Christian. You know, one day the pennies you get for these posts will stop coming. And you will struggle for the rest of your life.

He has done the CoC agenda 100%. Trump just doesn't like them personally because he is petty, but he agrees with them on pretty much everything and all of his policies since gaining office have been from the CoC wish list.

Have you read any of his books? He believes in revenge. And he dislikes two faced people. For better or worse, Trump tells it like it is. No spin, no sugar, no self preservation.

Trump received more dark money than anyone in the run up to the election

His cabinet is more jewish than Obama's. You'll notice those goys are no longer around.

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>more dark money than Hillary
Fucking prove that, nigger.

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You have been caught lying through your fucking teeth and are now doubling down.

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Powell and Bannon are Goldman Sachs bankers. Hagin is one the leading Christian Zionists in America. Jews are 2% of the population and completely run the Democrats.

Sperg harder ratboy.

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Campaign Trump:
>The influx of foreign workers holds down salaries, keeps unemployment high, and makes it difficult for poor and working class Americans — including immigrants themselves and their children — to earn a middle class wage. … We need companies to hire from the domestic pool of unemployed. Petitions for workers should be mailed to the unemployment office not USCIS [U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services].

President Trump:
>I’m changing. I’m changing. We need highly skilled people in this country, and if we can’t do it, we’ll get them in. But, and we do need in Silicon Valley, we absolutely have to have.

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Trump works to maintain illusions of progress, as his main promises go unfulfilled
>Yet the bill included just $1.375 billion to construct new bollard fencing on 55 miles of the U.S.-Mexico border — far short of the $5.7 billion he demanded. So far, the only construction underway has been repairs to existing stretches of wall, built under his predecessors.

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>Powell and Bannon
I didn't say anything about them. You are avoiding the fact that you lied about at least half a dozen people in that graphic, nigger.
>Christian Zionist
Doesn't make them Jewish, faggot.
>Jews run the Democrats
What a revelation. I never knew that.
>You're just a sperg to point out my lies
You're a retard-tier shill and pic related is me right now.

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Yes, the chamber of commerce worked against Trump.

This is another reason why they shouldn't get more 'cheap migrant labour'.

They should be punished and dismantled.

If something looks like a cartel, it is a cartel...

As as I said in first post, the few goys are all Rothschild (or Goldman Sachs) bannkers. This is why he broke all his promises that weren't to kike bankers, ceos and the jewish ethnostate.

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Trump administration nearly doubles H-2B guest visa program, which brings many Mexican workers
>But his administration is sending a different message to some short-term workers. With the additional visas, the Trump administration is on track to grant 96,000 H-2B visas this fiscal year, the most since 2007, when George W. Bush was president.

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I love how you move goalposts to deflect from the lies you spewed, faggot. You represent so well what Trump is up against in 2020, and why he'll win re-election.

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kekked and checked

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Hillary Clinton: Europe must curb immigration to stop rightwing populists
>“I admire the very generous and compassionate approaches that were taken particularly by leaders like Angela Merkel, but I think it is fair to say Europe has done its part, and must send a very clear message – ‘we are not going to be able to continue provide refuge and support’ – because if we don’t deal with the migration issue it will continue to roil the body politic.”

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Nice, don't fuck with AIPAC.

Border crossings by undocumented migrants in March hit 12-year high
>U.S. officials encountered more than 103,000 undocumented immigrants crossing the country's southwest border in March, Homeland Security officials said Tuesday. The DHS officials said that Customs and Border Protection is holding more than 13,000 immigrants, and that Immigration and Customs Enforcement, which holds immigrants long term, is at capacity. As a result, hundreds of migrants families are being released to nonprofit organizations or simply dropped off at bus stations.

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$38b for the rat ethnostate
$1.6b to refurbish some fence

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Trump gives them everything they want. In fact, the amount that Trump does for someone seems to be inversely proportional to how much they support him. Paul Ryan tried his hardest to get Hillary elected. How did Trump repay him? By signing every piece of legislation Ryan wanted. Libs oppose Trump at every turn? Responds by giving them prison reform. CoC hates his guts? Give them the highest number of immigrants. Jews constantly attack him and try to have him impeached, assassinated, or arrested? Declare war on anti-semitism and make it a federal crime to oppose Israel.

Support Trump from the beginning, like General Flynn or Ann Coulter? Throw them under the bus and don't look back. That's our zog emperor.

The US has spent 7 trillion dollars (7,000,000,000,000.00) on Israels failed Axis of Evil ww2 larp wars. Thats nearly half the national debt. In a country of 320 million people, that's 20,000 per citizen donated to the foreign, supremacist ethnostate. In Israel, a country of 9 million thieves, thats 800,000 dollars per citizen donated.

Also Trump:
>we need more immigrants than ever before!

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