Israel/Jewish complicity in 9/11:


- Israeli Mossad agents, working as movers for Urban Moving Systems, which the FBI deemed a Mossad front company, were caught filming, photographing, and celebrating the 9/11 attacks AT MOST 5 minutes after the first plane crash, from an advantageous location which “gave them a view of the entire length of both towers”, despite having no credible reason for being there if they truly had no foreknowledge of the 9/11 attacks. In all likelihood, they filmed the first plane crash, their van having been spotted at the scene as early as 8:00am, 46 minutes before it happened, although authorities were unable to recover the video camera multiple witnesses spotted the Israelis with.

- Coincidentally, these Israeli movers brought their camcorder and camera to work on September 11, in an age when people didn’t typically carry cameras around with them.

- These Israeli movers were celebrating the first crash despite telling authorities they thought it was an accident.

- After being arrested, all of these Israeli movers gave totally conflicting timelines and accounts of their movements on September 11, and all of them failed their polygraph tests.

- The van these Israelis were in when they were arrested was searched by a bomb-sniffing dog and, coincidentally, yielded a positive test for the presence of explosive traces.

- Coincidentally, these Israeli movers were caught with maps with relevant areas highlighted, making it look like “they’re hooked in with” the 9/11 attacks, “like they knew what was going to happen.”

- Coincidentally, one of these Israelis had on him a visitor’s card for World Trade Center 1.

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Other urls found in this thread:

- Coincidentally, the boss of Urban Moving Systems, Dominik Suter, an Israeli, fired all of the company’s employees on September 11 and fled to Israel in a hurry two days later, leaving behind the company’s equipment and the customers’ stored items in a warehouse.

- Dominik Suter ended up on the FBI’s May 2002 suspects list, alongside the alleged 9/11 hijackers.

- Coincidentally, one of Urban Moving Systems’s employees was told by his colleague at Urban Moving Systems that “they are taking down the second building” before it happened.

- Coincidentally, all of the Israeli movers caught filming, photographing, and celebrating the 9/11 attacks had flights to a variety of international destinations scheduled to depart on September 12, which they booked in June of that year.

- Coincidentally, Classic International Movers, which was another moving company affiliated with Urban Moving Systems, was flagged by the FBI as having been used as a mover by one of the alleged 9/11 hijackers.

- Coincidentally, one of the Israeli movers of Urban Moving Systems happened to be living near to one of the alleged hijackers while he was living in Florida.

- Coincidentally, another of the Israeli movers of Urban Moving Systems happened to be living extremely near to the same alleged hijacker while he was living in New York.

- Coincidentally, one of the Israeli movers moved to America at the behest of the Jewish Agency, whose billionaire chairman coincidentally happened to bribe the New York City Police Commissioner, who led law enforcement’s response on 9/11, with a quarter of a million dollars after his trip to Israel just before September 11.

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- In addition to the Israelis of Urban Moving Systems having foreknowledge of the 9/11 attacks, there are other indications of Jewish/Israeli foreknowledge:

Israeli instant messaging company, Odigo, admitted that two of its employees received instant messages warning of an impending attack two hours prior to the first plane hitting. Only four died of the 4000 Israelis believed to have been in the areas of the World Trade Center and Pentagon at the time of the attack.

Al Franken, a Jewish US Senator, whose office was in the World Trade Center, was told by Ed Koch, a Jewish US Congressman and former mayor of New York City, not to go to work on September 11, 2001.

Zim American Israeli Shipping Co., a company half-owned by the Israeli government, who had offices in the World Trade Center leased until the end of the year, ended its lease early when it abruptly pulled out in the beginning of September 2001, costing the company $50,000. Zim had left so recently that CNN still listed the company as one the businesses in the WTC.

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Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s good friend, Larry Silverstein, a Jew, acquired a 99-year lease on the World Trade Center buildings just six weeks before the 9/11 attacks. This was the first time that the WTC became privately owned. Prior to Silverstein’s acquisition, the WTC complex was owned by the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. Lucky for Silverstein, he secured 12-layer, 22-company insurance coverage against terrorist attacks, amounting to $3,546,809,904 "per occurrence”. Even luckier, although he ate breakfast every day at the Windows on the World restaurant on the 106th and 107th floors of the North Tower of the WTC, he failed to turn up on September 11 because of a "dermatologist's appointment". And lucky for his two children who worked in the WTC, they were also spared a ghastly fate after uncharacteristically failing to turn up for work that day because they were "running late". Silverstein ended up receiving $4.5 billion dollars in insurance payouts for the 9/11 attacks, which is very lucky considering the astronomical costs he would have had to pay for asbestos abatement on the WTC buildings had they not collapsed.

In October 2000, a retired IDF officer overheard a group of men speaking in Hebrew at the Gomel Chesed Cemetery, one of whom said, “The Americans will learn what it is to live with terrorists after the planes hit the twins in September.”

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- Israel has some other odd connections to the events of 9/11:

Two first cousins of one of the alleged hijackers were Israeli spies.

Sakhera Hammad, who was implicated in a fake driver’s license scam lead by Kahled Odtllah, who was from Jerusalem, had a visitor's pass for the World Trade Center dated September 5, 2001, which he said was for work he did on the WTC’s sprinkler systems as a plumber. Authorities found no records of his plumbing license, and the records of who gave him the WTC visitor’s pass were lost. While Odtllah, Hammad, and the other suspects were in police custody, Katherine Smith, who was complicit in this fake driver’s license scam, was killed the day before she was meant to appear in court. She was found burned to death in her car — burned so badly her arms fell off. The FBI concluded that her death was the result of foul play. The car in which she was found dead was given to her by Odtllad, the scam’s ringleader from Jerusalem.

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- Israel has a history of staging attacks to blame on its enemies:

USS Liberty Incident (1967)
Israel carried out a sustained attack on a US Navy reconnaissance ship for hours, killing 34 and wounding 171. In addition to bombs being dropped and torpedoes being fired, Israeli gunboats even shot at the American sailors trying to escape in life rafts. The plan was to sink the ship, kill all of its crewman, and blame the attack on Egypt. The Johnson Administration covered up the attack to protect its Israeli allies and threatened any crewman who spoke out about it.

Lavon Affair (1954)
Israeli agents planted bombs inside Egyptian, American, and British-owned civilian targets, cinemas, libraries, and American educational centers, to blame on the Muslim Brotherhood.

Baghdad bombings (1950–51)
A series of bombings that targeted Jews in Iraq. The attacks were attributed to Israeli agents who allegedly wanted to panic Jews into emigrating to Israel.

King David Hotel Bombing (1946)
Disguised as Arabs, Zionists bombed the British administrative headquarters for Palestine at the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, killing 91 and injuring 46.

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If anyone wants the source material for any of the claims made above, ask and ye shall receive.

All of them

Can we have all of them? Or we have to choose?

over 5GB of source material. you have to be more specific

>Dancing Israelis

>9/11 Trillions: Follow the Money

Attached: mossad_israel_9-11_banned_fox_footage.png (739x1657, 685K)

Literally every bullet point

Moving company.

Good thread. Guess I'll post Ryan Dawson's video since most people lack the attention to read instead of watch.

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>over 5GB of source material. you have to be more specific

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dude you can't just say "moving company". there's a fuck ton of claims made ABOUT the moving company, Urban Moving Systems. be more specific faggot. Pic related is a shitty meme summary i guess

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this is disinfo. these austrian art students have nothing to do with 9/11. stop spreading disinfo

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It's not disinfo, its info. Do with it as you please.

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I just want to know where those claims come from. You mention "FBI deemed" and "FBI suspects list", so it seems to be official shit. Some pdf I can download from a .gov site would be nice.

yeah it's info, but it's info that isn't relevant to 9/11. people incorrectly connect it to 9/11, which is why i called it disinfo

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>It's not disinfo, its info. Do with it as you please.

Not really. The next thing you're probably going to do is demonstrate your lack of knowing the difference between electric fuses and explosive fuses

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FBI investigated these israelis. you can download the report from link above.

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FBI's suspect list with Dominik Suter listed alongside 9/11 hijackers

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shit i forgot to post this part:

- Lucky for the Israelis, individuals high up in the US government worked hard to sweep Israeli connections to 9/11 under the rug:
FBI headquarters in DC told FBI Newark to end its investigation into the Israelis AFTER JUST 13 DAYS, on September 24.
US Deputy Secretary of State, along with two unnamed "prominent New York congressmen", were amongst those trying to speed up the release of these Israelis.
Israeli and US government officials “worked out a deal”, and after 71 days these Israelis were sent back to Israel.
Michael Chertoff, an Israeli dual citizen, who was United States Assistant Attorney General at the time, let these Israelis return to Israel.
Investigators within the DEA, INS, and FBI said that "to pursue or even suggest Israeli spying" is “career suicide”.
A US official who was “a highly placed investigator” told Fox News that “evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It's classified information."
About 66% of the FBI’s roughly 1800-page investigation into the Israeli movers is redacted and classified until 2030 or 2035.
The 592-page 9/11 Commission Report didn’t consider any of the evidence developed during the FBI’s investigation of these Israelis.

Al Franken was joking

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oh, OK, fair enough. disregard that claim then

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malicious lies!

questionable, not sure if real

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very questionable, kinda funny

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Not sure if this is actually pertinent

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I gotta have a laugh or two, regardless of how sad of a day this was. The rest of my pics and videos are all of people falling to their deaths and whatnot, I stopped posting most of them a long time ago. Someone else can do it.

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Thanks. What do you think about the Bush and Bin Laden family relations?

they are suspicious, but I'm not an expert on them. my expertise is on israeli/jewish connections to 9/11 and the US government's coverup thereof

I’m prone to believing the Australian art student explanation. Particularly when you delve into the “fuse” and see it’s an electrical fuse that would be in any high rise storage space, and not anything to do with detonation devices.

Ryan Dawson has some serious coverage of different relationships, but as he goes deeper, it starts becoming all Israeli. The bush-bin laden stuff can be picked up in immortal technique lyrics and Michael Moore docs. Rich global oil merchants tend to keep in contact- not sure if it goes a lot deeper than that. I don’t think Bush was in on anything, but people who dictated the Middle East plans (wolfowitz and the neo cons from project for a new American century) were probably lower level pawns in the whole 9/11 Middle East project. Maybe they were aware, but intelligence agencies tend to act in total secrecy and I think the people who’s names we know were at most tangentially familiar with what was happening and not fully informed (maybe some but not most).

But why 9/11 happend?
