What is the most Jow Forums food?

What is the most Jow Forums food?

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Chick Fil A spicy chicken deluxe.

Dairy Queen's food is underrated. Terrible list

Chick-fil-a rules!

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I have never eaten at Chick-fil-A

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How is he alt-right?
I don't even watch his videos and even I know he's just a suit-loving freaky autist

Firehouse Subs.

I don't trust any fast food that I can't watch the preparation.

Wienerschnitzel. Nazi sausage combined with American chili. The official food of the American far right.

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Imagine tweeting something like this out for the world to see.
How embarrassing.

steak tartare

Jesus, he's a neonazi.

Is that tweet real

Nigger please

This can’t be real?

>papa johns
brah, we need to talk

My wife and I are some chili dogs from that place in ridgecrest California. Worst shits we've ever had. Spent the next morning in the bathroom before having to leave the hotel at noon. Would not recommend.

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It's run by a semite cult

fake news

If you dont eat this, you are not white

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Link the tweet.


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>saved a lot of soldiers in the front

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fuck off warren buffet

he's a white male

excellent taste

One day
One fucking day we'll get rid of the journalist scum.

Very accurate list.

I need it /b/ros

You just posted it

Wendy's is also a viable option for West Coasters.

He's what they want all 'far right' people to look like


wtf is wrong with the wsj

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It's fake guys ffs


Whit castle criminally under-rated

Clickbait at its finest

>autistic pseudo-mukbang food-reviewer, who loves suits
>media determines his political status

Am I missing something?

The tweet is fake

Fake tweet retard

I did for the first time last week... Vastly overrated imho. The only reason to patronize is because they piss off libshits.

gassed boar served with rice and a glass of milk

>papa johns
>b tier

Can’t take this list seriously

Rarely eat fast food but Whataburger sweet and spicy burger is king. Chick fil a is nice and Cane's too.
>Texas wins

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Home cooking.
Consumer culture is aids

He dared criticize not our president, no, he dared to criticize our burgers. I'm sure you can understand

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tfw you really hate fags but there's not a Chick fill A within a 100 miles

forgot pic.

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the chick fil a near me always has a line of cars.

Just moved to the Southern US and tried chic fil a. Best fast food ever invented. That spicy chicken with some honey mustard... damn

>Panda that high
I'm not one usually for political violence but it might be necessary in this case

there's a chic fil a near me and a new one opening closer to the center of town, which means mine will be much less busy once it opens.

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My Girlfriend of 7 Years now is French, i'm German and we met in Alsace-Lorraine
>Ironic i know
And her Mother as wel as Grandmother were both Class A Chefs from Paris to Strasbourg, so even after 7 Years she still surprises me every single Weekend when she cooks something amazing i never heard of
It's mostly French from all Regions, French/German from Alsace, Lorraine and besides that she is also good at Spanish, Italian, Greek and Turkish Food.
But the first thing she made for me when we had our first Date was:
>Elsässer Flammkuchen (German name)
>Flammekueche Alsacienne (Alsatian Name)
>Tarte Flambeé (French Name)
It's nothing super fancy and i'm obviously biased because i fell in Love with her while eating it, but it's my favourite Food since then
>pic related is what the classic one looks like but there are different types, doughs and of course what you put on it, and the one on the picture is small
>inb4 burger calls it pizza
No, looks a bit like Pizza but tastes nothing like it and also has different dough, ingredients and no tomato spread like pizza has
>"B...but how do i make myself one user?"
It's pretty easy, just look it up but use a French or German Person who wrte it down, and make the Alsacienne/Elsässer Version

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So can we just call anyone alt-right now?

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Try the sweet and spice bacon burger from Whataburger and also some Cane's

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mmm pizza

The most Jow Forums food is a homecooked meal prepared by your wife who stays at home while you work.

He's a white male that doesn't have white guilt

And before any Journalist reading this thinks
>Jow Forums has normal people too! how can they hang out on here?
We are both also very anti-semitic, in fact i'd say she is more anti-semitic than i am, so there's that
On top of that, her Grandfather was a Collaborateur of Vichy France and my Grandfathers were both Waffen SS Soldiers
>pic related is one of my Grandfathers

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servile scum

the closest one to me is in Portland.

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Eat those chili dogs by the dozen! Only the strong shall survive!

The most redpilled food is cooked at home. As long as you don't make faggy food you're ok. Don't care so much what others think, make it yourself

like this?

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beans are 1 of the most red pilled foods if you make them from dried
cheap, filled with protein and yummy and filling

this user gets it

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fuck you fažol is yugoslavian

ive never not gotten diarhea from DQ, fuck you


...so they write in WSJ about reviewbrah now?

This yid is right.

Ancient greek: Φάσηλος phàsilos (fasilos=bean).
Yeah and you named it using greek again?

tbf it's a glaringly obvious decuction

if you love salt

>Taco Bell E tier
I thought Reviewbrah would rank it on the same level as McDonalds. Taco Bell is unironically some of the fresher tasting fast food out there.

I don't why everyone creams themselves over Chic-Fil-A, It's really not that great and they're chicken sandiwich isn't even as good as Wendys.

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The Chic Fil A sauce is good, I usually just get the nugget meal. Their fries are lackluster and could use to be crispier and its an absolute sin that they don't have ketchup on tap like everywhere else.

Same. Sucks being a leaf sometimes.

Nice quads. Also a Wendy's triple with cheese and no toppings/sauce is fucking transcendent.

Shame about the calories, I'd love to eat em more than once every few months

I've eaten their twice recently, at the bequest of the misses and because of all the hype surrounding them because of the gays, and was generally not impressed; the sandwich was nothing spectacular. I might try the nuggets, but as I said, I've had better chicken sandwiches at Wendys and Arbys. Arbys new sandwiches are absolutely fucking amazing, btw.

Truly is a shame about the calories.

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That Luau Chicken and big Kahuna look pretty good. May try one of them tomorrow as I'll be on the road

Thier chucken breakfast burrito is great
I put two packs of Texas Pete on it and the citrus salsa they give out I literally est out of the package its so good
Just not with the burrito

Wendys is transcendentm
For fucks sake really?

The sammicjes are good
The waffle fries are gay tho

Man fuck that. Every time I eat sausage and sauerkraut I get bad shits.

Fuck you God damned krautheads. Your food sucks.

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I've never seen one that isn't busy as hell except on days with terrible weather.

Bro put caraway seeds on the sauerkraut it stops the shits and doesn't interfere with the taste or texture at all.

Yeah my three favorite fast food places are Wendy's, Arby's, and Chick-fil-a. I'll eat at other places but they just aren't as good.

if they go after reviewbrah gloves are off. that better be fake.

Review of the week is not alt-right. Just because he speaks proper English, and dresses properly, doesn't necessarily mean he wants to kill degenerates. His vids are awesome.

Panda and chipotle both need to move up one teir also,
>no Krystals
>no publix
Its shit

He would have included publix but it's too regional. Also said that if Culver's would be S tier, a correct placement

Add bacon for maximum haram

Based and Master-Racepilled.

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Someone should post a screencap of the Murdoch Murdoch episode that had Reviewbrah crudely photoshopped into a Zeon uniform. I would, but I am a dirty phoneposter.

>papa fluffybread
>KFC is second lowest tier
>subway is on the list at all
So glad I never wasted any time watching him

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