Why is florida so shit

Why is florida so shit

moved here with my boomer ass dad to be a partial NEET and get a college degree.

I have never seen so many nigger, spics and boomers in a concentrated area in my life and I want to kill my self

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Don't worry about it. Florida will kill you.

>I only realized what an absolute shithole Florida is when I moved there

And then there are those of us in the Best Comfy Midwest along with our ancestors who've wanted that fucking state nuked for the past half-century, at least...and we've never set foot in that shithole

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>Best Comfy Midwest
what's best?

I though Florida was the worst, then I moved to NYC for college.
I missed not having to be a literal millionaire to have a dishwasher in my house, being able to live in a white neighborhood for under $3,000 a month, getting chips with a sandwich for free, not having homeless people harass me on the train every day, not having to smell the deathly rotting smell of nyc’s homeless, not feeling like I’m living in a nightmare, etc.

Enjoy your pubsubs and grass lots larger than 1x1 sq ft you lucky asshole

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You didn’t move to Orlando did you? Y I K E S

At least we’re not a flyover state. The only “flyover” in Florida is when rockets fly over Cape Canaveral.

You think I'll disclose my comfy location to you, nigger? Granted, some parts of the Midwest are absolute cesspools...but not where I'm @

And fuck off, we're full, by the way

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>boomer dad
Oh so you’re dad is in his 70s?

Go back to Cali, faggot

>and get a college degree.
Where do you go user?

>leeching off family
>insults others

I missed strangers saying “bless you” when I sneezed
Owning a gun without being a target for 15+ years in prison by a rogue communist regime (nyc government is wild)
Meeting people who weren’t fart sniffing hipsters/didn’t care what people thought of them
Beer less than $6
Not hating every waking moment of my life
Not wondering why God abandoned this city
Not being yelled at by someone you bumped into on a completely packed train not wanting to kill myself
Not having a crippling addiction to amphetamines to cover up how much I hate my life

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I just moved from Indiana. Fuck that inbred, drug filled, bug infested, piece of shit state so hard.

get out of the city user it's the only cure
t. upstate staying the fuck away

More things but now in green text
I also miss:
>having a 5 year plan because I think I will be alive
>having more than zero friends
>feeling like someone would notice if I was gone
>a nice, non-bodega place to get groceries nearby
>seeing lizards in May
>complaining with strangers about how hot it is
>old waitresses calling me sweetheart

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Have you met Florida man yet?

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I’m here for college unless I fail out and kill myself
I’m already on academic probation due to not getting out of bed for a year

>I'm already on probation for not getting out of bed for a year

Fascinating...please post more

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damn dude that sucks
that's why i went to a school in the country, i bet you're wishing you picked something in georgia or the carolina's right now.

Just drop out fuck college. Ya don’t need it.

user you didn't answer my question earlier.

What school are you at? Did you rush?

I dunno but look who was on the plane from guantanamo that crashed in Miami


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yep some crazy drunk pulled our mailbox out from the ground
Never ben to Cali
some local community college it was cheep

Florida fag here. Happy you could confirm my perception of nyc but user plz save yourself and gtfo

Who /broward/ here


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I have never seen so much racemixing than I did when I moved to Florida.

Even as I type now there are two mixed race mulattos playing outside and across from them niggers playing basketball while white girls are watching.

At my job there are 30 employees, 8 of them are white women with confirmed black husbands. My supervisor is a German dude who married a Colombian.

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Do any 407anons remember the band BlacKKKorpse?

Same bro. Won't kill myself if I fail out though, I just need to get myself some land and I'll be alright.

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Florida is basically shit because there's just a bunch of transplants there so nobody knows each other and there's no history. On top of that, it's a multicultural hellhole.

florida is rich yankee playground and rich mexishits / rich canadians / rich europeans. The regular people here just work meh jobs and live traffic and pretend like life is good but they don't know shit about life.

Why is Florida so shit?

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Florida is shit because of all the worlds assholes that move there. Every worthless nigger, white trash, illegal alien and now sand niggers and somali niggers move to Florida.

Everyone that exits prison from every shithole in the world has one dream - to go to Florida - where you can live a life of crime. All these fucktards think Grand Theft Auto is real in Florida. So they move here and then act out scenes.

Finally you have all the men in the tiny hats running around and they are responsible for all the shit that is going on in this state.

Fuck Florida and fuck all the new york niggers and jews and the home owners associations and fuck all the old people driving golf carts.

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>moves to south
>why are there so many black and hispanic people here?
your a dumbass
flordia is like only 54% white
most of the south and south west are going to be minority majoirty real soon
the white states are in the north east, applicahia, midwest, great plains and pacific north west
stop going to tropical climates, our people are meant for winter

Northern transplant niggers like you are why Florida Man hunts. Keep one eye open when you sleep.

Family was gonna move to Argentina from Floria in 1991 but choose Az because Florida has to many nigs

48 hours into her party he realized he'd been fucking a dead body for 44 hours...

Wait to Florida from Argentina

Florida is america’s australia

dude you just described my situation. I moved here with my dad and i work dead end jobs, no friends or other family. :(

And instead of complaining do you want to meet up senpai? Im in Crystal River

Where are you from where Florida has more balck people?

Because thats where all the rocket ships take off from. The leeches want to be close so they can hitch a ride.

It sounds like a comfy place because there are very few asians.

I lived here almost all my life and I still will never get used to Florida weather. One minute it's hot as piss and then 10 minutes later the clouds are dark and is about to rain. You pull out your umbrella and 10 minutes later the rain clears like nothing happened and it's hot as piss again.

Not enjoying New Beijingland?

I live in Alaska and flew down to Florida to get something and I thought it was OK. I landed in Orlando, I think they had a lot of cubans there, then to St, Augustine. St. Augustine had so many french canadians I thought they were cajuns at first.

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>not living in BASED South Carolina

Limited amount of fool acting niggers, great food, tons of tourist thots in Charleston who want local dick

West palm beach is scary

Ohio is such a shit state.

Yeah, Florida is a shithole, it is very close to the Caribbean, which the biggest nigger farm of the world outside of Africa.

Best people in the US are from here. Minus the niggers of course.

Muncie, IN

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I have private access to a 1st magnitude spring. South Florida is garbage, but N. FL is nice in most areas. Also, keep out.

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tbqh the only upside of this place is that the women keep their feet out all parts of the year cuz it's so hot

Hey is that the lighthouse in st Augustine? I used to fuck a fat girl who lived a few blocks from there on busam