DMT Is the Cure to Jow Forums

There exist certain experiences that can happen to a person in his/her life that represent crossing a threshold. Pregnancy and birth, for instance, change a woman at every level of her being. A near death experience can introduce a person to an entirely different path than what he or she was on before the experience. These are initiatory experiences; the subject has been initiated into a world of greater possibility than it knew before the experience. At their core, these initiatory experiences are ineffable.
The "essence" of bringing life into the world cannot be communicated by the new mother. The "essence" of an NDE cannot be communicated. Only the phenomena surrounding the experience can be communicated. A woman can describe the pain, the fear, and the relief of delivery, but even imagining a truly articulate woman, the state that she has entered to post-partum cannot be transmitted to the listener.
DMT induces an experience in a being that partakes of the same quality. Terence McKenna excellently articulates some of the phenomena experienced in the state; the elves (sometimes), the alien-ness, and other visual perceptions. Certain videos can simulate aspects of the state. But there is a deeper experience that underlies those phenomena. That experience cannot be communicated. Perhaps though, the effect of that experience can be communicated. The person that returns from the DMT flash is changed, has seen with his/her own eyes a vision of infinity that is as real as the world she/he occupies at present. That person has been stripped down of all personhood, of being-hood even.
Out there the questions that Jow Forums concerns itself with are immaterial. There is no race; there is no sin; the act of association is itself dissolved.
So have fun with it while you're here. Hate jews or blacks or spics or whatever. Jerk off or don't. Deus vult or hail Honkler. You won't get to bring any of it with you.

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You'll get there one day. Take your time if you want to, it makes no difference in the end.

Cool. Get back to me when you've laced the mid east and africas entire water supply with DMT.

It wouldn't last long enough and you'd need some sort of MAOI to make it orally active.

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>ruining your brain through the use of drugs will change what you believe.

Hmmm, you dont say.

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>DMT is the cure
stopped reading, right there
nice try, Schlomo

That posts focuses on the phenomena not the ineffable I was pointing to. That you realize the elements of the game are arbitrary is the accidental truth in the analogy.

If the anger and paranoia of Jow Forums is the brain working correctly is ruining it wrong?

I don’t recommend psychedelics for what stillness can achieve. Besides, the notion of a universal consciousness “ergo we are all connected” is not demonstrable. It’s a conflation of Élan vital and Buddhist musings about ontology. I’ve been loaded enough to separate my ego from who I regard myself to be essentially, but nothing tells me the essential part of myself can see through your eyes in real time or predict what will happen a year from now. It’s creative speculation and doper dogma.

What I am >implying, mongo, is that these sorts of hippie shit ideas that you're peddling are solely targeted against whites. Off in the distance beyond the machine elves Umbumbe and Abdul will be fucking your shit up, while the heeb cackles in glee.

We can have a modicum of "searching" and hippydome later on, in the ethnostate.

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You don't need to escape when you've come back. There are no prisons where we come from.

Its not about a universal consciousness either. There is a vastness beyond words that can only be experienced. Whether one achieves unification with an infinite mind is beyond my experience, but what one does achieve is a vista unlike anything terrestrial.

Retarded. DMT is the essence of Jow Forums and religion in general. What you are describing is negative DMT which involves losing the sense of everything including their own self. Positive DMT involves becoming one with everything. Jow Forums loves the idea of God and the Master Race. Both concepts were introduced to humanity via positive DMT.

The ethnostate is an illusion of maya. It ties you here, to the very smallest vista you can have. The distinctions necessary to make the ethnostate are all illusions. Its stars upon thars

I've done DMT as well as drank Ayahuasca over 100 times.
There is such a thing as race.
There is such a thing as sin.
Get fucked OP you faggot.

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DMT isn't oneness. There is no master race in DMT. There is no race.

I've done it fagg and you sound like a 2005 raw vegan. Great job.

Nuh uh. One day you'll be dead and the trip won't end. There is no coming back to this place, this time. There is no race. There is no time.

Nigger I have had non drug related, crystal clear OOBE's in my youth. I understand your perspective, but that doesn't mean that this earthl toil is not a facet of existance as well, and I do not want to see it heeb-raped into a smoldering heap.
The white race is the crown chakra of evolution.

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How old are you?

As have I and you didn't go high enough.

Very old.

I have no personal interest in feeling a somatic connection to everyone, like some fleeting cummies. What do you learn about biological interrelationship? That the literature used to articulate the experience aligns you with some woefully unsavory bedfellows? What’s the benefit? Certain notions seem profound under particular states of being that are banal once you return to stasis.

DMT creates a stark divide between the Good (God, the master race) and the Evil (Satan, the one human race). The feeling you get is related to which group you percieve yourself to belong to. Niggers always get the void/negative side while Whites tend to get the light/positive side. Under either effect you can still percieve the other side and identify it as 'not me'. DMT causes you to become one with the ideology and if you are getting the nothingness side you're a nigger and need to get the fuck off of Jow Forums.

Drugs are for the weak.

Do it and find out. 10 minutes is the entire time investment required.

I wanna be bluepilled like this again but things have gotten so bad that now I’m scared to trip.
Tripping helped me break out of my shell in high school; had my first girlfriend after, lost my virginity etc
I’m just too inundated with black pills nowadays

You are having a trip right now, in this moment. That's the real trippill...

Yeah of course there is no race and time when you are dead. But that doesn't mean that this world doesnt matter, or that just being passive and smelling essential oils while Evil spreads across the Earth is a moral thing to do. It is true that some races behave worse than others, and in order to prevent sin and violence it is good to stay separate from those people. They are free to live in the way they wish in their own lands, but people fought and died to create the free society you live in today, where you have the privilege of smoking DMT.

I’m not doing anything you can describe the utility of in concrete terms. Learned that lesson from going to school.

You're still describing the phenomena of the act, not the experience. There is no ideology because nothing can withstand the alien state of the DMT flash. That flash is the 'TRUTH', not the ideologies you may cling to to maintain your self-image.


Don't give me that "im an old soul" bullshit. How old is your physical body.

Unlike most here I have taken large does of DMT and reached ego death. If you think just like magic I am going to forget of the Jewish problem, or just like magic I am going to pretend that Negros are human then think again.

And that was all part of the act. You are describing morality in absolute terms and I'm saying there is no absolute in this frame of reference. If at some even higher state one can look onto the whole and say "this is that" then I don't know it. But Jow Forums is not that state and DMT will show anyone who wants to see what I'm saying.

Old enough to require prostate exams.

i samefag that.

Didnt read
Nigger lover

Its not ego death I'm describing either. Its the flash, the part without the visuals and the me and the whole she-boodle. There isn't some residue of being left over there where the ego is gone but being-ness exists. That's the ineffable. If you've come back and decided to play the game again then you are doing it just for fun at this stage. Or you're being untrue to yourself, your call.

DMT isn't an alien state. It's just the end point of immaterialism. Humans exist in a state where we balance material and immaterial concepts but DMT severs the material link temporarily allowing you to fully understand the immaterial nature of things. You lose all sense of material self but the concept and edges of your immaterial self become clear and obvious. Therefore someone who strongly believes that they should unite with their fellow man against the unwashed negro hordes will see themselves and their people as a great white/positive/whole entity that is opposed to the dark/evil/negative entities that stand opposed. For someone who feels that they are somehow seperated from reality they sink into the darkness and feel as if their own self has become one with nothingness.
DMT completely reflects your core personality after all material influences have been removed.

>Takes hit of Mapacho
Just so you know this oneness doctrine you're preaching is going to be the way that Evil consolidates absolute power over this world. I know that when the lights turn off and the cosmic play is over that everything is fine in the end, but at doesn't mean the actors should just drop their props and ignore the roles they are here to play. If you truly care about creating less suffering in the world, you have to look at the world as it really is, not how you want it to be or know that it is on a cosmic level. Guess what, we're in the physical realm right now and there is real shit here that you cannot ignore.

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OP out, gonna go love me some jews.

Phenomena, not experience. The state is as it is, come back down and dress it however you want.

>You are describing morality in absolute terms and I'm saying there is no absolute in this frame of reference.
This moral relativism is the reason people think it's ok to let kids dress in drag and stop their puberty with hormones.
>If you've come back and decided to play the game again then you are doing it just for fun at this stage.
I have felt exactly this, but guess what, this isn't just a game. Real people in the world are suffering, and your "its all good" attitude makes you complicit. The ego is necessary to experience the physical world. It is like a lens that brings the world into focus. A room makes zero sense unless it is interpreted through the idea of the person in that room. If you didn't have an ego at all you are not experiencing the world because there is no reference point. The physical world is a world of duality, and in this dual physical world there is such a thing as good and evil.

Good post, user!

I broke through and a machine elf bounced over to me and said "Fuck off we're full" and I had to go back.

DMT only lasts ten minutes before deporting 3 dimensional niggers, but it can take 3 years before we manage to kick mexicans out. We have a lot to learn from Machine Elf border policy.

Is DMT legal, what contains DMT

I did DMT and it convinced me I don't know half of what reality is.

But, it didn't shake my beliefs on the power structures that control the world or how my people are being used as cattle to usher in the new age.

Those who go so deep down the dmt rabbit hole are no better than stoners or alcoholics. Drug use sparingly can enlighten and enhance things. But anything of consistant use will destroy you.

Take the iron pill faggot.

>Is DMT legal
>what contains DMT
Everything. But don't even think of making it yourself it is very hard to do.
Look this information up yourself.

yeah do drugs, that will solve all your problems

sounds like psylocibin for me. everytime I've tripped on shrooms reality and spacetime disintegrates into nothing and I feel and think as something from the 4th or 5th dimension. can't even verbally communicate that experience to anyone because the world you're in is impossible to comprehend in a sober state

>Guess what, we're in the physical realm right now and there is real shit here that you cannot ignore.

I couldn't agree more. Its a never ending source of frustration to me that basically all of the more spiritual or religious people I meet seem fixated on what's after or beyond this. They come upon this conclusion the whole point is to "get out" of this material realm, and maybe it is, but it's also worth acknowledging we're doing this shit for a fucking reason. The importance of this experience and what we choose to make of this material existence should take precedence.

what if you have to get out before you die, what if you die and thats it, nothing forever.

what if we need to escape this reality prison were in right now.

quick! spread this message to south africa before it's too late!!!

>You'll get there one day
You clearly don't know much about this stuff do you? The redpill is irreversible.
>Take your time if you want to, it makes no difference in the end
Then fuck off new age faggot

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Do not fret, for I have the answer: MIGA.

>there is no sin
>You won't get to bring any of it with you.
WRONG. Learn about karma before you spout off nonsense like this. You lose a lot in death but you certainly are not reduced to a blank slate. The consequences of your actions, and the seeds of your habits will follow you until the end of time. Stop misleading people, you will harm them.

Nothing wrong with taking DMT, but all the gurus are misteaching it’s use; you are not there to commune with the “machine elves”.
These beings novice users meet are your psychic baggage you brought into the trip, they are not your friends. They are parasitic entities that have two goals:
>keep you engaged
>keep you close
If you want to see their true nature, attempt to leave them. Disrespect them. Banish them.

They are not your friends.

If anything once you come to learn and understand that reality is far more complex and bizarre than you could ever possibly have imagined, that there is a God, and that there are also other beings and realms/dimensions and all the implications or speculation that might come from that.. Well, suddenly it starts to make sense of how/why there are these power structures and people trying to control us and the world. The only thing that could possibly motivate certain families and groups to continuously pursue this consolidation of wealth and power, over the course of hundreds of years and many generations, in the way we've seen them doing this, could only be some sort of spiritual knowledge and pursuit.

That's possible, and it's fair to speculate this reality is some sort of prison or even hell. That really doesn't seem to be the case, though.

What's MIGA..?

t. little joe rogan

never did DMT, still found the truth
taking the shortcut is dangerous

MIGA is the reason all people are born into meatspace.

So basically you're saying this world doesn't matter? Because when we die we go to the magical ego-dead mechanical elf infinity dimension? Well what about our children? and their children, who remain in this world. Is that all meaningless? What is the point of even living anyway if this whole world is an illusion. The fact is our lives our real in this world and this world only as far as we can tell, and so long as we are here, concerning ourselves with developments within it is perfectly understandable and justified because through whatever force of nature or the divine it has deigned that we be as animals in this physical world with laws that necessitate us to care about our genetic legacy. It's not about hating jews or blacks its about fighting for our place as an expression of consciousness on this planet. fighting for something we know is real from a sense of justice that is natural to our minds. You can act all high and mighty and say that ego is evil and all that but you're just like generations of other cultists that lust for other worlds and condemn material concerns. Have fun with your chemically induced apathy.

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They're not wrong to acknowledge the profound nature and potential of DMT, but it's pretty silly to suggest all or even most people should smoke DMT or that it would cure all users of any specific thoughts or behaviors.

Please elaborate.. is that an acronym for something? Genuinely making me curious wtf youre talking about lol

I've done DMT twice, I've had 3 friends I know who have also done in and personally described the experience to me. It's really amazing stuff but not life-changing. The ego-death, afterglow, lingering feeling of bliss and enlightenment doesn't last longer than a day or two

i've been tripping acid, shrooms, and dmt about 1-2x each per year for the past 8-9 years and i still hate niggers, kikes, spics, faggots, and women.

not all of us are predisposed to being a lefty soys cuck, my friend

DMT is what brought me here you stupid faggot.
The machine elves told me that niggers and kikes aren't human.

DMT red pilled me...

This seems true. Ive always thought the point of life is to laugh. When I broke through on DMT I was welcomed by clowns.

Almost everything you wrote is absolute bullcrap. You know nothing and Mckenna is a total retard no should ever listen to.

>t. 8+ DMT breakthroughs and extensive entity contact

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Poisoning your brain with plant toxins leads to hallucinations with feelings of deep significance attached to them.

They're illusions generated by your poisoned brain.

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It's good that you're true to your inner state. Some people take DMT and find out that their mental state when freed of materialistic burdens becomes something they don't want to recognize.


don't take nn-dmt. that's the hallucinogenic variant. take 5-meo-dmt which instantly murders your ego without all the flowery visuals and conversations with interdimensional entities. then you can talk shit.

They told me i wasnt human cause humans are stupid and basicly NPCs kek. They dont see races , species and the concept of humanity as we do.

I'll be doing it because I'm a sadist. The Cosmos obviously doesn't have a problem with that. May as well do what you love to "people" you hate.

Are they? I thought everyone would be happy without all the baggade that physicality brings with it. I love my non-physical self. Just wonderfull. makes me look forward to shed this bullshit meatbag for good.

I know you only have a high school american education, which is about grade 8 in a normal country.. but paragraphs exist for a reason you halfwit.

Also fuck off back to /x/

It is. It's much more dangerous than most people would admit or want to believe. There are many paths that can lead you to the same knowledge and understandings, but all of them take a lot of time and effort. It's reasonable to assume that's because it's not *supposed* to be easy. More importantly, you're incredibly vulnerable on a spiritual, mental, and emotional level during psychedelic experiences, particularly and most especially on DMT.

Imagine being a 9-6 doctor who works 7 days a week then comes home to do more work to make the big bucks. He then takes DMT and finds himself welcomed by a feeling on oneness with others and a sense that he is part of something great. He returns to reality startled by this and questions his commitment to working as it doesn't fall in line with the feeling of being accepted by those around him. The guy then has a nervous breakdown/midlife crisis.
As for completely shedding materialism that's no good either. Immaterialism should empower materialism rather than vice-versa. This is something that many self proclaimed intellectuals have trouble with. Rather than surrounding themselves in the material that appeals to them they would rather imagine the possibilities and never see any of it outside of their dreams. They become burdened by their intellect rather than empowered.

Not everyone has the capacity to reach enlightenment on their own in a reasonable time frame for even a small number of issues. Using DMT under the guidance of someone who has already tested the path isn't a bad alternative. It leaves you vulnerable sure but being ignorant your whole life isn't better.

Dont think DMT is escpecially dangerous. At least if you keep some basic rules and arent a total fuckwit. Didnt hear of many cases that gone really wrong. Actually know only one and that was the guys own fault.


Jow Forums is my DMT. i have been forever changed. my mind expanded. I encourage its use daily.

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Stims and uppers are the white man's drugs.
The industrial revolution happened right at the time when white man started consuming caffeine and nicotine from the new world. Hitlers generals, Churchill and Stalin sniffed coke during the war. Today, jet fighter pilots are given amphetamines.
Remember to stick to:
>adderall and ritalin
>caffeine and nicotine
Anything else is for niggers and hippies.

Leave the meth out its a shitty drug and not worth it unless you want to go on a killingspree or something anyway.

Psychedelics have been also the white mans drug though. Especially shrooms.

Ive done DMT, acid, ayahuasca, shrooms, and other probably 200+ times. Love it. But they are totally compatible with being based and redpilled.

Caffeine in the morning, Nictotine during the day and Alcohol at night is the White man's work routine. DMT and such can be taken on rest days.

Druggies are fucking gay. Do you have any idea how gay you all sound?

Does it have something to do with actual neurological / nervous system integrity or are you talking about soul-devouring demon shit? Is my 'soul' going to wither if I don't have a kid or something? I've heard you "you can't handle the truth" midwit types talk before and it's always something different. Just spit it out and stop stroking your ego-shaped void.

This. DMT turned me from a full blown 100% fedora athiest into something else. People who have never done it don't believe me when I tell them, so just go ahead and try.

PS: making changa is the evolution of DMT. Get some smokable herbs with it, and MAOI. It's much easier to smoke, especially for newbies. Don't be scared, it's not addictive at all. Animals and humans have it naturally occuring and even plants contain it. It's so amazing to actually feel consciousness and body seperate. And go through that white light..seriously what the fuck anons try it. I would strongly recommend never doing any drugs in your life, but DMT is an exception. It's just a drug because we made it a drug.

>fermented jew
you were so close

DMT is so fucking overrated by hipsters it's not even funny.