What happens if you fly a plane without a loicense?

Will FAA agents kill my dog? Fuck their regulations i should be able to do as i please with my own property

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"Officer, I am not flying. I am traveling."

You'll die if you don't know all the stuff you need to know to safely fly, including air traffic procedures, weather reports, landing and takeoff procedures, proper taxiing, instruments, transponder settings, basic aerodynamics, how to obtain aircraft inspections, how to maintain proper centers of balance depending on the aircraft you are flying, fuel capacity, passengers, cargo, etc., etc., et fucking cetera.

But have at it, super chief. See you on the news.

Get a parasail bro

Over here you get fined. If they find out about it.
Best case scenario you crash and die because you're a chump who doesn't know how to fly.

Knowing how to use something =/= having been given permission to use it

Experiment with Microsoft flight sim

We had a redneck around here in southern Illinois about 20 years ago, when things were just a bit better,
That had so many DUI's, he legit took apart some lawn mowers and go cart and built a Road Warrior type helicopter that he would use to go to work and various places.
Cops, literally, had no laws to cover it, so they brought in the FAA to put some fear into him.
It all worked out fine; an ex State Trooper that I work for told me the story.
The guy's a legit hero and all the cops got a good laugh out of it.
Of course, today, they would charge you on some terror shit and lock you away for good.

My point is that the license means you have a good chance of knowing how to fly safely and according to regulations. I spent years reading books, running simulators and all kinds of other stuff, and was still clueless when I got into a real cockpit with an instructor. That practical knowledge can only be obtained through the proper training procedures that qualify people for pilot's licenses.

No license means insufficient skills in 99% of the cases, unless you have a relative or friend who takes you up and teaches you, but that's rare.

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It isn't permission. Certification, followed by notification...

You're right in that you have a right to the use of your property, however even enlightenment period philosophers acknowledged that society has the power to restrict certain private activites, including those that endanger other people, directly reduce the land or property values of adjacent properties, or impairs another property owners ability to use his property.

Most of these issues are determined by the residents and local governments, but aviation is something that routinely crosses State lines. Federal standards were established and are reasonable because of that fact.

Property rights aren't unlimited. Welcome to society.

Good idea. Then, when you try to take off in a real Cessna, and don't know to compensate for propeller pull, just as you take off, the left wing pulls down into the tarmac and BOOM. Oops. I guess you didn't know that real rudder controls feel nothing like the ones on a joystick.

First there is are no pilot licenses, only pilot certificates. That's because the certificate is conditional. But to answer OP's question, no one checks so if you don't fuck up so no one would know.

Technically they are licenses everywhere else (that’s why it’s called a PPL not PPC). Just not in the US

reminder the FAA is faggotry to keep you from cheap easy travel...
there was no FAA until 1958 when two tourism planes crashed into each other over the grand canyon and Eisenhower came to save us in true Rahm Emanuel stylee by not letting a crisis go to waste and saving you all from yourselves.
before that it was just a network of air traffic control across the nation.
thank your government for saving you

You can fly ultralight aircraft without a license or certificate of any kind. Light sport craft have minimal certification requirements.

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I suppose traffic lights and stop signs are also pointless government intrusion?

Just use a glider

Fuck your faggotass society. If it goes wrong ill be sure to land on a synogogue

Theyre slow, boring and look stupid.

you only have to produce 3 documents on demand if an FAA official or a police officer asks.
-pilots license
-faa medical
-photo id (yea a pilot's license doesn't have a photo on it LOL)
then youll have an additional 24 hours to email them a weight and balance for the plane you were flying but by then youll be gone.

so in short flying without a license is a lot like driving a stolen car while intoxicated.

I say go for it. What are they gonna do, pull you over? LMFAO

flying is real easy go for it OP

when the sky police pull you over ask if youre being detained and if youre free to go

>What happens if you fly a plane without a loicense?
I had half-ownership in a PA-22 Colt.
(soloed in a J-3 Cub - never bothered for license)
I flew every weekend for several years before selling my half.
Go to airports within 100 miles.
Stop and rest for a bit.
Fill tank, pay up and go somewhere else.
Never asked about license.

It's all fine until you have an accident/incident.

> not being able to fly dual in a 172 after an hour or two of ground instruction
There is no hope for you in aviation. Stay out of my airspace.

This. And digits. My KID could fly a 172

Or a ramp check. No license would work fine at uncontrolled fields 99.999% of the time provided no one gets reported to FSDO

sky king?

lol cool larp faggot, kys

>property rights arent unlimited
They dont exist anymore

Here in Alaska, rural youth do it all the time with no consequences. Of course, they're also largely out of reach of the FAA

Yes, yield signs and roundabouts are better

If you have a small 2 seater and use rural airstrips no one will even know

Ask Rich Russell

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He's not lying... The prop will turn you right into the ground.

>believing in P-factor
everyone come look at this faggot.

Flak cannons

the license doesn't tell you anything in the same way a drivers license doesn't tell anyone anything

you can jump through the arbitrary loops of some bureaucrats and still be utterly inept, and you can be competent and have them not give you a license

why do you trust goons who get paid no matter how bad a job they do to be good judges over other people?
why do you WANT those people when you have all sorts of alternative means of encouraging people conduct themselves safely that don't involve feeding egos and monopoly?

That probably would have been much less of a shit show if only he'd gotten clearance to take off

what are traffic circles?

I don't know anything about planes but I will say this. Air traffic laws should be followed just as closely as automobile driving laws.

>Fuck their regulations i should be able to do as i please with my own property

Yeah, you own your car, but if you get drunk, speed, and murder a pedestrian, then you shouldn't you be held responsible for the decisions you made with your property?

you probably shouldn't let your dog fly your airplane

Driving laws only apply when you're on a public road. You can drive however the fuck you want on private property, otherwise shit like this wouldn't be possible

The barefoot bandit says otherwise.

Nah fuck that, I played flight simulator 95 all the time as a kid. Shits ezpz

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both "get drunk" and "speed" are extraneous to the actual problem you just mentioned, which is "murder(ing) a pedestrian"

this is why the laws and penal nonsense are exactly nonsense - they're excuses and justifications for looting people and expanding bureaucracies, and have nothing whatsoever to do with the public good

But then will they kill him to punish the dog?

There are no sky cops, there is no mechanism to check if pilots are certified.
You only get into legal trouble if you cause an accident, then having no licence implies negligence.

rural youth, that is a interesting way to describe native snowniggers.

What’s Alaska like chum? I want to go on a hiking holiday there.

>mfw have thousands of hours in Microsoft Flight Simulator and DCS
>Even had the chance to try out a military grade flight sim and surprised everyone by flying a succesful sortie
>mfw could probably jump into a MiG-21 right now and fly a sortie without a problem
Git Gud

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>What happens if you fly a plane without a loicense?

Yes, you can drive however you want on private property. I would offer that the same principle would apply to private air space. Good luck finding a section of "private air space". You flying around your 10,000 acre land in Alaska?

I recognize that I have used extreme circumstances in order to get my point across, however, the point still applies:

> I am in public space
> I cause a problem
> Therefore, I am responsible for the damage caused in the public space.

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the sky is enormous and hardly traffic'd

if you cause people problems, you cause them problems
it's not the drinking or the speeding that is the problem - those are extraneous
if you cause harm to other people, you are morally responsible for having done so, and you are not responsible if you haven't hurt them

government "law" doesn't differentiate between mala in se and mala prohibita, which results in the insanity you see today

I mean sure assuming you do know how to fly and could maybe get away with landing at small local airports to refuel
If you mean flying only on your land then you don’t need FFA for that farmers dust their crops all the time with little planes


Drunk natives living on welfare fucking their sisters and cousins. Anchorage is a big city full of niggers and Pacific island niggers. Popular outdoor touist areas are super crowded with eurotrash.

>private air space
Class G airspace would suffice, unless you have an accident, in which case, class G airspace pretty much only exists in places the FAA won't know about your crash anyway. If you're gonna fly dangerously, just don't file a flight plan and head for uncontrolled airspace.

>hiking holiday
You'll want one of these, make sure it's not a peashooter that can't drop a bear. You can buy one on alaskaslist (which is a local craigslist) and sell it again before you go home, no loicense required. Flights here are out of Reykjavik and Frankfurt, popular hiking trails within half an hour of the airport.

I see a LOT more pacific island niggers than regular niggers.

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Whats a flight plan? You cant just hop in a plane and take off?

You can but you shouldn't. If you say you're gonna arrive at a certain place by a certain time, and you're not there by the next day, they send search parties after you. If you don't file and you go down, you ain't going home.

what's preventing you from doing so?

propeller pull... best way to imagine it in your head?
Have you ever ran a real commercial FLOOR BUFFER? when you first couple times fire it up, it starts to go LEFT LEFT... and yo uwill CRASH over the candy aisle. (ask me how i know this)
SInce you now KNOW its going to pull LEFT? you anticipate it, and GENTLY push right on instinct, and learn to go "straight" with a buffer.
after a week or two, you can just fire up and BUZZ where you want, and can even go inbetween stuff easily, but... the first couple of times? then you over-correct and swirl RIGHT too much?
practice and experience.
the propeller is having a similar effect on you as the buffer...

Are you the mexibro who bought a cessna and posted it here?


The pull is relatively minor, enough most student pilots give too much right rudder. Thanks, Martha

and new floor buffer runners? first go LEFT... then the next couple times they go RIIGHT over compensating, ha ha. (watch for my next post)

Nobody will know if you don't screw up. Take off and land from uncontrolled airports, and make sure you know what your Mode C Transponder needs to be set at, and nobody will give you a second glance.
Get into controlled airspace, and not know how to talk to controllers and you are likely busted.

Unless you get ramped checked, literally nothing will happen. I have never heard of someone getting ramp checked ever personally, though it is technically possible and can happen if ATC can clearly tell you're incompetent at flying

>Are you the mexibro who bought a cessna and posted it here?
I wish.

the 2 most IMPORTANT times flying, are takeoff and landing. THIS is when the biggest problems routinely occur. Every plane has a "magic speed". ABOVE that special speed, you are generating LIFT, and will stay flying... drop below that magic speed, you drop.
to take off? you have to go over that speed... LANDING is weird. you have to come down in speed, CLOSE TO but not BELOW that critical mahic speed... then when you are RIGHT over the ground close and (hopefully) level? you THROW up the FLAPS (which disrupt the lift) and you just DROP below that critical airspeed and FLOP down.
takeoff is fairly easy... but... landing? if you dont understand the idea of tht critical airsped? and how to come in JUST over that speed, then suddenly DROP? you WILL get fucked up BAD... and this is all under "perfect" conditions.
head winds and tailwinds CHANBGE this critical speed up and down. and, when you are JUST about to cross threshold and dip below the magic speed to land? you are effectivele light as a feather and momentarily weightless? abd the SLIGHTEST side wind can throw you like a FEATHER. (we havent even talked about hot and cold air, and up and down drafts) In weird conditions of bad winds? you might have to "crab" in almost tilted and sideways, cattywumpus... it gets HAIRY

Oh. Are you in monterrey? I lived there for 3 years.

Does this aply to turbine aircraft?

>never flown a tail-dragger or flapless bird

the "magic speed" above which you generate LIFT, an below which you are falling/gliding... isnt determined by the type of engine, it is primarily determined by the size and shape of the airfoil design (wing). A GIANT wing will take off at a SLOW speed and be sluggish and easy to fly...a smaller wing has less LIFT and you have to TAXI FASTER to HIT that liftspeed... and ALSO means you are coming in for landing at that higher speed too...
if I were to do this? i would want a BIG WING on a LITTLE PLANE... with a VERY LOW STALL SPEED. you can then take off (and LAND) at that slow speed...

actually? i have never flown ANYTHING... but i am "showing off" that i once studied airfoil design. (smilng evilly) yes, i have a very big brain, and understanding the RANK BASICS of airfoils? TELLS you most of what you need to know to try to LIVE thru what he wants to DO...

yeah, a tail dragger would mess me UP bad, ha ha... i am thinking in terms of a little baby piper cub or old fashioned biplane... this motherfucker does NOT need to be "playing" with a fucking small transport craft, or worse, a "sport" craft... he NEEDS a big slow wing, with an undercarriage fyselage... he doe NOT need to go "playing" with something with high takeoff and landing speeds...

>actually? i have never flown ANYTHING...
I suspected such but was trying to be nice about saying you know book shit but nothing about real life.

Who needs control surfaces nigga just flex the wings

In Washington State the Rules of the Road apply to private property if it connects to a public roadway. I got a ticket once for doing doughnuts in a parking lot I owned (well, me and the bank).

It's easy to fly. Your body naturally has a feel for it, like a 3-D motorcycle. A roller-coaster of your own design. But if you don't know what you're doing you will die quickly and spectacularly. Please let us know before you roll out.

will you ADMIT though, that OP should study the flight equation, and what basic principles are at work? it wouuld let him understsand the "magic speed" for takeoff and landing, what the flaps do, you have to admit... it would give him a chance to LIVE thru what he is thinking of doing.

Europe has actually tried out layouts that are literally just a paved stone circle with no crosswalks or signs. They work even better than the normal type with the exception of blind people who can't watch what everyone else is doing.

So yeah, not having signage in that instance generally means people drive more slowly so as to not plow through people, and pedestrians are more aware of their surroundings

No. I will not admit to any of that.
OP should have time in the cockpit of a two-seater learning how to fly.

You're just a LARPING faggot who should shut the fuck up.

hey... do they still teach basic navigation? where you use vectors and adding vectors to calculate expected deviation from ideal path and speed and stuff? or is it all just GPS now? the MATH of navigation classes with additive vectors used to keep people from flying. (as a MATH guy? i used to tutor those people to get them thru navigation if they never had TRIG before, heh heh)

Nah, I live in beautiful Mazatlan, Sinaloa.

I go to Puerto Vallarta sometimes for vacation.
Would I enjoy Mazatlan?
mostly stay at resorts - not interested in drugs or anything illegal

please tell me there is a youtube documentary on this man

How do you build a helicopter from scratch and not die on the first test run? Dude earned the right to be up there

thats my thoughts? but i am wondering iof it wasnt a KIT... and probably an autogyro, not necessarily a "helicopter". autogyro kits exist... thats what i am tjinking...

Yeah sure, if you like Puerto Vallarta you'll like Mazatlan. We are growing fast and will be like Vallarta soon. A lot of cool stuff to do and pretty grils too.

I'll start looking into it.
I'm set for Playa del Carmen in November this year.
Maybe spring of next year for Mazatlan.

So what about the people who invented the plane? Did they need a license in order to learn? Oh right, they learned by themselves.

Fuck you Kike.

>How do you build a helicopter from scratch and not die on the first test run?



That's not society though. That's life under the boot of Israel and Jews.

Go eat a dick.

there are no pilots licenses, there are certifications that one can get to show they know what they are doing.

Then don't fucking push the throttle all the way up on takeoff you dipshit.

t. never flown a real plane

MSFS has that in the physics model. It's a good thing. It's a real complicated thing to compensate for unwanted movement by moving the controls the other way.

>Maybe spring of next year for Mazatlan.
Maybe we'll see each other. Look out for the tall, unshaven gringo in a baseball cap. That might be me. Somewhere on El Malecon' would be the most likelyplace.

>will you ADMIT though, that OP should study the flight equation, and what basic principles are at work? it wouuld let him understsand the "magic speed" for takeoff and landing
Or just read what takeoff speed the aircraft he flies has you braindamaged boomer.