TRUMP said he'd drain the swamp but he filled his team with the swamp

>TRUMP said he'd drain the swamp but he filled his team with the swamp

>The Grayzone's Anya Parampil joined Tucker Carlson on Fox News to discuss the corporate media's abysmal coverage of the US-led coup attempt against Venezuela's democratically elected government.


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That makes Trump look like a massive idiot for all the pandering to Israel then doesn't it?

WTF, I hate Trump now. Bernie 2020.

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Are you unironically trying to say that Trump isn't pro Israel?

get fucked Anti Trump shills!
>MAGA is here to stay bitches!

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>At least 8million refugees will come to the US
>Venezeula Collapse will hurt our Middle Class
>Why do the politicians care more about Venezeula than their own country?


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at the rate tucker is going hes going to be having abby martin and jimmy dore on by the end of the month, and then when he gets fired he'll be doing strike and mike

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>Nope. Need to btfo those jungle commie fags! MAGA is best. All those Venezuelans are red pilled on communism, they are natural conservatives forever at this point.
>Can't wait till it is bombs away on that dictator Maduro
Democracy must prevail!

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tucker is a piece of shit traitor to Trump and MAGA

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Tucker is great

I'm not for nation building, but as long as we don't send in troops I honestly don't give a shit what measures we take. It's impossible for us to stop trying to influence other countries' policies and government, that's how any major global player operates.

Tucker is kind of pulling a Rand Paulesque "principled stand" here. You can tell he has a lot of libertarian baggage. He thinks he gets points for ideological consistency. He may win over some of the left's Rand Pauls with this though, which is a win for realignment. So good luck to him.

>Don't give a shit
So you don't mind the millions of caravans pouring through the border? Or all the money it's going to cost? Or all the people getting killed by a psychopathic CIA coup as usual?
Bolton sure doesn't care about them, but maybe you should.

I don't care enough to add yet another voice to the cacaphony of shitheads attacking Donald Trump.

This is the Bannon/Coulter/Wignat strategy of "holding Trump to account", which does absolutely nothing to help him fight the immense leviathan he's currently in a life or death battle with.

The approach only makes sense if you assume Trump has forgotten about us or is dragging his feet, when every other sign points to him giving this his all. He's fighting on so many fronts, and new ones open up every day. And he never relents. He keeps trying over and over. If one way doesn't work, he'll try a different way the next time. Throughout all of that, he and his family are attacked in every possible way by every existing institution. Maybe Tucker's strategy will work, but if it does it's only because he's Tucker and not because it's a good strategy. He could nudge the President in other ways, and if he thinks he can afford to add an entirely new front to the culture war, he'll do it.

We're demanding SO MUCH of Trump and many of us are giving SO LITTLE back. Even if he were a superhero, his task and work ethic are heroic. He at very least deserves the benefit of the doubt.

>"holding Trump to account", which does absolutely nothing to help him fight the immense leviathan he's currently in a life or death battle with.

Aka you're taking the Sean Hannity route of 'agreeing with Trump no matter how many promises he breaks'. So BASED.

I just noticed you called him "neocon don", your opinions are insincere and worthless. you won't convince anyone to abandon Trump except other unhinged wignats. You're very clearly someone of middling intellect with zero original insight or problem solving ability. Your political views are a temper tantrum and nothing more. No one takes you seriously and no one believes what you say about Trump. Quit trying.

I called him neocon Don because he is acting like a neocon as well as hiring the worst neocons from the Dubya era.

How is he NOT a neocon when he is doing regime change around the world, the opposite of what he promised????

You should hold the President accountable no matter what. Anyone who doesn't hold their leaders accountable is a fool. It's completely irrelevant if you want to have a beer with a President or any of that crap, all that matters is holding them accountable to their promises, if they break their promises then they should be voted out.

How will MIGApedes and Qcumbers spin this now?

>We're demanding SO MUCH of Trump and many of us are giving SO LITTLE back.

Trump said he would
>Build a wall and Mexico will pay for it
>Repeal and replace Obamacare
>Lock her up
>Drain the swamp
>Stop doing foreign intervention as it is a failure
>Put America first

He has broken every single major promise he made. Infact he has done nothing except le tax cut that even Jeb would have done. He has drone striked even more than Obama for example.
He's a neocon who hires only neocons for foreign policy and is currently President during the highest level of illegal immigration of all time (over 1.5million this year) as well as expanding h1bs and h2bs, giving Kushner the power to write a 'pro business' immigration policy (read, driving down wages). He's the biggest failure of all time. Obama was more right wing than Trump at this point for fucks sake.

You can see one trying to do that here

>He thinks he gets points for ideological consistency

He does though. It's the brainlet MIGA supporters who have lost their ideological consistency.

>buh buh buh at least the (((economy))) is doing good

>supporting kike Maduro is the way to protest ziondon
newfags are funny.

>opposing neocon interventions around the world is a bad thing

No user you are the newfag

Just red pill them on the fact that the working white middle class has not seem improvement under Trump.