Free Market Capitalist have destroyed our countries. They've given all the rights to the company and not the worker!
People have to compete with each other to receive low paying jobs, when it should be the other way around.
Why don't we stop all immigration to make workers a scarcity, cut business taxes to create more opportunity.
This will FORCE companies to compete with each other for the limited workers. They will have to offer the WORKER more to incentivize that individual to work for that company, like better pay, benefits, the opportunity of advancement in the field, schooling, training.
What are other ways to make the worker a scarcity, to get the companies to compete for the worker?
It’ll do nothing but speed up automation The real and only solution is to eliminate employment as a function of capitalism. Hopefully with a UBI we can ban jobs altogether one day
But then the Gov doesn't have money if we have no jobs.
Also, I understand automation, bringing in more immigrants will end up having them live off the system.
Having companies compete over the worker and training those individuals for jobs that cannot be automated.
Alexander Carter
We will tax the corporations which don’t have to pay cost of labor anymore and get several factors of productivity increase with automation. We need to slow the flow if immigrants yes, but we also need to make less people want/need to work, raising worker scaredy. UBI would do this.
Christopher Bell
Kek. Just started a new job with full benefits on day one. Better benefits than state workers by far. Plus all the training I can handle all of which is easily transferable to a new company if I leave. Must suck to not be in demand. Back to the fries nigger.
Landon Gonzalez
That's the point of making the worker a scarcity, it makes them in demand.
This is True Capitalism in the 50s but the word has been hijacked by corporatists.
Kayden Barnes
Good goy. You will work long and hard for your ornamentary whilst they sit like effendi and eat.
House niggers live in a gilded cage just the same.
Ian Gomez
What do you suggest for society?
Brody Diaz
I'm assuming you want to sit around for nothing?
No one is forcing anyone to work for anyone, but in a UBI situation like this, if there isn't enough automation YOU WILL be forced to work.
So it's better to have the opportunity to pick and choose what suits you best, the only issue is in our current system the corporations have too much power. We need to make the worker in demand and the only way to do this is make them a scarcity, by stopping immigration, and getting woman out of the work force. It is extreme but will completely improve our wages, benefits, and BIRTH RATES.
Leo Ross
The choice is between civilization and barbarism. We can no longer live in the same excess that boomers did, some say, and this monstrous empire has atomized and disarmed us. Success is defined as being worthy of a gentler gulag on paper. Seems to be leaning toward barbarism. Then again, I’ve just eliminated all other possibility, which means I’m wrong.
Nicholas Jones
UBI would do nothing but raise the bar, like increasing minimum wage so walmart workers get priced out of state health plans.
Daniel Rivera
>Free Market Capitalist have destroyed our countries No pluralism has
Owen Rivera
Meaningless word salad. Other than sitting around doing absolutely nothing what do you suggest people do to support themselves in this society?
Leo Baker
This is an interesting point though, about being forced to work. The Obama admin figuratively shit the bed by not creating jobs and generating productive value. A lot of us lazed around or borrowed money through that entire two terms. I would have been glad to be forced for the sheer dignity of it. Someone seems to think that if you’re not STEM you have no economic value at all save as organ donors for war or protected classes.
Bentley Bell
What he explained was taxing the companies so they Gov can pay the worker a higher wage. The companies would no longer pay wages.
This will FORCE the individual to be beholden to the state. Sooner or later you will be forced to work at whatever they tell you to do.
This is literally 1984.
Asher Williams
Meaningless to you, because you have unearned expectations of me to wow you with something your authoritarian antisocial personality disorder would emotionally grasp as edifying. Fuck yourself.
Jonathan Moore
That's why we need to make companies compete for the worker because then ALL possible positions are valuable and not "Walking Organ Donors."
Tyler Russell
Pipe dream. They’ll relocate to less developed soil.
Jackson Nguyen
>authoritarian There is nothing wrong with being an authoritarian
Matthew Scott
Not if you drop business tax.
Lincoln Powell
So just pseudontellectual bullshit. Checks out. Back to the fries.
William Howard
But how does automation draw attention to said value? Corporate types only respect what increases short term earnings. Government’s role is to buy up these enterprises and do something about it? I’m missing the part that makes this cogent: being assigned a role, versus choosing one’s niche, would seem to go above and beyond taxing at a higher rate and putting non-STEM on the dole. I admit to being uninformed.
Colton Flores
Authoritarianism has a context. I’m not sure this is it.
Kayden Wilson
Blake Wright
If the concepts of civilization and barbarism seem intellectual to you as binary options for survival, you might be a fucking retard. Pseudo is about demarcation, so civilization v barbarism as opposed to what? You have no ideas; you’re a typical neetsoc bully. Your type are a dime a dozen here.
Samuel Howard
If they’re not paying those taxes they’re expanding infrastructure. At some point they have more power than regional governments and there needs to a global power to keep them in check, no? How does this play out? Why do they need to employ anyone whose job can be automated?
Ryder Cook
Automation is coming, it'll allow companies to make a greater profit, the issue is it'll remove jobs as well as low skilled jobs which many immigrants rely on, this will have those people rely on the Gov's teet.
The Gov's role shouldn't having to do with business other than opening up channels for business' to be created. The shouldn't even bail companies out.
I think saying choosing one's niche is wrong, most choose a job they somewhat enjoy. I'm saying this.
>Create worker scarcity >This will force Companies to compete with other companies for the limited worker >They will have to raise wages, offer better benefits, and so on >This will give people more opportunity to make more money, as well as opportunity of training >Households would be able to survive off one income >One income means woman at home >Woman at home means higher birth rates
Hunter Davis
> Free Market Capitalist have destroyed our countries. Commies get the rope
Not all jobs will be automated, this IMO is fear mongering from elites. You will still need techs, millwrights, laborers, mechanics and so on.
You will also have to have the Gov regulate business. Making lobbying illegal, politicians taking bribes illegal is the only thing you can really do.
Also, with limited workers companies can only expand so much.
Brody Lopez
I'm only asking you what you suggest we do as a society. Because apparently getting a good job that demands skilled workers makes you a house nigger in a gilded cage. I only wanted suggestions to free myself but you keep just dancing around the question. I don't think you have any solutions personally.
Joshua Thomas
I'm not worried about Global, I'm worried about National.
You have to stop all immigration completely.
BUT like you said earlier how do we keep companies here? The only way to do that is to allow freedom for the Business by dropping taxes.
Charles Green
Creating your own business is your only option. If you want to work for someone IMO my view is better.
Juan Morgan
Then how do you prevent them from overthrowing you when they get more power than gov and want to hire mercenaries so they can make more money?
Cameron Garcia
That is an option but the market I'm in isn't exactly something you can jump into (mining). It could also be agrued that at that point youre just a house nigger for the investors.
Lucas Nguyen
Nice reddit spaced blog post nigger. Nobody believes your crap.
Andrew Ramirez
That is an extreme hypothetical situation imo and highly unlikely.
Unless a company buys out the competition and gets so massive that it has the potential to do that, it would be illegal and the military would interfere and shut down the company.
Adrian Turner
I don’t think you can free yourself by giving people money created by your labor to make bad investments with, even if you spend yours carefully. Starving the beast is all I can imagine to bring it down since there is no technological weapon that I know of and people can’t exactly ask them to please stop. Even if they’re brought down another empire will fill the vacuum. Escaping into the woods or the desert and living as breatharians seems like the strongest option to buy time. Yeah, that’s not a solution, so I’m open to seeing one.
Thomas Phillips
>They've given all the rights to the company and not the worker! workers don't own the company starting a company is easy, even workers can do it, and many do.
Hunter Campbell
I envision automating everything humans, great and small, can do as a thought experiment.
Samuel Ross
I think it’s already happening. First we got oligarchy, then, I think, we’ll get global governance and eventually government. My paranoid belief is that the federated states like Russian Federation and EU are part of the militaristic evolution of all this. But yes, I’m dealing only in logical terms as only glimpses of what’s possible have come to pass.
Nathaniel Perez
Every possibility has the possibility of happening.
If our society collapses, we only have a few options imo.
>Military takes over >China Russia invade >E.U Takes over >Balkanize into separate independent states
Juan Rogers
A societal collapse would seem to be no big deal, but I read about Western Civilization dying. No more language, culture, or history survive into the future, the conquered European races are conquered, and so-called whites become an historical footnote. Basically, Huntington’s clash of civilization. Our Ashkenazi financiers would pivot to Eurasia with the bulk of the West’s wealth and buy time to raise Greater Israel as a huge empire, maybe. They’d get a couple hundred more years of technological development and usury out of China/Russia and go on business as usual while the West rots.
But who knows, not me?
William Cook
I don’t know how fertile are the lands and nigger cattle of Eurasia, or why it should matter where a global corporate entity is located, for instance in such a populous and polluted region that it seems counterintuitive. But there is a ton of rhetoric about business opportunity and resource availability there. I’ve no idea.