How to acquire "forbidden" literature

How do you acquire "extremist paraphernalia," without getting put on a list?
I'm a knowledge enthusiast and want to get things like pic related, and other works like Communist Manifesto and occult works as well. How do I do it without Amazon flagging my shit and fucking my life?

This is political, because just because they aren't burning these books, doesn't mean the books are accessible. They censor literature by way of social pressure.

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you post on Jow Forums, nigger. you're already on a list.

Stop being a pussy and just order the fucking book from online or go to Barnes and Nobles and get yourself a copy with cash if you’re so scared. I have ordered plenty of fascist literature from amazon and no one still has attempted to gun me down. This nation was built on freedom and no kike shill will scare me into attempting not to do anything.

Man the fuck up, pussy.

Download it nigger

Stop being such a fag and just go listen to the audio book on YouTube

Jfc just buy it, not gonna make a difference
Here you go you double faggot,also watch them vids in case you don't know MM,you're in a bad goy list already.

just stop caring about ending up on lists

you don't deserve those digits

i thought turner diaries was written by william pierce?
anyway, idk about any andrew macdonald, but its kevin macdonald you actually need to be reading

also - since (OP) is kind of weak - how about actually censored books? legit english translation of full 200 years together is top of my priority list.

I bought it off amazon, literally just had mein kampf delivered last week. The fact that you’re questioning buying a book for “wrong think” just shows how effective subversive elements are in our society. Don’t be a bitch.

>Communist Manifesto and occult
Go to a liberal college campus and they'll out it out to you for free

My favorite.

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Audio book version read by Pierce himself

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The absolute fucking state man. If you're worried about "social pressure" as it comes to purchasing a book you're fucked. Just purchase it with the aame confidence you no doubt purchased your last dragon dildo. You'll be fine .

Dude juts buy one offline from a seller. You seriously don't think your not on a list already?

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Scared to buy a book....
Oh no, you've been found out, you like to read!

andrew macdonald is a pseudonym used by pierce

OP is a retard 14 yr old. Literally look up X pdf and you'll find it, don't fucking whine about how ((((they'll)))) know

>How do you acquire "extremist paraphernalia,"
I try to buy hard copies of "banned books", then take hi-quality photos of them page by page, run them through an editor, and finally compile them into a PDF.

If I can't buy one or it's too expensive I rent it from my library and make PDFs.

Pic related is a book no longer in print and PDFs online were DRM-protected temporary files, so I checked this bad boy out of my library and digitized it:

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If you, USA-anons, discuss this book I want to ask a question. Dont you think that book's plot becomes more real and 'believable' every year? When I have read it in the first time (i dont remember, let say it was 10 years ago) I thought:"It is interesting, but it's just funny fairytale". And today I can believe that something like this could really happen one day.

After you buy the book from shove it into your vagina


God’s work, user. I also collect banned books. I have Justine by de Sade, Lolita, Turner Diaries that are outright banned in Canada. Then I have a few works that aren’t banned, but are extremely hard to come by here (or cost 250$ on amazon) like Bell Curve, CoC, and others. When I can’t get physical copies i just download and stuff on a kobo. i have more books on that kobo than I will ever have time to read

so he has somewhere moist to hide his paraphernalia, because he's a pussy pants who can't even read

Well since we're living in clown world, it's not really hard to imagine something that was once fiction coming true. I think everyone who's connected via the internet is experiencing this sense of un-reality.

Oh. I thought you meant the amazon version was a revised version or something like that cook book one

ahh so

Step 1 Anonymous VPN service of your choice.
Step 2 has most anything, including Turner Diaries in print and even Audio book.

Czech translation. Our BIS must love me

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Doing God's work. You are a contributor that has provided mush forbidden knowledge to those of us who frequent

libgen you fucking retard

The audiobook of this "forbidden literature" is on youtube and has yet to be removed.

Communist Manifesto isn't illegal nor banned.

Infact Marxiat ideas, especially from Das Capital form part of the basis for the current economic landscape.

Stop trying to be a fucking edgelord and start at the basics. Like finishing school.

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>God's work
My pleasure, guys!

when I was bluepiled Obama voter in college (my university was state but top 20 history programs) but kinda aware of Israel/jews, I wrote a paper in my "revolutionary history" class where my professor was basically an unapologetic commie jew. The paper was about "why people turn to white nationalism" I'm bluepilled, remember. I actually read the turner diaries and some other neo-Nazi staple books, footnoted them in my paper, and just basically concluded white nationalist are broken people bluepill like.

I got a C, and honestly my papers usually land As, sometimes Bs.

My second paper it was basically the same idea but for black nationalists with a similar conclusion but with the whole oppressed narrative.

I got an A.

I really doubt my writing ability significantly altered.

But that's when I started becoming more right wing

>wrong pic

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In before, etc....

Imagine post yor face user...

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I, too, require wet-ones when consuming forbidden literature.

The plot hinges around taking over a military base and nuking half the world
The first half of the book up until the protagonist gets captured is very realistic in my opinion, but the rest get a little LARPtastic for me

No, I'm not posting my face.

Some of those old pages get sticky!

How right-wing are you now?

>How do you acquire "extremist paraphernalia," without getting put on a list?
Download a PDF. if you can find a library website you can download from there. or check the link out in an archive website and download it from the archive instead of the site.

civic nationalist but very pessimistic towards civic nationalism due to race and cultural issues. I prefer white people and prefer a strong majority of white people by far

I've never heard good things about the turner diaries

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As someone with a huge collection of old books..I know user.

Well's Natural Philosophy - 1876. Shit tier picture.

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>I've never heard good things about the turner diaries
Why don't you read it for yourself and make up your own opinions?

Besides, the Brigade by H.A. Covington is better.

Just buy it you fucking pussy

I would LOVE to get my Wet Ones on that!

I know you probably won't spring for this, what with me being a simple stranger on the internet, but if for some reason you'd like any of those old books digitized I'd be happy to do it for you and send them back.

I was thinking of starting a library of every book that's ever been banned or burned worldwide just for shits and giggles.
Some country bans a book? On it goes
Amazon refuses to sell it? Fuck, why not, it goes on too!

You're right. That would be weird. I've honestly considered digitizing them myself. Just haven't gotten around to it. I also wasn't sure there'd even be any interest.

>I also wasn't sure there'd even be any interest.
I know of at least 1 user that is interested!

KYS faggot

I think civic nationalism is fine as a stop gap but it isn't a solution in and of itself. non white immigration has to effectively end. hispanics and the other non whites will assimilate and integrate within time but real assimilation can never take place as long as the flood continues.

a white non muslim immigrant is fully integrated and assimilated by the second generation. for a non white they are always their nation of origin first and American second. a poo waving an American flag and eating a hot dog is still a poo and not an American.

Well since the last book I posted wasn't actually forbidden, have a legitimately rare Freemason's Monitor -Thomas Smith Webb - 1875. This, along with a few other occult works would be first in line on my list.

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>a white non muslim immigrant is fully integrated and assimilated by the second generation.
Mixing shit with milk does not result in a chocolate milkshake.

You can't mix Whites with non-Whites and get anything other than shit.

Non-Whites don't belong in White nations. Period.

What do I have to do to get you to digitize those two books?

There aren't any forbidden books, the only banned book I can think of is The Anatomy of Female Power and that was written by a literal nigger kek get woke

>There aren't any forbidden books
Of course not, outright banning would get them labeled a Nazi. There's a new name for banned books these days - "Out of Print"

Just use a VPN to download the PDF and print them out on your printer. Or you can make ditch Amazon accounts use a Visa gift card or Amazon Gift Card and make an account. Use a different name each time. Use a PO box in a neighboring town and pick up your books.

>Of course not, outright banning would get them labeled a Nazi
Amazon bans tons of holocaust revisionism books.

Amazon's a private company.

a few years ago 8pol used to have free downloads every month. I think they're bringing it back

>Amazon's a private company.
That censors people for ideological reasons.
But of course you capitalists are fine with corporations doing anything they want just as long as there's money to be made/saved.

Not to mention Amazon is a monopoly.

So when they start banning anything pro-Trump or pro-Republican or pro-Conservative don't come whining to us pro-Whites who've been thrown into concentration camps.

I suppose I could photograph the pages, and upload the images on /lit/. The sticky issue is contacting an user from Jow Forums - and that's a two way street. I don't know anyone who actually has.

quick suggestion: do "cruising" by Gerald Walker, i cant find it anywhere

Enjoy your collection of My Two Dads type of books. Most of what's been banned in the past was jews pushing degeneracy

I never said I was OK with it, just that you can't compare a private company banning something. It's not the same thing.

I have a throw-away gmail account if that works for you. I can make a protonmail account if you'd prefer. Or you could just do it and I'll sit here repeatedly jamming my F5 key for the next few weeks.

Gun shows seem the best place or in store.

Will try!

And I mean with a DSL-R not my phone. I'm just phoneposting because I spilled bourbon all in my laptop.

>Used - Very Good on amazon for under $30
Were you even trying?

why would you read this garbage

Came here to post this.

In college I got this idea from this bookworm. He would print the entire pdf of a book for £0.05 a sheet. So this is probably you're best bet, just print out the pdf

>I never said I was OK with it,
And yet you and the politicians that supposedly represent you aren't doing anything about it.

>just that you can't compare a private company banning something.
yes you can.

>It's not the same thing.
yes it is.
they're not citing religious beliefs.
they're not even banning all related subjects.
they're banning it because they don't want the goyim to know.

and if you think defending it (BECUZ ITZ A CORPORATION) makes you a better person, you're deluding yourself.

Never took the nuclear bomb part serious.
Hunter is more realistic.

A mixture of edginess and confirmation bias. Same reason many post here.

>ust that you can't compare a private company banning something. It's not the same thing.

this is a neocon jew myth. you absolutely can. public corporate entities are legal fictions made up by government. They are not natural private businesses.

The ones who run the corporations are gifted with liability immunity, with some exceptions of course (determined by the state).

Setting up a throwaway myself. Protonmail it is.

The watch list shit is fake and gay. They can't censor you so they scare you into censoring yourself. Buy books you want to read, speak your mind. Fuck them they're not really going to do anything.

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>glownigger: the post.

While you're at it get your hands on SIEGE by James Mason, Liber 333 by Tempel ov Blood and Iron Gates by Martinet Press.

>And yet you
Hold your fucking horses there, nigger - I find the banned books, digitize them, and distribute them for free on the internet.

I'm not even going to respond to the rest of that wall of text, you're fucking delusional.

I appreciate you going through the trouble to explain this, and if it were a different thread I'd engage - but I didn't come here to argue my opinions or my understanding of the system, I came here to post and talk about forbidden literature.

Both of you can keep trying to derail for all I care - I'm hiding you both.

[email protected]

Germanfags should support this publisher.
He's republishing all kinds of banned books and somehow gets away with it.


I ordered from there before, it's all legit.

I mean here's the PDF right here you nigger

But in terms of preserving books in a time where censorship is on the rise, I say just put them on USB sticks, External hard drives, and anything that isn't connected to the internet. Just look up the PDF's and you are probably not going to be on a list,

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Nice. I have a 1952 copy of morals and dogma by albert pike, cost me $60.

>Hold your fucking horses there, nigger - I find the banned books, digitize them, and distribute them for free on the internet.
and what do you do about the corporations that continue to ban them and the politicians that allow it?

Lots of this stuff is still available online. Just get a Kindle DX and start reading everything you can find.

this is the kind if shit I expected to see discussed on /pol but I've been disappointed so far. Maybe I'm looking in the wrong place

You should also upload to Library Genesis, since library genesis is a solid backup for controversial literature since they refuse to take anything down.

they bleach, pic related. unless you want mass genocide, it's pretty much the only way forward.

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one thing you can do is bring a PDF of banned books to a print shop and have them print it up for you.

Just watch it on YouTube while logged into your g mail. What's the worst that can happen?

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There's a very similar British one here aswell, Hans. In case you're interested.

Attached: BILD3038.jpg (402x650, 25K)

>they bleach, pic related
Race is more than skin color.

>unless you want mass genocide, it's pretty much the only way forward.
What makes you think all this isn't heading for a race war?

Forgot the link ffs:


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