what does Jow Forums think about gambling?
do you play slots?
should it be legal?
what does Jow Forums think about gambling?
do you play slots?
should it be legal?
Casinos and slot machines and shit should be banned. Betting on sports teams and shit should be legal.
I play the slots in vegas so much my nickname at the casinos is Bobbie Brown
Everything I don't like should be illegal and punishable by death.
What I think? I think if you voluntarily hand over money to casinos you are nothing short of an absolute r-tard idiot
slots are fucking stupid, they odds are never in your favour. sports betting is based, you can acutally make money and fuck bookies if you're not stupid
in germany gambling places keep migrants from getting babies
migrants here are strongly overrepresented in visiting gambling places both sport bets and casinos
they all end up poor and can't spent their time finding a wife or ge
I play poker in the casinos, but fuck slots and table games.
I think it is kike garbage, look at the image on the slot machine
The only gambling I approve of is gacha
got to get my waifu umu best servant
I make my living off of slots. I play the slots so much in Vegas, they call me "Mr. Slots" I walk in the casino wearing my pleated Chino pants and everyone yells "HEY MR. SLOTS"
so you are full of SHIT
they really use a lot of occult symbolism in gambling even in the most famous games
i don't know why desu
the reason is obvious
Free market. It's just free market.
its sad and pathetic. know a guy who wastes half his income on scratch offs.
Casinos are for faggots. Stock options are the only way a white man should gamble.
I make game mathematics for a company that makes casino games, mostly slot games
>inb4 flag
cant post flag because would be too easy to find out who i work for
it's novotec in austria right?
do chances change over time that for example 60 games have a Return rate of 0.6 while the next 50 have 1.2 return rate?
or is it the same return rate all the time?
every pub and club here is basically a mini casino filled with slot machines
it's crucified live music but the music was/is god awful anyway so i am glad that has cucked leftists because they are so deserving of it
add to that there's about 10 million internet betting companies relentlessly advertising on tv
i don't really care tbqh there's much bigger fish to fry, and gambling is kind of fun if you don't mind losing $50-$100, if you aren't a faggot you can bet intelligently and maybe walk away with a few hundred which i used to do often enough
Craps dealer here. Been working as a craps dealer for 10 years. The secret to craps is to have fun. I've seen really sad people bet soo mych money, and leave dejected, and slightly drunk from free beer.
Set aside the money you play with and stretch it out. Have fun. Lady on your arm to blow the dice. Bet the mininim on the do or the don't, then put max odds. Have fun. Get the free drinks. Tip: if you want faster beer service- give the lady a 5 dollar tip from your winning. She'll come around again and check on you.
If this is true ...then yu would know that the best slots to play are near the bathrooms
A good way to waste money
All the casino owner getting rich off poor idiots
It's free money from retards. What's the problem?
>do you play slots?
>should it be legal?
>what does Jow Forums think about gambling?
The house always wins.
Yes, I have a question....how do I cheat?
I used to play for fun a few times. Where are those old chinks comming from? We dont even have many but there are always several playing on like 3-4 machines at ones the whole fucking day. Chinks are crazy for this shit.
gambling is a game and therefore has a strategy. playing for money compounds the thought process with emotion and can become addictive to weaker individuals.
if you are a thinker, loves games and can be the most disciplined motherfucker on the planet, you can be a successful gambler.
as i said, cant say yes or no
yes, its possible to do something like that, but its highly unlikely, because it creates possible exploits and is a generally bad game design, not to mention that it is unlikely it would pass certification
basically, the games must pass a certification procedure to ensure the game is compliant with the target country's gambling laws. this normally involves having a certain range of returns at ~1M plays, as well as having to be mostly random. so while having small periods of rtp > 1 is prossible, it only occurs in special cases
Yet it's a game thus of law.
If there's no rules there's no game.
ive literally never walked into a casino before. how is this possible? I thought slots were just time killers for people between real games. what kind of strategies are there?
Can’t win if ya don’t play, that’s what I always say
businesses built around gambling shouldn't exist outside of the government who has to use the profits for social needs of the nation
a tax on the stupid in a system where taxes don't exist
sports betting all day long m80. I probably bet 3-4 times more than what I earn every month.
never cared for slots, rng games, etc. where no amount of skill or knowledge that can tip the odds in your favour
cheat? you dont
you can, however, play smart
there are some games where situations like what i described here occur
you just have to pay attention and wait for the right moment
example: there is a slots game that only allows acess to jackpots after a certain pagoda is filled. if a player leaves before that, it is generally a good idea to play
generally speaking, play whenever people complain that they are losing hard
holy fuck maybe i should hit the casino
You have to do it mathematically.
successful gamblers are those who win big because they'll spend big in fact that's why they tend to win in the first place because they'll eventually return it. If you try to outsmart casinos then you pretty much lost the game because that's not the real goal here. It's having fun.
>what does Jow Forums think about gambling?
I don't gamble but don't mind if people do.
>do you play slots?
No, I think if I did gamble I'd prefer a game that's less repetitive and more social like something card related, poker for instance.
>should it be legal?
You can't beat a machine.
lol checked.
Never been to a casino myself. I don't think I want to because I'll just (un)naturally cheat and that's not really fun.
Thanks for the info
Trust me you can but good luck convincing people how you really did it.
you should search for a gambling forum , there are a few good ones with tons of information. games are beatable but you have to know your shit before you try to beat them. just walking up and sticking money in without knowledge is why they stay open 24/7
If what you say is true, then there's likely a story about you online. People who are successful in Vegas or have a routine nickname tend to be discussed in some way or another.
Gambling to me is like being able to lift weights way out of your capabilities.
Yeah you can make some quick and sick gains, but you’re also running the risk of destroying yourself
Just think, why are Jews massively overrepresented in investing and banking but are not known to be gamblers?
I used to work in the industry, and honestly, I'd rather do male porn than gambling.
Gambling companies are dishonest, they have false marketing and are in bed with government regulators.
There are NO big winners, it's all hired actors.
If you try to fight them once they scam your money, they will send lawyers after you and bankrupt you.
Forbidden here
all of my friends are professional gamblers, they don't wake up hoping to have a big day having fun and losing everything .
keep having fun my friend, there is nothing wrong with relaxing and pissing away 300$ .that's called a vacation.
all of my experiences are with winners that played with strategy and strict bankroll management.
i play internet poker for something to do. i win at it but not enough for it to be worth my time its recreational. to put into perspective ive played 70k hands its taken me 210 hours of play to get that amount of hands. in that ive won 150 dollars. i started with 50 dollars in account and now its at 200.
if you can move up in stakes to where the money is higher then you can start to make more but the problem is the players become better and the bots become more frequent. its kinda cache 22 because where the games are easily beatable the stakes are so low even though your crushing your opponents your still not making shit, and where the stakes are high enough for the money to mean something the opponents become very good so you cant really beat the game + rake.
> betting intelligently
It should be legal, people are free to do with their money as they please
Autistic even by 4ch standards
>The saint patron of all slots, Mr. Slots could single-handedly make or break a casino. One New Years Eve in 1992, he sank the Las Vegas Hilton, winning over $9 000 000 gambling $150 000 per slot machine. He was well known for his pleated Chino Pants
Went to Vegas. It was nothing but old ass seniors pissing away their social security on slot machines. Millennials don't gamble. Vegas is fucked.
>He was well known for his pleated Chino Pants
It's a criminal enterprise, fucking dice are more ethical.
The online gaming companies in Europe are mostly based out of Malta because of loose licensing requirements, there are a lot of Scandies in the industry there and their prejudice shows in the games they put out :lots of Chinese themed slots, Irish themed slots and Viking/mythology themed slots. There's also the sexist stuff with girls with tits out. It's a pretty much a dgaf business on account of all the cash they make.
Former pit boss here.
The games offered by the casino are built to have an advantage, otherwise, well, there wouldn't be any casinos.
Wit a ton of experience on my side, it's known to most gamblers that the best bets in the casino are video poker and single or double deck blackjack.
I can't speak to video poker, but I always won money at it, even with my meager strategies, but
Blackjack, especially one or two decks, and discipline with your money, can earn big if you are a card counter.
But then there are guys like me, and my whole purpose was to watch the big games, get a count, and look for a move on a big count.
It's a simple procedure.
I've seen guys win huge amounts, right before they were kicked out and black balled in the area.
It's not illegal though.
Of course, everybody has a bad day; even the best counter is going to lose his ass.
You have to have deep pockets up front.
Also, roulette, but you have to know how to work the dealer, and, that might be a bit illegal.
Mr. Slots never had a bad day. of course thing was back in the 1940's
i'd play with her slot desu
Gambling is based
The casino is constantly refining the way it does business - to its advantage.
Personally, I steer clear, but I very much know better.
>Going to casinos for anything other than free, steady supply of alcohol while playing penny slots.
I only gamble on the stock market.
My state has it, we have all k D's of Keno parlors and shady mini gambling huts where drug addicts gamble away gibs. I wish they would ban gambling but the state loves easy tax money.
did that to i made 2000 euros plus in 2 days just to lose all 8600 euros
now i am almost broke
leverages are a hell of a drug
gambling should be legal, especially sports gambling. the taxes the government would get would help so many towns its crazy for it to still be illegal. i love playing poker and gambling on sports, alot of other types of gambling are degenerate as fuck
play any modern video game for your gambling fix
They are great for eugenics (making it so those addicts can't afford children), as long as there isn't welfare to 'save' the day dysgenically
Prostitution, gambling, drugs, alcohol, all these forms of "adult" entertainment should be allowed, but only in certain contained areas so as to also contain the problems these attitudes create for the rest of the people.
It doesn't work that way for gamblers, fren;
I've watched enough of these assholes.
It is the worst addiction, worse than any vice.
The things these assholes do when they are getting their fix, winning or losing...
Chewing on their tongues... that was the worst.
But playing with themselves, pissing under the table, shitting their pants, with or without diaper.
And then on top of that, some of them, many of them are also alcoholics, junkies, perverts...
I started working in a casino when I was barely 21, stayed til 35.
Horrible life.
you lose the minute you chase losses.
gambling is fine in moderation but doing it anymore than once every six months is degenerate
>But playing with themselves, pissing under the table, shitting their pants, with or without diaper.
those were the days. Id spend all day playing the slots and shitting in my pleated chinos
>But playing with themselves, pissing under the table, shitting their pants, with or without diaper
based and redpilled desu
I bet you €100 this comment doesn't get a reply.
give it already
I'll go again. I feel like this time I'm on the winning comment.
Slots are a good time. But I play digital. Shits free yo
i maybe understand if you dont want them legal in the whole country, but if you even want to ban them in las vegas there is something very wrong with you. it's a big part of the city's character.
It's literally a jewel in the desert. There is something magical about Vegas from afar and within.
No, it should be illegal and criminalized. I recently went to Las Vegas and was appalled at what I saw.
That entire city is disgusting and grime-filled. It is a city which thrives over the breaking of men, I never saw a place so degenerate, filled to the brim with debauchees. It should be banned throughout the entire country, if Las Vegas dies from that than that is a positive good.
absolutely not, they are rigged, especially the electronic slots.
Jesus didn't gamble. So no. Gambling is illegal. I'd only accept gambling if instead of money Bibles came out of the slot machines every time.
>Ban the containment zone for degnerates
>Release them into our white neighborhoods to corrupt our kids
Ok user
Their containment zone should be Canada
fuck off
Outlaw gambling and push those people into the options and futures markets so we can at least get liquidity out of their addictions
>Mr. Slots
Holy shit
I love slots
las vegas isnt even a city of degenerates. its mostly well off white people looking for fun
That's one nice fuck of a contribution to the thread, user.
Way to go.