Is the house of lords good? should we abolish it? or does it hurt Labour somehow

is the house of lords good? should we abolish it? or does it hurt Labour somehow.

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>child molestors
>kike worshippers
>people who read jewish mythology
There's nothing admirable about these people. They die along with the jews.

Fuck off britcuck no one cares about your meme government

I don't remember asking colonials to take part in the debate.

You're not a country meme flaggot. Maybe leave the EU and you can have an opinion. Until then, you do what Brussels tells you to do.

>You're not a country
> says the corporate hellhole as it scarfs another mystery meat and corn syrup burger
Your "country" has been a joke since Vietnam.

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If it was something Labour benefitted from Blair wouldn't have cucked it with his gay reform bill.

We won vietnam. By forcing the Soviet Union to concentrate its forces there, and then pulling out, we caused Communist China to invade Communist Russia killing many Communist Vietnamese in the process. You're studying a half a century dated textbook that probably teaches McCarthy was a bad man, instead of being vindicated in the 1990s by the Venona cables. Learn your history stupid boomer. Joseph McCarthy was right.

your country is colonized by shitskins, does that make you a colonial as well?

Remember this video when Bongs make fun of the American political system.

>We won vietnam. By forcing the Soviet Union to concentrate its forces there, and then pulling out, we caused Communist China to invade Communist Russia killing many Communist Vietnamese in the process.

he's larping some althistory

all politicians should debate within fist swinging range. our stupid congress is too spread out. condense them in so they can go full nigerian chimpout.

More like The House of Old Brainwashed Boomers.

February 17, 1979, when Communist China launched a full-scale military invasion into Communist Vietnam to kick out the Soviets. Dumbass boomers.

why are boomers so hopelessly brainwashed? i swear to god part of their brains are missing. they can't question or learn anything new.

>China loses
>Therefore the US won
Wtf are you smoking?

lead poisoning from lead in gasoline. no joke

In all seriousness I think they cling to the whole dead Jew thing because they're scared of going to hell.

Except there's no proof hell is a thing, and there's no proof you'll go there if you don't worship the dead Jew.

I dunno. Humans are retarded.

>the illiterate boomer somehow can type on Jow Forums
We got communists to go to war with communists you 60 IQ half-nigger.

It was literally treason when he abolished the Hereditary Peers. The House of Lords went from being a learned, genuine aristocracy to a state sponsored cuckshed full of heebs and token niggers.

Blair ruined it by wrecking the selection mechanisms and now it's crammed with crony partisan hacks. Stuffed it with Blairites, who are cultural Marxists (anyone who tells you Blair was a neo-con is a liar or a fucking idiot) and Cameron did the same. It was a useful checks-and-balances tool but now it's a hindrance... as if any of it fucking matters anymore. We're fucked.

Lol treason happens every week in modern parliament, it means nothing now

Mosely thought the house of lords was an anachronism and proposed, instead of abolishing it, to replace it with a more current, updated version to suit the needs of Britain.

says the country that's ruled by Israel

I agree 100%. Hope you're ready for the Chimpocalypse.

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>tfw you abolish the death sentence for treason then commit treason for the rest of your premiership and life because you're a wretched child-murdering Marxist cunt

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Bin that noif faggot

>Tfw you get away with murdering hundreds of thousands of shitskins but it's okay because you did it for your snipdick masters

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>trying to discuss UK politics an an Iranian MRE enthusiast image forum

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>says Sweden

The house of lords voted to overturn the Balfour declaration which created the state of Israel! They were overruled on this matter by the house of commons. Food for thought

>Pretending this was worth 56K dead and a complete rout in SE Asia
And you have the audacity to call other people Boomers...

looks too white

Abolish the House of Commons and kick all the coloreds and women out of Lords and the royal family.

That’s funny, because I don’t engage in serious dialogue with Islamic countries anyway.

A group of people who derive their wealth from land and rents want stability. Its in their economic interest, war and crises are disruption which affect their income. This is the polar opposite of the (((merchant classes))) who make profit off crisis.

A group of hereditary aristocrats are inherently conservative and cautious by nature. They would serve to temper the extremes of elected government. I fucking hate all of this egalitarian nonsense of recent years, hierarchy is natural and healthy.

>Coping this hard
You retarded mutts got buttfucked so hard by rice farmers you're still in denial about it. The absolute state of Amerimongrels.

The kill-loss rations were off the charts. Even muh Tet Offensive was a crushing loss for the Viet Kong. We just became disillusioned and gave up.

The House of Commons should be abolished and the Jacobite line should be crowned instead of the filthy W*nDsors.
And also, everyone not being of hereditary nobility should be kicked out of the House of Lords as well.

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Based. God save the king.

I unironically hate your royalty, but I admire your Parliament and democratic traditions. Reform the House of Lords if you want but at least don't throw the whole thing out

Indeed burger friend.

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gay and not actually based or redpilled
fuck royals of all stripes

Cringe and bluepilled.
Fuck your republic and fuck your constitution.

You should understand by now that "democratic traditions" unironically leave the country to the abyss in a slow but painful death.
The USA should be enough exemple of it ameribro. Democracy is the worst form of government.

This. You can’t call yourself right wing and be against aristocratic hierarchy

Well in Canada we have the Senate which is similar. They are unelected officials who are appointed for life and they can stop any bill from becoming law. In Canada much like the UK we need to either abolish it or reform it to an elected position.

there still are hereditary peers, just no new ones.

NZ had lords too and they just straight up abolished them and became unicameral in the 60s

that faggot is not the King. our King is the Queen

No, there are no added ones however the 90 hereditary peers.... alright so they aren't ACTUALLY hereditary
instead they are elected by aristocrats from among the aristocracy
we still have aristocratic lords and sitting bishop peers.

Incidentally, the better and more conservative peers tend to be the remains of the aristocrats and the Bishops while the more useless ones tend to be politically-appointed "life peers".
Very much this. Look at the states that prospered historically- Rome as a balance of monarchy, aristocracy, democracy, China as a Confucian monarchy, British Empire as an aristocratic democracy, even China today is on the rise and its at worst an internal-party democracy.

The general trend is that simply abolishing just hierarchy for unjust and ungodly egalitarianism leads to ruin and devastation.

Since 1918 when the last of the true monarchies fell Europe went from the center of geopolitics, a conservative continent that resisted radicalism and a liberalism, a Christian and largely Catholic continent, to an atheist globalist stagnant hellscape.

The American constitution is born of the same false god of equality as the Soviets and communism. Liberalism is just not-fully-developed communism. To smash communism you must first smash liberalism because liberalism will always decay into socialism.

Indeed. I kinda like Americans, but the brainwashing they have since birth into thinking their republic and their system is the best thing ever is... annoying at least.
The American constitution is bad. The American republic is bad. It allows the decay to growth every year. And all the Europeans and Latin Americans modern democracies are trash too.

Thought it was 92 hereditary allowed to sit?

Otherwise you are right. I think the monarch should be the only one making the decision to create peers, allowing politicians just means they will virtue signal or give it to party donors. Life peers should be abolished and a small amount of hereditaries should be created to replace those that are going extinct and to reward genuine merit.

Its hereditary... sort of:

for God knows what reason Blair decided to make the hereditary peers quasi-elected
really even just going back to the old system of aristocrats automatically having a seat would be an improvement. The Parliament Acts should also be repealed.
its because of American civil religion- democracy has become a religion of itself and its holy texts are the US Constitution.

Pope Leo XIII condemned Americanism as a heresy in the 1800s to try to combat the idea among the American Catholic Bishops at that time that the Church should adapt to the American way and allow things like freedom of religion, etc.

>the house of lords good?
Isnt that your legislature that is just appointed? And like half of it is priests? Damn, that's retarded.

I don't remember inviting the loser of the war to use an American website.

Yeeaaah, that's kinda why we did the thing in 1776, if you don't remember.

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We're going to invade you faggots soon

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