Yes, this is an actual quote

Yes, this is an actual quote.

Attached: retardedquote.jpg (780x380, 200K)

Other urls found in this thread:

What does it mean?

It means that bad goys should not be able to participate in elections.

>how is it that people might disagree?
>hurrdurr i'm politician hurp

feminazi literally

Attached: jessphillips.png (780x380, 290K)

Based and honkpilled

>If Facebook and Twitter ban you why are you allowed to stand for election?
Because those are two completely different things. Facebook and Twitter do not control our political process, yet.

Attached: craigdavid.jpg (968x645, 42K)

They don't yet, but these retarded subhumans are certainly trying to make it happen.

She’s so ugly i wouldn’t even rape her

This is worth the countless hours of scrolling. Just to see this honest piece of art. God I love Jow Forums

Bobby Sands stood for election and won while he was in prison for being a terrorist. The bar is rightly set very low, if people don't like what a candidate does or says they don't have to vote for them.

Attached: chucklebrothers.jpg (615x409, 40K)

From the thumbnail, I thought that was Matthew Lillard as Shaggy from that live action Scooby Doo movie

>couldn't even pay a nigger muslim to rape her

Holy shot, you foreign cunts don't know the half of it......

Toppest of keks

she's a fucking retarded woman, but honestly let her have her way so we can stop pretending that elections will ever fix anything

she really is right
why would you waste time and resources on people who can't even be on facebook? who the hell is gonna vote for them? fuck those guys.

Claims to believe in democracy, wants people banned from democracy.

no one would.
not a soul would voluntarily have sex with that.


Accelerationism FTW

Literally lipstick on a pig

Facebook and Twitter are engaged in criminal activity.
Fraud at least for luring customers to use their platform while claiming there is no political censorship.

Attached: zucc_perp_walk.jpg (850x573, 88K)

Gross, no wonder she got offended when that faggot sargon said he wouldn't even rape her, even a fat slob like him wont go for it


so many look like her.

>I want corporations to decide who can run for office.
Yikes. Either she is Jewish or just a dumb bitch.

Oi facebook says you ain't got a loicense to stand for election in Britain m8.
Love Democracy me! Ate Ate speech!

Attached: oim9.png (237x318, 177K)

He was banned on facebook, why do we allow him to eat?

these politicians sound like they want social media corps to be the chinese equivalent of the 'social credit' department.

It's almost as if they've planned exactly that at bilderberg meetings.

>shitlib corporations deciding who should stand for election
Is she retarded?

Attached: 9741327535489264.jpg (700x417, 34K)

Politicians unironically think global corporate entities should be able to explicitly veto political candidates.
This is in contrast to the soft form of vetoing that any genuine opposition currently suffers from.

>bilderberg meetings
people hardly mention shit like this and the CFR here anymore when they are the most obviously evil public wings of the global elite than can be used to redpill normies.

I thought she was Shaggy from scooby doo in the thumbnail.

Jess Philips has written a book, to be published on the 3rd of October 2019.

Attached: Jess Phillips - Book - Truth to Power.jpg (1586x791, 100K)

Attached: Jess Phillips - Book - Truth to Power - Media Review.jpg (1495x243, 28K)

How do you square the whole "truth to power" thing if you're actively trying to suppress political opponents whilst you're the one with the power?

the absolute state of women

I can see what Sargon was talking about. I wouldn't even rape her either.


Why is there a benis in her drink?

lmfao wtf

I know! It is an absolute joke!

I don't understand.

British. Pedophiles.


because by power she meant the patriarchy and as a woman she is automatically not oppressed and a victim no matter how much power or wealth she has

Attached: neeigh.png (940x890, 438K)

And she will still claim this even when she is laughing at and dismissing issues that affect men.


He/she/it says Faceberg and Twatter should be the final authority on who gets to be a candidate.

Means she’s upset that Carl of Swindon is going to be an MEP and dab on eurocucks

Yep, a UK MP thinks that social media corporations should be emulated to veto MEP candidates.

If they stand for election, what gives twitter the right to ban them?
Is twitter above the law?

I believe brain damaged individual is the correct term. I could be mistaken though.


A bit harsh, horses can be both beautiful and useful creatures.

Phillips on the other hand...

She's all gums. Look at her smile

>Is twitter above the law?
Liberals have always been above the law.

>Faceberg and Twitter should speak for all of the American public

Attached: 1553201804935.jpg (720x1086, 67K)

The tail wagging the dog. The dog walking the owner. Pants on head. Shoes on hands. Shitting out your mouth retarded.

>if laws can ban criminals from society, how is it they are allowed to vote?

Me neither

>have rich daddy
>get into political power on all-female short list
>laugh at male mortality rates

Wow, you're SOOO oppressed.

We got any draw fags here?
>pic related

Attached: test_white_feather_award.jpg (407x580, 75K)

>link requires paying to read quote in article
Fuck off (((thetimes))) shill.

Are you actually retarded? The quote is just above the paywall.

Well honked

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>Letting a 20 something from California/Silicon Valley dictate who can run your country

Attached: yuri.jpg (225x225, 11K)

That cunt needs to be fucking killed

her arm looks like a dick

because they're super convinced these terrible weapons will never be used on them.

No shit, Sherlock

what a stupid useless cunt

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The result of an all-woman shortlist diversity hire everyone!

I dislike Fagon of Lardass
Did anyone see the cringe when he was on Jew Rogaine?
But fuck England

>Fagon of Lardass

Because Britain is (supposedly) a democracy.
Faceberg and Twatter are communist dictatorships.