Reminder: Asians are next

Reminder: After the white race is dealt with, their next target will be east Asians. Prepare yourself Japan.

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Nips aren't stupid enough to fall for that trick now, much less after our example.

>"japanese are definitely going to start taking in immigrants now!"
>t. kike rag from america
sounds legit


We've got to do something about these goddamn kikes -Ben Garrison

They’re not seeking immigrants, the media kikes are using that word incorrectly.

They are seeking temporary migrant laborers.

Aren't Asians supercucked in the US? Even when they are being discriminated against through affirmative action?

That's what they said in Europe too. That's the first step.

You do know they started opening their border right ?


yes they most certainly are. you don't think decades of anime and hello kitty makes a nation STRONGER do you?

Your vpn work fine ?

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Their women are.

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more like during. having a relatively sexless society is not necessarily a good thing, their women are free to fuck everything up and the men will go along with it to please them

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What's your vpn pal

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I Thought japenese women seré Supposed to be smarter That western Women, do They truly Think They are Doing the Right thing By letting in Those sandnigs?

Yes they are. Abe jacked up immigrant quotas last year.

>temporary migrant workers
Ah yeah, like the Turkish Gastarbeiters in Germany. That worked out well

Yes, because of "morality"

as long as the world bank has any kind of recognition

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It was always a meme. Just like asian women being more traditional.

Turks were supposed to be temporary in Dutchland. They were supposed to return home at age 45, but a lot of them didn't.
Like our migrant farmworkers who were supposed to go back to Mexico when the crops were harvested.

>They are seeking temporary migrant laborers.
Temporary migrant laborers are the reason why the US is 60% white.

... the neoliberalist globalism project won't stop

i will fight to the death to protect jap land. no joke.

But white people have dominant genes, you literally can't out breed them. Within a few generations you're right back to white people.

Why are you capitalizing random words, Pablito?

Weebs and their wishful thinking

Just read that and you know japan is completely fucked :

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They Havent heard about the chaos Those so called "people" Bring Wherever They go? I Find very hard to Believe no japenese female Ever see the news about the current situation

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> japan
> 0% jews
Nah they will be fine

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You guys have to realize that when the Japanese take in immigrants, they don't accept violent races like niggers, spics, somalis, and mexicans. That is our own stupid country. Instead, the Japanese just take in lower tier asians like Vietnamese who are capable of being peaceful and civilized.

Even If Thats true arent they smart enough to Look for any news about Those people They want to Bring inside Their homes? Or how different They Think Towards western/asian culture?
China did his thing for a reason
Apologies, im phoneposting Right now

What a load of bullshit, if Japan raised the labor participation level to the level of the Netherlands they would have 0 unemployment.
Get fucked kike.
Read. Benjamin Franklin knew this reasoning was bullshit.


0% unemployment rate doesn't allow capitalists to to victimize society

Women are women. They’re simply not as influential in Japan on account of a much more patriarchal culture. Unleash the women and Japan will become another Sweden.

Kike ?

It's the Abe govt who want immigrant. And in the link i posted, it's Abe aide who want up to 10% of the total of their population.

Japan is getting cucked as we speak, deny it all you want it will not change the truth.

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women are the jews AND niggers of gender

The only way we can save humanity is through WMAF

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Yeah I'm African and would sacrifice myself just to keep Japan for the Japanese.

No one cares about your honeypot discord you fucking glownigger

Never change weebs

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Gotta ruin the future for the young so that the old can die in comfort.

Even if they opened up, who in their right mind would immigrate to Japan? Wasn't the current plan to not give a chance for citizenship but a work permit for 5 years or somesuch?

Why would anyone work in Japan if they're not allowed to build their life there? Worklife seems to suck as well with people keeping on going with their energy drinks and sleeping in the public transit. To top it off, you'll never be considered Japanese no matter what.

I think they're safe.

>believe western (((media)))
>go to Japan
>"why are you here gaijin?"
>get kicked out because VISA expired and "Japan needs migrants" is a western (((journalism))) meme

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Just bring in white otakus from the USA because they won't try to change shit.


Japs won't fall for it. They bring in Vietnamese for a few years and then deport them. In five years most of the shit in Japan will be automated already and they won't need laborers. The Jews are racing against the automation clock.

>Even if they opened up, who in their right mind would immigrate to Japan?

It starts with the low totem end jobs. Then the demand for higher pay, crippling their economy and stealing jobs from the native grade school young adults. With immigrants there will be no more sleeping on transits or in 24/7 cafes. The goal isn't to assimilate but to take over and strip the culture from the inside out.

>What is money
>What is bribery
>What is blackmailing

If Asians can overcome this, then they truly are the master race.

r/hapas objectives:
1. Kill all white people
2. Kill all Japanese people
3. Easily retain mastery over a world of dark peoples

Havent You see how many Kikes Are in Every plataform shittalkin japan? Forcing them to install Multiculturalism??giving the sandnigs jobs would Only open pandoras Box once again, By Civil Those Kikes enough power to do Their thing

Yes, but only for low skilled workers
High skilled workers get an easy path to permanent resident.
They'll not stop at the 360 000 they announced (see the link i posted above)
In other word, they do exactly what we did with our "temporary workers" in the past.

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Well Japan isn't Germany.
Japan has a policy that cops have to stop your and ask you for your passport, if you're a gaijin with expired VISA will be be kicked and barred from entering Japan from 5 years to up to 10 for overstaying and peramently if you were caught doing something illegal while having expired VISA.

Japan really doesn't want or care about imigrants. It never has and never will.

This is just propaganda and poorly reported stuff by western media. Same as birthrates.
EU has far less birthrates than Japan but Japan somehow ends up taking the spotlight for low birthrates.

You underestimate how stupid people can be, even the Japanese.

There is no end to this outside of our deaths. embrace her lads

The difference is that Germany never intended to deport the Turks. America forced them to bring in Turks and non-Germans so they could be used as a fifth column by CIAnigger NGOs. This is to prevent German nationalism from rising, which could threaten American dominance of Europe.

Japan brings in migrant workers and deports them all.

>Culture that actually has some self awareness enough to laugh at all races of the world.
>Actually falling for the immigrants meme.

I love Japanese products but just like me i'm sure they would rather die out from shit birth rates then ever let their country be overrun and die to shit skins.

Because EU import millions of nignog to make up for the low birthrate while Japan in the recent past didn't want to hear anything related to immigration

You’re no hapa, but a kike-mongoloid. Not a drop of Aryan blood in your veins, Ari Park.

Real hapas support all the people of light, both the civilized people of European descent and the Far East.

Nigga they're building mosques for the Olympics. Restaurants are starting to serve halal meat since muslim Asians are immigrating. Their universities are starting to admit trannies and they're embracing biracial Jap mutts acting as the spokespersons for immigration for Japan. It's nice to think that Jews are behind absolutely all of it but regular people fall prone to the slippery slope of degeneracy. That's just how cities are and Tokyo is increasingly becoming a shithole like all the others

Would be a shame if they got into another war. Would be a shame if their enemy was brainwashed and dropped another much bigger nuke on them.

Never, EVER, underestimate Jews. They are evil evil beings.

Japs have always been aware of the jews. I wouldn't be surprised if there wasn't some treaty or they weren't working hand in hand to cripple everyone else.

>Culture that actually has some self awareness enough to laugh at all races of the world.
Europe was like this just a century ago

nips have already started, pay attention fuckwit.

Not to mention Abe is childless himself. This is what societies do when they reach carrying capacity and the winter phase of civilization, no exceptions

The gov authorize tranny but only if they go through sterelization.
And yes, it's the Olympics, they have to serve everyone. South korea did it to

They most likely are, but a lot of white people aren't. Jews will use white people to wipe out Japan for good. Similar to world war 2 but permanently.

Fuck Jews. I know how they think.

neither kike nor mongoloid.
I'm just listing the objectives of the little dicklets from r/hapas


asian females are the worst


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It's not real sterilization, it means they have to really do the surgery if they want to be officially recognized. I'm pretty sure they can still freeze their sex cells to reproduce and shit. The fact that they're allowing trannyism at all can only lead to more trannies, more rights, more media poz.

Not trying to blackpill just trying to be realistic and not flippant

Why is pablo with a gook?

how the fuck can you move without money?

> nigga
Opinion discarded you piece of filthy little shit lmao.

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>winter phase
we talking Kondratiev?

Yea pretty much.

To bad this wont get to the subhuman weaboos, they think Japan is so mighty and pure so fail to realize it will fall just like the west unless we do something.

its already starting in tokyo. really tiny amounts compared to (((the west))) but still the borders are slowly opening. it sucks ass desu

Chemicals are stronger than intellect, dumbass

how are they falling for this? aren't they seeing how fucked up the west is becoming?
why fucking Japan out of all places? is no place sacred?

thats a horrendously ugly girl compared to the average around here. no wonder she chose some fringe element of society to connect with

But they have Muslims that rape, and riot.
Mfw they accepted 27 refugees in 2016, and 2 of them where arrested for gang rape in less than a year after.

Japanese people aren't some super special kind of people, cities regardless of race will always be degenerate. "regardless of race" does not mean the races are equal just in case some faggot tries to straw man me.

They have an ageing and declining population.

what I mean is that all westernized countries are already shit.
Western Europe is a sand nigger filled shithole, the US is filled with niggers and beaners, Canada can't stop sucking halal cock.
Can't we just have one country that isn't a brown shithole?

>Tokyo is increasingly becoming a shithole like all the others
lol no. i've been to almost all major US cities. you have no right to call Tokyo anything other than a shining example of what life can be like without a high percentage of niggers

>why fucking Japan out of all places? is no place sacred?
You underestimate just how damaging, and forceful the UN really is, and the only thing deemed sacred are the mosques that have been fortified by terrorists.

statistics are skewed, the only reason it's not the case in the west is because we have sand niggers breeding like rabbits.

shut the fuck up english teacher.
All Citizens living in cities are ultra liberal and want to import migrants to get brownie points while housing them on the outskirts of the cities where there is farm land and conservative people.
it has always been this way and it will never change.

>Tokyo anything other than a shining example
Tokyo is a shining example of what a government could accomplish if they skewed reports, and miscategorized crimes.

>6 posts by this ID
>most of them misinformed at best

holy fuck dude your mind is so kiked you actually believe the "all cities are trash" mindset. ffs travel or something dude.

who would know better, a fat mutt 6 gorillion miles away or someone who has lived here for the last few years?

is there a backlash against it? are people going to stab Abe on TV like they did with that commie?

The poster is not wrong. Why do you think of this ?

who's holding the camera?