Are german bros and jap bros still friends?

Are german bros and jap bros still friends?

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friendship is for faggots.

fear the samurai

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Kek I had like 3 buckets worth of those. I always loved playing with the Germans.

Rofl, oh my God, epic meme dude! I saw that on my snap feed yesterday and almost started laughing in class!! Teach gave me one of those looks and it reminded me of spongebob haha

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I remember only having the British and the Yankees.

I want that bucket

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seems to be something wrong with one of the flags...

Yes USA Flag should be 10x larger than the other "nations"

The Jap and Kraut flags are wrong for the period.

The only faction to have a dead soldier figure is the Japanese.

kys faggot

Same, they had that cool grey. I liked the bagpiper though.

>being close to another guy
literally gay. animosity is the only heterosexual state of emotion.

That sucks. I loved those because German plastic army men are extremely uncommon.

where is russia?

and france

they should have a melted one

they're all the same

Jap one is correct
The one you're thinking of is their Naval Jack, which is still in use and still triggers people

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Blog time:
I've kept the German officer figure as a personal talisman for like two decades now. Even as a kid this nonchalant-yet-resolute-in-the-face-of-danger figure inspired me to work harder and push on whatever it is I was doing. Honestly thinking of getting one made in brass or w/e.


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post pic


Oh fuck I had that exact same set of army men as a kid and it awakened a whole bunch of childhood memories. Thanks OP.

Never met someone from Japan. But I hold them in high regards, knowing they were with us against all odds.
The nukes hurt me more than Dresden.

You know, I've NEVER seen Soviet/Russian plastic army men. I did have French soldiers from a set of Revolutionary War army men though.

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jews don't want to remind us of their crimes against humanity.

based. sharpie a hitler stash on him

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>triggers people
only the (((koreans))), same reasoning with the confederate flag, the usual muh symbol of crimes
the rest of Asians dont care, and the koreans as well until very recently

>t.faggot that loves to hate buttfuck

Germans should be forever salty towards nips for how they aggrod the USA into what was for them at the time an ez war

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>multiple friends visit japan
>all of them tell me that japanese are hardworking and extremely autistic
Allthough it is a different kind of collective autism, I think these values are compatible with ours.

name of the brap cannon?

please reunite.

oh that reminds me I need to buy more army men
thanks OP

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Oh shit I had that same exact army set when I was a little shit kid

>when the german kid and the japanese kid start working on a group project and flunk it hardcore


Neat, thanks user.

Sarge’s Heroes best army men game

Hurr durr can’t google

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They can't sell the time period accurate ones in some markets to toy stores.

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fuck that fag who made that shirt desu
>japs fuck up the whole war
>they kill thousands of whites
>they never help the germans
but these weeaboo fags are worshipping them instead of appreciating actual european countries that helped and in most cases fought until the last men

>KEK EPIC WIN!!!1~! You totally PWNED that user!
Kys sperg

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>please reunite.
It would be glorious.
>Boss asks you to brew beer violating the Reinheitsgebot
>Write short poem about beer
>Protest by ritually killing yourself