Alright vros, Dr. William Luther Pierce podcasts are starting to get Holocausted by zog again. Does anybody have a complete collection of his work so I can save them on my hard drive to save them from extinction?
Alright vros, Dr. William Luther Pierce podcasts are starting to get Holocausted by zog again...
bump, pretty sure there are archives of them elsewhere on the web. try google maybe?
Found a very long one but I'm not sure if it's complete, plus, having them in separate files makes it easier to manage
mhm, well at least it's a backup option
hopefully somebody throws them all back on youtube soon
I don't have one, but I do like Dr Pierce, his voice is very comfy. No doubt he will eventually be shoahed from Youtube.
there is a website that had them all, I don't know what it is now unfortunately though
>No doubt he will eventually be shoahed from Youtube.
Most of his stuff already has, there used to be a playlist with nearly 200 of his broadcasts until last year sometime.
If you get shoahed from getting shoahed from YouTube is a piece of cake
There is still loads, you just have to look for it, I'm listening to this now
Narrg media only has omniphi's edits, YouTube and webarchive jewed him, which leaves us with?
It's like 250+ podcasts while YouTube has only around 20 cropped ones. We can't just let the others be forgotten
found this:
that faggot was autistic af anyway
>meme opinion
thanks for stopping by, no (yous) for you
Nice try kike
Yup, that was the really long one I was talking about
text form all here
>The Zionist are attacking their fake Nazi LARPer.
Again? This trick always works.
Look, this Pierce guy was an asshole. He was not a national socialist, he played the jews' "Nazi" meme; advocated world genocide and played the 0.5% pagan.
If you think he was based, you're sucking jew cock. You're gonna be their poster boy for the next ADL/SPLC fund drive.
Looking to inspire more Oklahoma City type bombings?
The day of the rope is coming for you racist-terrorist National Alliance fucks!
I can see the JIDF is all over this thread, pushing for screen shots.
I would also like all of the high res smoloko pics I used httrack to try downloading a wayback machine snapshot but it isn't working.
you're an idiot.
>he played the jews' "Nazi" meme;
No, he didn't. He was an educated person simply exercising his right to free speech. He also called out the skinhead morons for being retarded.
>advocated world genocide
So you're literally just lying now? Ok. He advocated for white nations to be white and nonwhite nations to do whatever the hell they wanted.
>played the 0.5% pagan
No, he demanded that "pagans" and "christians" set aside their differences and work together. Being critical of modern christianity is the only rational position to take.
>if you think he's based your sucking jew cock
only in your dreams faggot
>You're gonna be their poster boy for the next ADL/SPLC fund drive.
This hyper-sensitve "muh optics" approach is indicative that you are either:
1) New [many of us felt the same way when first being redpilled, it's because the leftist idea of social currency, optics, and rooting out non-conformity is hard to shake]
2) A moron
if they need someone for their "funddrive" they'll just make someone up. Furthermore, you are never going to be able to police every single person who believes in a political stance, so you are fighting an unwinnable battle. Do the hardcore commies all sit around freaking out because of that one guy who wrote "liberals get the bullet too *hammer&sickle*" at Berkely? Of course not, they move on and keep playing offense.
tl;dr you are wrong and dumb
That's what i got, well there you go OP.
Imagine caring about what an amerilard larper had to say
>everyone who doesn't think Dr. Pierce (a man who has done more for whites than any of us ever will) is JIDF
kill yourself my dude
The guy literally said that he hopes no violence will have to be used, but is ready to so whatever it takes. Have you ever listened to the guy or are you just neo-Nazi larping like a retard
>advocated world genocide
>something bad
>played the 0.5% pagan
>something bad
Well of course christcuck golem with his universalist nigger-feet-slurping morals will be concerned about well-being animal races over liberation of whites. Dr. Pierce was completely right about your ilk.
It's probably just another schizo-boomer who thinks literally everything is a false flag. They're in every other thread, they might as well be here too.
Kek, as if this guy was some sort of intellectual heavy weight and not just and old guy gone mad.
I used to have 273 of his
he was a Physics professor, nice try tho memeflag
You are the first person I have ever heard talk about pierce as if he was a kike, in years of knowing about him. What is your reasoning? I'm curious.
You can find them on bitchute
Yeah faggot go to national vanguard . org