How could you defend capitalism?

What an evil ideology

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This could happen in a communist system as well.

capitalism and communism, two sides of the same shekel

>public school teacher
ok buddy

Yeah it’s not that with communism that would be even worse

fuck off comie, it's his fault.

>it’s not true capitalism
>for profit schools for children is the answer

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When? We actually treat our workers good

Public school teachers are child rapists and should be lined up and shot.

>Thanks for the piecework system, comrade!
Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

Do burgers get payed while on vacation?
Also fuck commies.

For profit schools ARE better, though

Under communism you wouldn't be given any fucking sick days. You work till you drop comrade

It’s ok as long as you have UBI

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american public education is the closest thing to socialism functioning in our borders and ironically it's because these moronic cunts won't defend themselves against the consequences of their own shitty ideology

Yes, vacation hours are payed for. Sick days also get paid for if you have "sick days" as opposed to days where you call in sick.

in most jobs people accumulate sick leave and annual leave. for every 4 hours I work I get 1 hour of both and my sick/ annual leave is capped at 440 hours

this is socialism they are redistributing sick days to him

>because your genes failed to produce viable offspring all the other humans in your social group should have to cover your inability to provide for your family.

You think you understand capitalism...but you do not.

In what time/place in the world does someone get unlimited sick days because of a child's illness?

Teachers literally don't work, faggot, basically a welfare collection job

communism actually cares about human life.

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Take a helicopter ride

how do you defend having a job but not actually doing it

its just free gibs at this point, why even have jobs

Thats why they kill so many revolutionaries yeah?

Now there 8 billions people in the world, guess capitalism failed at killing all useless fucks like yourselve.

>this wouldn't happen with communism
>be communist
>kid dying of cancer
>ask for sick days off to comfort her
>get laughed at
>"get back to work"
>decide family is more important
>not show up to work
>get sent to gulag for treason against the state

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Should've killed the kid.

The daughter has a star of david and hebrew on her shirt.

This. Capitalism can work as long as the kikes are properly collared, and that requires giving the common man a seat at the table and bargaining power. Something UBI can help immensely with.

How is this an example of "capitalism?" Teachers are public workers.

When? Only the united states of amerikkka and their EU pawns do that, they hate seeing a successful socialist paradise.

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Children riddled with cancer are left to die in non-capitalist societies


In the communist system he is sent to gulag for wrecking after being tortured for a signed confession to being the leader of the group responsible for not meeting that months quotas. He also had to name all his "conspirators" and would be kept in a sleepless state until he named at least 10 others.

I don't think the Soviet Union allowed people to take infinity sick days off work bro. Working is sort of the civic religion for communists.

No it couldn't. He'd get all the time he wants to see her in the gulag.

no one thought capitalism was evil +50 years ago.
now all think that. But back then they thought it was the one and only ideology that would save all. Now it seems many think it's Socialism that will save us.
Same will happen with Socialism. People will think it will save us but it will have the same fate as clown world U.S. 100 years from now and all will regret their decision.
The true redpill is to realize that no ideology will save us
population control and link will.

My job has PTO (paid time off). It can be used for whatever you want, vacation, sick time etc. Basically I get X number of hours a year I can not show up to work but still get paid. How I use them is up to me. It is called an "occurrence" if I use them short notice, like call in sick in the morning and say I won't be in today. Too many occurrences can get me fired.

Lol retarded commie faggot. She’s a teacher for the state.

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>Government schools.

>Made men do the shopping.
>Didn't make women do men's work.

Typical Leftist cuck.

Nah, they would never give days off

If you couldn’t work you would be killed. Non-workers are viewed as subhuman for both communist and Capitalist. Congrats you played yourself clown.

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>Your choices are to be victimized by the government
>Or victimized by super corporations

Late game capitalism is the pits.

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Was this even at a private school?

I guess private schools don’t exist

>Fellow teachers chipped in their sick days

I don't get it, it sounds like the problem solved itself. Why are these faggots so upset?

What's the problem? Are they expected to keep paying him for doing anything BUT his job? He almost certainly could've taken a leave of absence and returned to work later on. I've never heard of an employer turning something like that down unless there are contracts or deadlines and your role is critical.

You're right op. I think the best solution is to abolish the public school system.

Because everyone should be given everything they need without having to ask for it or having other help them. Come on now, don't be an evil bigot, the state should pay people for not doing anything.

> niggers kill niggers in their natural tribal warfare
> lefty retard sees these communist revolutionaries and western backed coups

Ugh. The thought that we have people currently running for the presidency that believe this unironically is genuinely nauseating.

Does the Family Medical Leave Act not apply to public school teachers? Serious question I might be a brainlet.

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Most poverty is caused due to lack of it.. but no worries mr made up statistics.

Just like your made up economies.

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Top Kek. Ok.

If your baby has cancer, then it should probably be removed from the gene-pool.

you don't understand, corporations can do no wrong

>500 Years of Slavery
Nigga what?

why was he taking sick days if he wasnt sick

>getting sick days at all under communism

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>Capitalism's indirect suffering vs Communism's direct suffering

You're hilarious.

communist meinkraft server >@G8YpJW4
keep fighting the good fight

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A lot died on the ships

The first slave ship ever to enter into Jamestown was in 1619 though, only 400 years ago and even then they had 20 slaves.
On top of that slavery ended in what? the 1800s? I mean shit there is rewriting history and then there is just blatant lying.
I bet a kike was behind that picture.

>they deserve death because fuck them, sucks to suck.

dude it's true here is my source

They want ad revnue and I ain't giving it to em archive that shit.


It's amazing how the same people that were responsible for a large amount of the slave trade are now telling white people that they're such huge pieces of shit for being involved in it to any degree.


Fuck off communist faggot.

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but those numbers don't come close to adding up to 2 billion

It's unironically your fault if your child gets cancer. The mother probably ate like shit and then they fed the child shit. Surprise surprise.