Why do people obsess over this weird mongoloid?

Why do people obsess over this weird mongoloid?

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Brit we will be married one day.
I will also do us a favor and throw out Mongaloid children off s bridge.
Love you honey.

Are there any nudes out there of her? There have to be


Nubian milkers

el goblina...

She's cute
Maybe you're just gay

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it has tits and a vagina and incels are attracted to these

Isn’t this the 2nd Venti thread today?? Fuck off thirsty newfag redditniggers

Do you see now, OP?

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I am just here for images of this sexy goblin.

no idea, she's ugly as fuck, and "thicc" meme
people here think asians are hot as well

>eceleb thread
get in here Jow Forums

Fuck off to /b/ Britney

Found them, there are more on ED

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she manipulates men of certain views to give her money.
i'd break the bitches kneecaps if she ever stepped on my property.

Took like 2 seconds to google

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She isn’t sexy, she’s a Trojan horse importing de facto feminism to the right and she complains about retarded bullshit while milking money from thirsty redditors such as yourself

I have never been on reddit in my life, son.

Fuck off boomer

I can't explain it

I have the same weird fetish half the anons here do for non-white women... but i would never breed with one

but with brittany venti - yes i would breed her and make mutts and i don't know why. she's like 1/4 aborigine she said - guess that means australian? lowest of low geneitcally. but i just can't stop thiking about her

the weird eyes make me think of some kind of strange defect or drinking during pregnancy... but again with her i don't care

help me

I like her beautiful angelic face and she's funny af

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This is Why we can't get hot chicks anymore. Girls like this, once approachable and obtainable are no longer out there. They're e celebs now, twitch users, YouTubers etc. Girls that are barely a 6 or 7 or God forbid an 8. Have thousands of followers. Good fucking luck is what I say. It wasn't like this 10-15 years ago.



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Her shtick is chubby inducing. Funny and adorable. Hold on to your shekels though and dont be a mong.

>weird fetish

It is not a weird fetish but the normal sexuality of the majority of men.

White women are garbage and you can stop pretending not to be one, roastie.

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Britney is my weakness

Fun fact: If you write chimp tits to her on twitter she'll block you

she erects my penis if you catch my drift

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Just shows women are more interested in money than race or age or anything else. Not that we needed any further proof of that.

or GTFO.


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You are the type of poler that will never stop to amaze me, can i study your kin like deeply ? With your help if you agree i give you an email to send tout.

Honestly, id give her 10000$ to her if she let me eat her out for an hour.

I beat you to it myself faggot

Nope, women are more interested in looks. Money are an oldcel cope

Personality and with is half the deal with her I think. Not that common these days with all thot mouthbreathers.

Also men like their beliefs reiterated by a cute girl.

>people obsess
I am yet to find 1 person "obsessed" over this filthy whore.

she's literally a thot that's had sex with black guys, like all the other e-celebs


>she let me eat her out
enjoy your oral cancer.

I bet she could suck your soul out through your dick.

Eyes, lips, tits if I would have to guess.

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The men are mindless, unprincipled, and perverted. Only fools think with their dicks. Unprincipled people betray themselves whenever there's a convincing contradiction in their lives. Perverts are wicked and dull-witted, so abominations are attractive to them. I pity anyone who shows this sow attention. Ignore her and encourage others to do the same. Don't waste your time with this dumb bitch.

I think that she is pretty funny and unique, don't know about the nog fucking. Her fatty friend Jessica isn't bad either.

ill agree that she is a dumb bitch but she is attractive regardless

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Lord God..

She was secretly Irish all along!

Whenever I see her, I literally get the sense of cat shit smell in my nose. Some of you will know why.


Honeypot, don't know how retards keep falling for it.

Pro-tip: your IP can be determined very easily by glow-in-the-darks when you join a Discord.

Why are women so envious, especially of other women? She's not threatening you, you aren't in competition, so why do you attack her character and that of the trolls who are generally just having fun?

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how do we know she got fucked by dindus?

Also kill yourself you fucking spook, I hope you watch your kids getting raped in front of you.

Someone doxxed it on lolcow forums once, but Brit had the jannies delete it. Maybe some user still has it saved

mammary glands

No, it shows women are more interested in RACE than anything else. Women prefer white men while men prefer non-white women.

Yeah, pretty much, mods can delete this thread now

She's fucking disgusting. Her ex has said that her cat shat on the bed and that she was too fucking indifferent to remove it and/or change sheets. She's a degenerate, and that's why I'll vote for Hitler.

can we chat about retards?

Thanks Britney for the 1 post thread.

Women under 25 maybe. After that their priority is security and status.

her eyes are weird and her tits look like the nipples would be grossly huge, like they cover the entire end of the tit.

>she has to cover up the stretch marks on her cleavage with makeup

High res photos show all, thot

She's hilarious

Not when they have their own jobs idiot

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Her mommy liked her some cocktails.

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Incels dumbass. Incels just want female attention and Mongolia’s give it

I'd donate to partisangirl before I'd donate to this sheboon

these are not brits tits. those are the tits of a woman who has breastfed children. britt is the eternal virgin

Big boobs internet girl.


what 4chad said...

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You think a successful woman is going to date/marry an unsuccessful man just because she finds him attractive? Get your head out of your ass bro.

she looks fucking weird but Id definitelly fuck her.

i had a dream the other night me and the Jow Forums boys were stealing top secrets and burning down amazon server rooms and the girl security guards couldnt catch us.

as a reward brittany let me suck on her boobies. she said " i know you want a girlfriend, but i have a son"

>her son

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If you're good looking life is your oyster, literally.

You're the type that needs to lurk more, newfag.

gimme my oyster
I'm waiting...

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Are you good looking?

You think any woman would reject this guy even if he were a NEET? get real

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Can't you tell?

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She is mongoloid?

Americans are always horndogs, Americans always like boobs and ass.

Two big reasons.

She cute

shitty lopsided boob job lol

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Being attractive opens many doors which are unavailable to unattractive people. These include career and economic opportunities. However, a lazy loser with no ambition can be a fucking 8 or 9/10 and he will still not get high quality women because that kind of attitude is repulsive to women, like a rancid smell, especially if the woman in question is successful and ambitious herself.


that is a bad title for that webm

she was so thique in the thigh region during HWNDU
Plus she wasn't as popular with the beta orbiters