Nazis never said they would kill jews

"...the greater the number of Jews liquidated, the more consolidated will the situation in Europe be after this war."

Joseph Goebbels, March 6, 1942

"The procedure is a pretty barbaric one and not to be described here more definitely. Not much will remain of the Jews. On the whole it can be said that about 60 per cent of them will have to be liquidated whereas only about 40 per cent can be used for forced labor."

Joseph Goebbels, March 27, 1942

"Short shrift is made of the Jews in all eastern occupied areas. Tens of thousands of them are liquidated."

Joseph Goebbels, April 29, 1942

Attached: 1949 census data.jpg (3960x3060, 3.67M)

Other urls found in this thread:,7340,L-3342999,00.html

" Everywhere the Jews are busy inciting and stirring up trouble. It is therefore desirable that many of them must pay with their lives for this. Anyway, I am of the opinion that the greater the number of Jews liquidated, the more consolidated will the situation in Europe be after this war. One must have no mistaken sentimentality about it. The Jews are Europe's misfortune. They must somehow be eliminated, otherwise we are in danger of being eliminated by them."

from your source

or this
" I suggest to Goering that he write another letter, especially to Galen, charging him to his face with having created the greatest unrest in the Reich by his claim that seriously wounded soldiers were being liquidated, and pointing out that his utterances: are being used by the English propaganda services against the National Socialist regime."

or this
" The Finns are determined, under all circumstances, to continue the war with their accustomed vigor. Their losses of men are enormous. It is especially regrettable that, when an entire Finnish regiment is liquidated, this usually means that the entire male population of villages or even cities is eliminated. "

or this
" Short shrift is made of the Jews in all eastern occupied areas. Tens of thousands of them are liquidated. The new slogan, "Land for the Peasants!" appealed especially strongly to the rural population. We could have achieved this success much earlier if we had been cleverer and more farsighted."

or even here were liquidated is contrasted with deported

" A more rigorous regime is now to be applied to these Jews. As far as I am concerned, it would be best if we either evacuated or liquidated all eastern Jews still remaining in Paris. By nature and race they will always be our natural enemies anyway. "

what could he have meant by this?

Stalin enjoys the further advantage over us of being opposed by no "high society/' He rid himself of this opposition by liquidations during the past twenty-five years.

or how about this one - not homicidal entirely (but it could encompass killings of party members) but clearly meaning to completely destroy adn eradicate
" That the official insignia [Liktorenbuendel] have been torn down and that the mob is storming the Fascist party offices are proof that Badoglio intends to liquidate everything connected with the Fascist revolution. "

or these
"Mar 19, 1941
Early flight to Posen. … Here, all sorts have been liquidated (liquidiert), above all the Jewish trash. This has to be. I explain the situation to Greiser.

Aug 7, 1941
In the Warsaw ghetto there was some increase in typhus; although provisions have been made to ensure that it will not leave the ghetto. The Jews have always been carriers of infectious diseases. They must either be cooped up in a ghetto and left to themselves, or liquidated (liquidieren); otherwise they will always infect the healthy population of the civilized nations."

Definition of liquidate from Merriam Webster

transitive verb

1a(1) : to determine by agreement or by litigation the precise amount of (indebtedness, damages, or accounts)
(2) : to determine the liabilities (see LIABILITY sense 2) and apportion assets toward discharging the indebtedness of
b : to settle (a debt) by payment or other settlement
liquidate a loan
2 archaic : to make clear
3 : to do away with especially by killing
was hired to liquidate a certain businessman
4 : to convert (assets) into cash
liquidated his securities

can you parse these sentences from Goebbels diaries using anything other than definition 3 and make any sense of the sentence?

no, nor could I

from the trial of David Irving

15 16th and 17th April 1943, Hitler and his Foreign Minister,
16 Ribbentrop, summoned Admiral Horthy to Klessheim, near
17 Salzburg, in order to put pressure on him to surrender the
18 Hungarian Jews into Nazi hands. The notes of the meetings
19 were taken by a man called Paul Schmidt and are agreed by
20 Mr Irving, who used them for his own accounts of these
21 meetings, to be very reliable.
22 According to Schmidt’s notes at the first
23 meeting on 16th April, Horthy protested at the Nazi
24 leader’s demands. “But they” (the Jews) “can hardly be
25 murdered or otherwise eliminated”, he said. Hitler’s
26 response was palliative: “There is no need for that”, he
. P-13

1 said, and added that they could be sent to remote work
2 camps or down the mines.”
3 The next day, 17th April 1943, Hitler’s and
4 Ribbentrop’s demands became a good deal cruder. Horthy
5 again protested that he “surely couldn’t beat the Jews to
6 death”. Ribbentrop replied that they “must either be
7 annihilated or taken to concentration camps. There is no
8 other way”. Hitler then followed up with this:
9 “Where the Jews are were left to themselves, as
10 for example in Poland, gruesome poverty and degeneracy had
11 ruled. There were just pure parasites. One had
12 fundamentally cleared up this state of affairs in Poland.
13 If the Jews there didn’t want to work, they were shot. If
14 they couldn’t work, they had to perish. They had to be
15 treated like tuberculosis bacilli, from which a healthy
16 body could be infected. That was not cruel”, said Hitler,
17 “if one remembered that even innocent natural creatures
18 like hares and deer had to be killed so that no harm was
19 caused. Why should one spare the beasts who wanted to
20 bring us Bolshevism once more? Nations who did not rid
21 themselves of Jews perished”.

Mr Irving’s account of this exchange in his 1977
23 edition of “Hitler’s War” (at page 509) is extraordinary.
24 First, as an invented pretext for Hitler’s remarks, he
25 introduces the Warsaw Ghetto uprising, which did not in
26 fact begin until two days later. Then, immediately
. P-14

1 following Hitler’s brutal assertion of the need to kill
2 the Jewish “beasts”, Mr Irving adds this:
3 “Horthy apologetically noted that he had done
4 all he decently could against the Jews: ‘But they can
5 hardly be murdered or otherwise eliminated’, he
6 protested. Hitler reassured him: ‘There is no need for
7 that’. But just as in Slovakia, they ought to be isolated
8 in remote camps where they could no longer affect the
9 healthy body of the public; or they could be put to work
10 in the mines, for example. He himself did not mind being
11 temporarily excoriated for his Jewish policies, if they
12 brought him tranquillity. Horthy left unconvinced.”
13 As, my Lord, will immediately be apparent, this
14 was a quite brazen piece of manipulation: as Mr Irving
15 knew perfectly well, because he was familiar with
16 Schmidt’s notes, this exchange had, in fact, occurred on
17 the previous day (16th April), not 17th. It is apparent,
18 therefore, that Mr Irving quite deliberately transferred
19 it to 17th April in order to mitigate the chilling impact
20 of Hitler’s stark observation about the need to kill the
21 Jewish “beasts”.

22 The account given in the 1991 edition of
23 “Hitler’s War” (at pages 541 to 542) is no better. True,
24 the spurious reference to the Warsaw uprising has been
25 removed. But so, too, has Hitler’s repellant analogy
26 between the need to kill animals which cause damage and
. P-15

1 the need to kill the Jewish “beasts”. And the brazen
2 transfer that Hitler’s palliative remark on 16th April to
3 this meeting on 17th is perpetuated.
4 My Lord, these two examples are but the tip of a
5 large iceberg imposed of numbers of other equally
6 egregious falsifications by Mr Irving in his written work
7 and in his public utterances.
8 I conclude here, my Lord, with this, that the
9 Defendants say, on this part of the case: “Case proved:
10 Mr Irving is, as was proposed at the outset of this trial,
11 a liar”.

Attached: dont talk about killing them.jpg (539x599, 40K)

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report by the Italian government

Attached: POLAND-UNDER-NAZI-RULE-1941_0001-26.jpg (787x1204, 354K)

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Einsatz gruppen report on murdering women and children

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I see none of those fucking cowards have bothers to turn up.

don't worry I am sure they will be back tomorrow withe their old lies and usual shit.

Attached: hitler on arguing with holocaust deniers.jpg (612x792, 176K)

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>Short shrift is made of the Jews in all eastern occupied areas. Tens of thousands of them are liquidated

War begins in 1939. 3 years later AT MAX 100,000 dead jews

3 years after that? 6,000,000.


Attached: swimming pool argument.png (728x900, 621K)

glad you find mass murder funny.

Attached: encyc britannica 1954.jpg (1200x900, 460K)

Stalin's Jews
We mustn't forget that some of greatest murderers of modern times were Jewish,7340,L-3342999,00.html

Attached: 1402597517985.jpg (744x992, 72K)

Nobody denies the holocaust you whiny little rat. We claim jewish communists exterminated tens of millions of Europeans before Hitler came to power, that your six million figure is Holodomor projection, and your race deserved to be rounded up and removed from Europe.

Attached: 1437633218372.jpg (640x838, 65K)

In the U.S.S.R. anti-semitism is punishable with the utmost severity of the law as a phenomenon deeply hostile to the Soviet system. Under U.S.S.R. law active anti-semites are liable to the death penalty.

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true enough but irrelevant and not on topic of the thread

>Nobody denies the holocaust you whiny little rat.

false (patently false, you have been on this board long enough to know,) and it is unbecoming to lie so blatantly. also no need for the insults.

not relevant and off topic

typical. well done you reveal yourself.

The holocaust should have been real

>no sources

more uses of Liquidation that clearly mean killing

goebbels again
18 MARCH 1945
Life in the enemy-occupied areas of the West is pictured as real hell. The French people must now pay dearly for their government's folly in declaring war on us in September 1939. They deserve all they get. Equally the Poles are now going round with lamenting that they have so far lost ten million men from death, starvation, deportation and liquidation. That is the punishment for Polish arrogance in August 1939. Had the Poles accepted our extraordinarily generous proposals at that time, they would have got off without even a scratch. As they are now, they run the risk of slowly losing their people by a sort of creeping death.

Why is the official narrative that the Germans completely destroyed all evidence? Is this new?

goebbels diary

what else?
30 MARCH 1945
Otherwise the Führer is convinced that in eight to ten days' time the holes in the West will have been plugged in some way. The "Adolf Hitler Free Corps" can then slowly make its appearance. I promise him to get partisan activity in the occupied western districts to a peak in a very short time.Now that the Burgomaster of Aachen has been liquidated it is now the turn of the Jewish Police President in Köln and the Burgomaster of Rheydt. In any case I am convinced that in the not too distant future we shall succeed in laying low every German traitor among our enemies in the West.

>look at the truth in this piece of paper
You accept this wholesale (whatever it is, can’t tell, you’re too autistic), but I bet you fedora-tip over people who read the Bible.

that is no tthe narrative, official or otherwise.

no these have been known for years. the great Denier Irving was responsible for finding them adn bring ing them to the West.

he of course misquotes them and lies about their contents, but he and others have checked they are genuine.

The founder and first head of the Red Army was a jew. Lev Bronstein murdered 10,000,000+ Europeans.

Attached: 1524907845231.png (480x605, 685K)

10 MARCH 1945
I am vexed most of all by the behaviour of the people in my home town of Rheydt. The Americans have struck up a real triumphal chorus about it. A certian Herr Vogelsang, known to me from the early days as a downright National-Socialist philistine, has placed himself at the disposal of the American occupation authorities as Oberbürgermeister. In doing so he stated that he had only joined the Party on compulsion from me and otherwise had had nothing to do with it. I am going to draw a bead on this gentleman. I am preparing an operation to liquidate him at the first favourable opportunity. It will be carried out by Party members from Berlin who have been trained for actions of this type. I discussed it in full detail with Schach. I do not want to rush the matter but to make careful preparations to ensure that it succeeds whatever happens. I believe that it will not fail to have its effect both on the enemy occupation authorities and also on the population beyond the Rhine.

Nobody denies it you filthy inbred. We claim your bogus six million number is ridiculous and that you deserved it, and much more.

Attached: 1524910831769.png (400x558, 630K)

I just watched The Pianist. That documentary showed Nazis tipping a man in a wheelchair off a third-floor balcony. Because everything ever depicted or put to paper is fact, I must say I’m very shocked.

if you deny pic related you are a holocaust denier btw

Attached: treblinka monster.png (1163x231, 27K)

After WWI jews tried to take over the German state via revolution as kikes Bronstein and Lenin did in Russia.

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no i don't accept it wholesale, but it is a report by Mussolinis men in Poland to the italian governemnt. Intersting isn't it/

also I have read the bible. you assume too much, and I suspect, think too little. do not be one of the sheep. do not believe all the lies of the deniers just because they suit your prejudices.

The jewish hangman Bela Kun reigned in Hungary for 130 days.

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still irelevant.

The three people held chiefly responsible for murdering 6,000,000 Ukes throughout the 1930's are kike Kaganovich, kike NKVD head Yagoda, and kike-married Molotov.. who would take over the position of foreign minister from kike Litvinov.

Attached: 1531294928850.jpg (1138x640, 128K)

Historians have been saying since the 1950's that i t is more like 5.5 million give or take a few hundred thousand. Please keep up.

The kike that sued for widespread abortion in Canada survived a German 'death camp'. The kike that gave us anti-white affirmative action was born to a 'death camp' survivor.

Attached: 1493893236137.png (949x1103, 920K)

Documents are never forged. And Jews never lie. Especially when it comes to the Shoah.

Attached: 6202EA0E-7E76-4804-AB26-4D09BEC26BF1.jpg (1200x628, 165K)

how naive you are. you should learn to tell fact from fiction, adn weigh evidence. I pity you child, but maybe you will grow adn develop critical thinking faculties.

Joseph Goebbels - The Jewish Problem

Attached: 1494764695101.jpg (2000x3071, 693K)

wow who gives a fuck
>not pro white
>pro iranian, arab, japenese
>killed millions of whites because muh aryans
but he was le edgy and muh jews

Can you please explain how "tens of thousands" in 1942 turned into 6 million 3 years later?

are you? really?

oh dear they will have to lock up Hilberg then.

still irrelevant. Why do you not start your own thread for this stuff?

Your definition of what the holocaust is not our definition of the holocaust. Nobody denies that there were killings, but we do deny your ridiculous 6,000,000 figure, the gas chambers myth, and some (but not I) deny that there was a final solution.

I don't know why you whine about your inflated 6,000,000 yids here. We don't like jews. We know jews exterminated tens of millions of Europeans before Hitler came to power. We know they're the eternal enemy of mankind.

Attached: 1544151151847.jpg (575x800, 182K)

I don’t have prejudices when it comes to this. I was given the same education as everyone else.

The fact is that physical evidence (including all on-site studies) supports the deniers, and your jpeg of text supports Jews. Who is more convincing? The deniers.

get your own thread, or post something relevant

just a coincidence all the "death" camps were designated so later on in history and were the few specific camps the red cross did not inspect during the war right french kike? every single camp inspected by the red cross was designated an internment camp and the handful not inspected were later exploitively designated (((death))) camps

can you imagine goys? what a coincidence!

It's not irrelevant you subhuman. Nobody denies that most people have wanted jews dead throughout history. The countries that Hitler drove the jews out of don't have any moral problems or refugee inflows. What a coincidence.

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If they were death camps then we might not have anti-white laws and widespread abortion. What a shame. Imagine if Hitler finished the job. Imagine how different the world would be today.

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on-site geological survery through soundwaves showed no distrubances to the ground where mass graves were supposedly "discovered" for over 200 thousand years btw.

the documentary produced displaying the experiments is banned in the EU btw

When denying obvious myths like the gas chamber brands you as a holocaust denier, yes.

You're on the wrong board ratboy. We claim your six million number is ridiculous and that you deserved to be rounded up.

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No it's not new.
Even in old superman comics it was always shown that the germans covered up all the evidence for the holocaust.

They went so far to not speak about gaschambers in the intercepted and decrypted communication.

Adolf Hitler never explicit gave the command to kill the jews that is accepted facts.

Gaschambers do not appear labeled as such on blueprints.
The gaschambers were blown up before the war and not a single purpose oriented gaschamber for mass extermination/disguised as shower remained.

They burned the documents that included those gaschamber plans apparently as well.

Why even bother with this shit? By playing his game you're implying they didn't deserve to be removed from Europe.

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what a ridiculous thing to say. You should learn to be able to weigh evidence and how to compare it to other sources and piece together the truth.

otherwise you will fall into error, and maybe even believe the crap arguments put forward by deniers.

that story in your graphic is clearly a chinese whisper based on a third of fiftieth hand account of the way they loaded bodies in the ovens using the sort of apparatus clearly shown in this picture

it is of course an idea debunked by historians and not part of the holocaust narrative, and denying it is not holocaust denial.

Attached: buchenwald crematorium with rollercoaster.jpg (432x315, 17K)

So what you're saying is that nobody could prove Hitler ordered any of this shit but the Irving trial proved Hitler was right about what would happen if the kike puppets won the war?
Hitler did nothing wrong, but Goebbels was right.
The jews should have been exterminated, and next time they will be.

The biggest importer of human waste to France is MSF. I implore Jow Forums to take a look at their founders and board.

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they use the brutality to discredit the point that they should be removed "but they were deporting them so BRUTALLY" is the foundation myth used to obtain guilted privilege

cool so explain how you gas 2000 people behind a wooden door in 15 mins again?

Hitler hated the kikes for being nation destroying pieces of filth. Read what he wrote and listen to what he said. He hated them with every bone in his body, as should be expected.

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You haven't answered any of my questions. How did "tens of thousands" (per Goebbels) in 1942 turn into 6,000,000 3 years later?

I believe his point is not that you are wrong, but that it was justified. Therefore it is on topic.

how did they burn 26,000 corpses a day???????

The 'deathcamps' count every transfer that passed through a "jewish ghetto" (all major cities) and the camp. Nevermind the goy criminals, partisans, multiple transfers, escapees, survivors, people that were transferred out to factories as slave labour, etc. Add 1,400,000 jews shot by 3,500 SS police and you get ~500k shy of the ridiculous six million Holodomor projection figure.

You'll notice the holohoax shills only debate their friends larping as stormdrains. Ask the holoshill to prove 5,500,000 died and watch how he recoils, "i've been found out".

Ask him to prove that 6,000,000 ugly cockroach kikes died. He'll skate the question.

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this. you are truly redpilled when you feel that the germans were too nice.

listen here you french human garbage, and I'm only going to explain this once. IT IS FUCKING JEWS FAULT THAT I AM MISSING PART OF MY DICK. I would PERSONALLY gas every single one of them who says this is an ok thing. I WOULD GAS YOU, MYSELF, if you think this is ok.

Are we clear? That I am not denying anything. Anyone who cuts their own babies dicks, and convinces others to cut babies dicks, and anyone who defends the cutting of baby getting gassed or the firing squad, by my order or hand personally and I will accept all responsibility for it.

you know that by 1942 they were already shooting over a million on the eastern front?
also, do you have aproblem with maths? You know the Rwandans killed nearly a million in six months with machetes.

what is the difficulty in killing, or starving, or having them die from cold and disease, millions when you have them in hundreds of camps and ghettos. add to that few camps set up with purpose built killing arrangements and you can get a good number pretty quickly.

why do you balk at the few millions killed int hat way, but not question the ten times that number being killed at the same time in the war? Or the multimillion killings by Stalin and his cohorts that the irrelevant canadian was talking about? why do you not question the 1.5 million gypsies that died?

it looks like a lot, but it isn't hard to kill millions.

Adolf Hitler speaks to Americans

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>french human garbage
excuse me that's right sorry france, you're not french but you're living in france, you're probably some immigrant piece of garbage who deserves the catapult

>they were already shooting over a million on the eastern front
yes, partisans, saboteurs and communist agitators. all valid targets in a state of war.

>you know that by 1942 they were already shooting over a million on the eastern front?
Imagine if they shot them all. Canada might not have widespread abortion and anti-white laws. The jewish founder of the Red Army Lev Bronstein murdered every German he could get his hands on, including the Russo-Germanic Royal Family. Never forget.

Attached: 1528343969625.jpg (1649x1320, 1.06M)

>also, do you have aproblem with maths? You know the Rwandans killed nearly a million in six months with machetes.

Thats why the holocaust is the mot inefficient genocide in human history

this is the saddest attempt at holohoax debunked debunking i've seen in a while

The thing is that none of the mainstream narrative makes sense. If they were exterminating Jews why even use crematoriums? Why the fuck would they have urns? It seems much more logical that the "gas chambers" were for disinfection and that the crematorium is to get rid of typhus riddled bodies.

Attached: urns.jpg (432x324, 25K)

Every decent human being who knows about their crimes hates them. Even if the Holohoax happened, and it didn't, I would still say Hitler was the single greatest human being to have walked the face of the earth in the 20th and century and that he did absolutely nothing wrong.

Attached: Hitler-the-Hero.jpg (350x255, 80K)

ah so your holocaust is what then?

(given that I don't say 6 million, and the at least five million figure is very well established. )

but also, on what basis do you say the gas chambers are a myth?
I am not whining or saying 6 million.


I’ve done my homework, I’ve looked for physical evidence. There isn’t any. At all.

The only real evidence for the Holocaust is that I can absolutely relate to the appeal of it.

Jewish commissars were far more efficient, they starved out vast swathes of land and by seizing grain and selling it abroad.

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circles were being "liquidated" to Palestine.
others were in labor camps paying off the debt they accrued when the participated in Nazi riots that targeted businesses run by circles.
All labor camps were adjuncts of Germany's industry.
Adjusting for inflation circles still owe over $7 billion in damages because of those riots, also those who support the conspiracy theory against the Germans owe even more for falsely accusing Germans of committing a genocide.

Attached: jews fined 400m.gif (344x364, 48K)

Hitler had plenty of ugly nation wrecking/commie kikes dumped into pits. It just wasn't anywhere near six million.

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He just decided to copy paste everything from the end of the last thread and pretend like nobody replied to it.

Whoa whoa whoa


What about the other 5 million non-Jews. Why are you forgetting them like they don’t matter?

You’re saying the Jews were killed?

>The fact is that physical evidence (including all on-site studies) supports the deniers

but that is not a fact.

the evidence is clear that the mass murder took place adn the method is supported by the physical evidence, plus all the testimony and documentation.

no denier has ever been shown to not be lying or deceptive or misquoting or leaving out evidence.

you seem to be doing the latter.