And then one day for no reason at all people voted Hitler into power

Dumping what I got

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And one day,for no reason at all, Nazi Germany was bombed flat and that dumb faggot Hitler blew his brains out in a basement like a coward.

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That's what he got for messing with jews, you would know, Amerimutt

Hitler wasn't voted into power. Wouldn't be surprised if this meme was a leftist psyop so they can point at the right and say "look how uneducated they are!".

true that, but he was quite popular at the time. Of course, given the fact that it was Weimar germany and communism was on the rise, people looking for an unorthodox answer is not that surprising. He said a lot of stuff that made sense at the time ( still do ) and ignored some of the bad stuff about his ideology.... so a normal politician by today standards.

Lmao so I guess the moral is that jews are winners whereas nazis are fucking losers

I prefer the "If you only knew how bad things really are" motto.

The moral is that mutts are just cannon fodder for the hooked nose.

His party was

Swede is correct, not you

Hitler was appointed to a ceremonial position after losing an election

Great work user.

I never understood this. Is the "hidden discord" thing a leftist psyop to make Jow Forums look retarded?

When will Jews end their attack on decorated war veteran and gifted artist who brought economic prosperity to Germany?

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OP and all subsequent posters are christians who get particularly enraged about gender fluidity and a very specific set of issues deemed to essential like structure of family etc not knowing the nuclear family is no older than sedentary civilisation, at most (which is 10,000 years of roughly 200,000 years of our species’ history). And no, the rise of the nuclear family etc was not a cause of civilisation.

I love this meme

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In short, things change radically at different tipping points in history. You’re just linguistic apes who, like those around in the move from hunter gatherer society to settled, agriculture based society, winged about that violating some ‘eternal order’.

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new halloween special it seems
>inb4 he doesn't realize it's the pic of the black hole

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He effectively was though, the NSDAP got more votes than any other party in the July 1932, November 1932 and March 1933 federal elections. Hitler was appointed Chancellor on 30th January 1933 because he was already a popular and proven leader.

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And then one day for no reason at all, wildlife fled en masse from the New Mexican desert

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Yes Discord is a kike honeypot designed to harvest your ip
>mfw CIA vault7 leaks show that they used advanced malware to unmask us
>mfw we counterhacked their faggot asses with shit that we stole
>mfw we are in the CIA bases killen their d00ds

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Well he really proved himself subsequently didn’t he. Over extending his campaign in the east while trying to fight the british empire; making divisions fight to the death as germany was being driven back west from russia because he was too much of a child to admit defeat. Ignoring advice of generals. He was a disaster.

This is the way the Jew (feminine) brain works. Suicide to avoid capture interrogation or possibly humiliation if youre a leader of anything is seen as cowardice, I still remember some really dumb bitches commenting on Slobodan Praljak's live Suicide as some sort of Cowardice, like he was escaping imprisonment or something...
>Be Hitler, youre about to be captured by ZOG
>Im going to surrender and get dragged to be tortured and executed
>Spite your enemies and take the Cyanide pill?

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This pic still terrifies me to this day.

>thinking that WWII wasn't all planned by Albert Pike
>thinking that anything you were told was true
come up to the real level user


Kek is this even real? Most of these pics could really use archive tiny url citations.

USSR was planning to march in and invade Germany while the Germans were busy fighting against the British. USSR was arming itself and heavily preparing itself for war with Germany, Hitler caught a wind of this and it was either curb USSR while fighting the Brits, or lose everything to the commies after you win against the Brits.

The plan was originally supposed to be finished before winter hit, since no one is dumb enough to attack Russia in the winter, but due to some delay in procuring weapons and gears, the Nazis were held back and their invasion took longer.

He did everything he could. If only FDR wasn't a jew bootlicker who provoked Japan to attack pearl harbor and use it as a reason to join in the war to appease to his handlers.

Feelings on this alt left ultra lib trans pos opinion Queen here?

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True Chad dies in combat with his men.

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when the day comes it will be easy to spot this enemy

War hasnt even started yet.

What I don't understand is: There are openly gay folk who are decent people all around, hell, even some decent folk that are cross dressers and drag queens, yet the only aspect these people openly embrace is the degenerate culture and taboo part of it.
I just don't understand why being gay or trans or whatever has to be synonymous with debauchery.

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>has to be synonymous with debauchery.

>I voted Hitler because of pictures on the internet
I've cleaned a toilet or two in my life, but the worst I got was ugly as fuck British whales almos puking all over me. Where do you get this perverted shit from

>I just don't understand why being gay or trans or whatever has to be synonymous with debauchery
because being gay or trans IS synonymous with debauchery. Very simple answer. It's degeneracy. There are some gays that can somewhat control their degenerate urges to fuck children. Other fags cannot. They all want to fuck kids tho. You're on crack if you honestly don't think fucking kids is the endgame.


From www.Jow

dumbass polak

You're partly right.. Its what they want to do to these children that you may not yet understand

I love this meme so much. And apparently it’s accurste. I saw some documentary I can’t find now that talked about how degenerate Germany had become before Hitler bitchslapped everyone

Lego got assmad their Stranger Things set was leaked

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If I ever seen this on the street, the next place it will be is in a hospital bed.

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So what is the next bit of human history gonna look like then?
A bunch of flamingo and peacock looking faggots molesting little boys they adopted from the shit skins who breed beyond their means, whilst retards cheer and applaud and don't have kids themselves?

Go on.....

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There’s a hermaphroditic agenda afoot fren

>Y entonces un día, sin ninguna razón alguna, gente voto a Hitler al poder.

>This isn't on the darkweb
>This isn't some hidden child pornography forum
>This was posted on Twitter
>Normies saw this
>No outrage

Satan really has taken full control over this world.

There won’t be another war. You’re going with a whimper, not a bang.

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This degeneracy enrages me

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Someone put the caption on this one please.

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I’d say shoot that fucking thing but who knows what would leak out of it and poison the earth.

Weren't most slave owners leftist?

Because they are mentally ill. You missed the basic foundation from which all else derives.

Dad breastfeeding they's child.

Yeah, it's like, only like the last ten thousand years of our existence, like what's the big deal? like it's only the relevant 10 thousand years. just like let people express their sexuality, who's that like a big deal to you man? kids can be like sexual too bro. it's 2019 why do you care if some adult fucks them bro?

BASED POO. I dub thee an Honorary Aryan.

I 2nd the dubbing of his honorary status

Would not, might, would not, definitely would, what the fuck is that??

That's not a poo man that's one of us the engrish is too perfect

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Gods work lad

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they probably didn't get assmad, Netflix probably got super duper assmad and attempted to fuck Lego in the ass over it repeatedly

Lego should never had agreed to such a license terms

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Just hearing of this but if true that's a massive fuck up and lawyer in their right mind would ok that

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one of the sader points user
is that these are the biggest influencers on the planet

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What sweden said. Open your fucking eyes dude, we’ve(americans)all been bred specifically to be rootless cosmopolitan mutts ready to fight and die at the whim of kikes. How you’re on Jow Forums but somehow haven’t realized this yet is baffling.

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Based truthbringer poo.

I thouvht he was voted in but then took complete control of government

the flaw in the meme is that there is a reason.

should read something like: day, without notice, people etc..

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>Is the "hidden discord" thing a leftist psyop
I've wondered that, too.
>Yes, Discord is a kike honeypot designed to harvest your ip
Thank you, kind user.