Trump is retweeting Q tard twitter accounts now

Trump is retweeting Q tard twitter accounts now.
Have we reached peak boomer?

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Still no muslim ban.

I'm a reformed MAGA boomer but don't tell anyone. Fucking Dumpf.

>Have we reached peak boomer?
It’s good to know that as a white man, after the worthless boomers finally die out, I will have no political voice in my country.

You don't have one now, boomers are the voice of Pissrael.

Why is Iran his main focus though, when it's Saudis and their Sunni stoogies who keep giving money to these people?

He was trying to get banned. lol

trump is an israeli agent trying to gain justification to start a war with iran for israel.
>inb4 shill
i hope the rest of the world bands together soon to destroy our current government. we deserve it 10 fold

Be best boomer. Let’s not get it twisted, although the majority of boomers succumbed to the engineered culture of ducking over their heirs, there are some REALLY GOOD apples there.

I want my boy in a box for Israel

Attached: john-hagee-israeli-flag.jpg (640x370, 31K)

Attached: you mad tho.jpg (494x331, 27K)

>and we conquer America and we conquer the thrant and we tell the American people
you're finally free of the parasite.

trump colluded with israel but the media can’t say shit about it

Attached: trumpsetthestage.gif (569x320, 1006K)

>trump is tweeting again
>/shillpol/ in a nutshell

Welcome to the light. When did you realize Trump was 100% ZOGGED?

But without them, Whites are going to be political slaves of shitskins. Boomers are the only thing holding back the abysmal tide. The constitution will be democratically drastically changed in our lifetimes. The second amendment will be the first to go. The 13th amendment will be soon to follow, thus legalizing slavery of White people in the United States. Screencap this and save it for a hundred years to show your grandchildren how bad you let them down.

Boomers haven't held back shit. The Republicans are just Democrats but 20 years slower, they're both working to push us off a cliff.

Naw, trump is gonna win in 2020 and all the niggers and gonna go apeshit, it’s gonna be like november 2016 except this time they’re gonna be killing people. Either that or trumps gonna get assassinated and then everyone goes apeshit.

Either way america is on the brink of large scale rioting in every major city which will push the military into the position of having the most significant political power and it will push the majority of America way to the right.

Trump will continue to talk shit and do absolutely nothing like he's done since he got elected.

Yep and he’s gonna get re-elected because the DNC can’t get it’s shit together and the average American has had a pretty good 18 months of trump financially speaking and at the end of the day that’s all anyone really cares about.

kill yourself tranny. Your friends will die at 30.

Trump will win and nothing will happen. Niggers hardly even care about him, it's hysterical whites and jews who can't shut their mouths. The sort of cowards who'd never actually do any more than whine on the internet or TV.
Trump didn't do shit in his first four years, and he won't do shit in his second four either. The House will remain blue. Then a Democrat will be elected in 2024 and we'll find out which freedoms we're going to lose next.

Do you realize that no matter how hard you dilate that pus-filled Tranny-hole in your crotch, that you will NEVER be a girl?
It's hilarious to know that there's a 50/50 chance that you will commit suicide in the next 5 years.

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