Fuck the gooks

Fuck the gooks

Fuck the niggers

Fuck the semites

Fuck the sandy semite-nigger hybrids

Fuck the mexicunts

Fuck hueniggers

The mindset of each member in this, incomplete, set is incompatible with the successful long term survival of our species.

Jews must get a special mention here. Generally they're not retarded because they're experts in eugenics BUT it's worth remembering the fact that they're pure evil psychopaths who happened to be specifically bred that way (Incidence or coincidence, you decide)


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fuck the jannies for deleting my threads

also dogs, ugh disgusting creatures

POO IN LOO pajeets.


Who cares? Fuck lawn shitters

>because they're experts in eugenics
>jewish genetic diseases
experts huh

Yup, chinks are our natural enemy

And most of all fuck the degenerate white trash who betrayed their race

>be subhuman
>come to white countries
>do nothing but bitch about white people and how horrible and racist they are
>contribute nothing and leech off of social programs created by white people
>vote for whoever promises more
gibs, the same type of politicians that turned their countries into shitholes
>refuse to integrate, throw trash everywhere, commit crimes and effectively turn whatever formerly nice white areas they flock to into third world tier shitholes
>still for some reason proud of their shitty race and shitty culture. Create shit like Latino pride month despite having nothing to be proud of

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It’s also pathetic that subhumans think whites like them just because subhuman group a dislikes subhuman group b too. Just because spics hate niggers and whites hate niggers doesn’t mean we don’t hate spics too

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Fuck the jannie for not deleting enough garbage flaggit threads.

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all mexican women have this same exact chubby hobgoblin look i swear to god

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what do mexican 10s have to do with this

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>come to white countries
Says the literal monkey ass nigger from zoomalia.

What was he supposed to do?
Give the dog mouth to mouth resuscitation?
You dog worshippers are as bad as muslims.

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How does it feel to be subhuman hector? Probably pretty shitty you 5 foot chink eyed goblin trash. It must feel bad knowing that we hate you guys so much that we want to build a wall to keep you spic garbage out.

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You're still a nigger-

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>projecting this hard
You spics are a pathetic people. Why are you so proud of your heritage when you guys are seen world wise as garbage and nothing has come from your country but violence, crime and welfare recepients. I know you can take a look at the average Mexican iq and see that you guys are functionally regarded but even for retards you guys are fucking stupid.

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Go take a look at the mirror nigger.

based. fuck them all, no exceptions. if race is real then this is tribe versus tribe. no way around it.

México City

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nobody cares goblin


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You should be doing the exact same thing but with the niggers

But he is the nigger.

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Then he should know by now his future.

good to know that even spic hives are further going to shit

Nigger... You don't even know how things work and I am not going to name them, but we are proud of being sadistic savages, we are not faggots like the whites.

Shut up kike.

Look at the post of this abomination, let me guess negro, german blood run through your veins ?

Let me guess, Haitian nigger? Colombian nigger? Dominican?

Nothing more than bugs

Your butthurt about being a 5 foot tall subhuman is palpable. Obviously really struck a nerve with you here, sad thing is all I did was point out the truth about how shitty Mexicans are

Hondurans are absolute shit. When you people aren't savagely murdering each other you are walking by foot to america so you can breed like rats. The only thing worse is an el salvadorian, squatamalin or haitian.

But muslims hate dogs.

So you can build 1940's america level cities in current year. Do you want a fucking medal? If you want a look into the future look at big american cities you worthless brown. Also if youre oh so brilliant, stay in your own country to improve it. Dont. Come. Here! We dont want you and YOUR country needs you desperately.

You guys are pathetic subhumans

Are you just going to bitch all day or are you going to do something about it?

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No shit. I was comparing the militancy of these crazy dog lover with the mil......
oh never mind. You are retarded.