Why didnt he shut it down?

Why didnt he shut it down?

Attached: KF28vaNnLK7GtS6an3S00gwUe3fbnuG6CjhXni44ov4.jpg (640x390, 39K)

Yeah, he also shot us in the back.

Google: The Bison Awareness Project Test931

Then post your findings on /b/ to have some of there blacked-shills disappear forever.

Do NOT post your findings on Jow Forums

That was our one year warning.

The same reason you're not fucking a super model.
You can't

The jew doesn't have the power he thinks he does.

people who say shit like that were most likely bullied in school


that little bitch tried
now look at has bad his tax problems are

He got busy.

stop making this thread you fucking faggot

That was a shooped tweet.

CPL isn't shutting down anything except his gag reflex when he gets prison

consequences will never be the same

Avenatti was like Icarus, he flew too close to the sun and the rays melted his bitch wings. I give him even money to make good on his threat to kill himself.

Attached: Icarus and Daedalus.jpg (857x937, 648K)

>Attempts to defend thot
>Gets thrown the under bus by thot
>Proceeds to get his shit all fucked up by different people

Attached: 1555292867582.jpg (728x547, 45K)

It doesn’t bring up anything.

>I have great & spoopy power

Attached: 456FC72E-4060-4D21-B7F0-F6B730E70EAC.gif (498x498, 2.35M)

I googled it and found a github site. I didn’t even run any code, but just viewing it has really freaked out my computer. My second monitor immediately shut off, and my router is going fucking ballistic.

>fear me for I am formidable and have many skills beyond the understanding of /pol
(*In this probable yet amusing shoopa?)

Attached: 366F83BF-3526-4CAE-A87D-EB61616C808B.jpg (420x225, 25K)

I googled it and three prostitutes came to the door and made me stick my willy through the letterbox while they ... nah I’m just lying. Geez nobody here had tons of sex with red hot sizzling strippers this weekend... still lying, I did. It seems to have worked magic because I had a red dot on my thingy when I went out last night and now it’s gone. The red dot not my whatsit. I thought I’d caught it from my mates GF’s bum last weekend.
We will defend /pol to the death Avanfartii. & we are red dot free.

Attached: 610EBBE3-EAF8-4035-8D77-3169C0A41BF7.gif (268x160, 1.96M)

Interesting file size friend.

Incorrect, you have to look into the worm hole documents of project "Origin" which delves into the human consciousness that is Jow Forums. This project was created by Christopher Poole hence why )))they((( were so eager to recruit him. He's working on a hybrid hydroponic manipulator for google now. Look it up, it's some seriously trippy shit.

pls dont take my friend simulator away

Because the second that this site gets shut down is when power lines get cut in minecraft

Attached: snip snip.png (1787x921, 145K)

Attached: 1472028347567.jpg (573x430, 34K)

Yes that’s what she said too.
I file real good. Under c for vagina.
She’s broken my heart though since, no joke for real I got feels and she’s prostituting herself right now. Strong wimin want power over men by getting fucked by rando cheap guys off the street and doing what they are told by them(???). I want to die. I want my red dot back. The red dot was a symbol of my chadly behaviour. She just texted to apologise. Which makes it worse. I am now a cuck because of her. I don’t usually care & I do loads of chicks.. Now all my chadly strength is pouring out of my eyes like a little new faggit watching the yellow dog vs shovel gif.
I might do what trannies do and draw a red dot on my old man and pretend it all never happened (I’m pretty sure that’s what trannies do). I hate Jews now. She’s not a Jew I just hate the fuckers. Avanfarty is a gross Nesbit and I hope he catches my red dot off my babe. Hope all her guys do.
Treat this as a warning. Don’t fuck my gf’s they carry the dreaded spotted dick.
It’s like a club. The Red Dots. We should all get motorcycles and wave our red dots at people menacingly. Screw the motorcycles. Am I still typing? I thunk I’d stopped ages ago.
Goodnight /pol.