Jow Forums may not like it, but this is the ideal Male body type. The Nytimes says so

Jow Forums may not like it, but this is the ideal Male body type. The Nytimes says so.

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I believe you will find this to be far superior.

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Gay body type

The guy on the bottom row, third from left is like seventy .........

He cute.

Are you forgetting your memorable line oh good sir?

>don’t lift goy, keep your body effeminate and plushy so you can’t fight, lifting is racist and anti semitic

Finally the time is right for my onions physique

Why do all radical dumbasses think they're going to stop the global elite by just beating them up?

I'm a twink, which means I am a smaller target.

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Kikes have even convinced women to believe that the weak twink look is preferable to someone who can lift an atlas stone.

Twinks are the way they are because their thyroid is fucking them into the dirt, they're all winy panicky fucks who kill themselves by the age of 30

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What, you think a bunch of fat couch potatoes would fare any better? Getting into shape makes you more able to fight, it doesn’t guarantee a win, but what military in the world would train their soldiers with a sedentary lifestyle?

I look like that and i am a kissless virgin

>NY times
Find out the new irrational idea which jews wish to push on to the goyim.

Well, global elites' power is enforced by ZOG pigs, and you certainly can, and should, physically harm those. How are you gonna do that if you don't train your strength and endurance?

Twinks should be turned into free sex slaves.

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Post picture

It’s true that’s what the women want.

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Who the fuck are you even going to fight bro? The jews? You think the jews are in great shape for fighting?

hell no
gril user

hey, if men are expected to swoon for hambeasts, bitches better get used to our body positivity.

The failed attempts at making fat people sexy proves beauty has a bias

Twink? Those are just regular looking male bodies. Twink means boyish handsome face with lean body.

These guys are average face with average body.

My dick is fatter than these guys

Wait, we're calling fags twinks again? Sweet, I love that insult.

Go watch any footage of a revolution and you’ll see why being in shape is necessary, Jesus Christ dude.

Good, it means the body will stack on the pyres like cordwood.

Women are starting to realize that the muscular linebacker types...are hung like a pimple. Skinny men almost always have a donkey dick.

they need someone who looks classy in a suit. you can't pull off a suit correctly until you're about 50. otherwise you just look like a tryhard.

>JewYork Times
I don't give a flying fuck.

Propaganda to make men women is so gay. Some of them have good faces too.

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>Age of the literal faggot
Like cordwood

I would prefer not to

Used to be a skinny fag. Then I started working out and felt much better physically and emotionally. And the girls started swarming.

Don't fall for the jew male memes. Life is much better when you're fit and the kikes hate you for it.

Why are German flags always such whinging betas? Whatever happened to your master race?

I don't see anything wrong with any of those guys. Those are natural male bodies. If you go anywhere in the world where men still eat real food and live real lives working the land or the sea, you don't find a bunch of swole gay bodybuilders. You find small, thinly built men. Bodybuilding is a meme at this point. It was mainly the hobby of convicts and homosexuals until Hollywood Jews started pumping out roided up action movie stars.

Bodybuilding is good for impressing thots and intimidating young men who don't have fighting experience. I'll give it that. But you really think it's going to help you in your hypothetical prolonged war against the Jews or the government or whoever you fantasize about fighting? Nigga please. Fighting and war is endurance work, not strength training. The moment you spend a few months off the whey protein lugging a heavy ass pack on 800 calories a day, all of your gym gains will deflate like a fucking balloon.

Pic related is the most decorated American soldier of WWII. 5'5 scrawny twink.

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I met a twank versatile at the club tonight. Hated himself.

All the alpha chads died in WW2

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Yeah it’s the ideal body type for GAY MEN! Cmon son.

this has inspired me to start working out tomorrow onwards

I don't think the article is aimed at women, user

Twinks have always been the masculine ideal right before civilisation is swept into an intense socio-political upheaval.

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Do I classify as a twink?
>Barely over 140 pounds.
>My height is 5'7.
>I'm white.
>I don't eat breakfast.
>Pure white teeth.
What do I do?

>Go watch any footage of a revolution
Not televised. Some aids junkie made a song about it.

Fuck. I had that body 10 years ago. When is the time for skinnyfat? Sunken chest and beer guts need to be in style soon.

The NY times is a faggot establishment (just like this board) magazine masquerading as liberal and why the hell are they using gay porn terminology (twink) for that (also like this establishment board full of faggots in the establishment, everyones seen them use twink)?

Just swap beer for something more efficient unless you're over 30.

Checks out. Friend's dad was in the SAS and he's a manlet. Not scrawny, but small and wirey.

Guess I'm fucked

>cant fight

Why would I ever need to fight? Unless you're some low IQ gorilla, fighting is retarded

And if it was a serious self-defense situation, I'd just bring a gun, mace or a knife
No amount of muscle will save you from a bullet or knife wound

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>What do I do?
Eat breakfast. Most important meal of the day.

Nah just have to eliminate it entirely if you want to be extreme. You can get away with vodka for a while but you have to eliminate when your metabolism nosedives if you want to get 2swole2control.

I'll pass on swole and target being able to see my dick for the next decade

A hot girl who’s into me told me that I shouldn’t lift since I’m “natural” right now (skinny).

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Eat better and work out

promote weakness and ugliness and ridicule healhthiness and aesthetic
Celebrate the ugly and denounc the beautiful

The jews do it in every way, from architecture to art and now humans themselves

Those aren't twinks this is a twink

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Look at all these fuckers with early onset kyphosis jesus christ

Guys aren't naturally meant to look like bodybuilders, sure. However, most of the dudes in the pic are in terrible shape. If you look at any tribal humans, they are still usually somewhat cut

I can see your dick forever.

No queer the gay body type is the beefy body Chad faggot. In fact that's literally the textbook faggot body type. It's homosexual as fuck. You're all faggots here and that's exactly what you all swoon over. That's also who you slap all over your queer porn and your 'straight' porn which at this point is another covert branch of your queer porn.

Probably the way the photographer told all of them to pose

This is actually the truth

This honestly. “Twinks” are natural male bodies without modern day autism

>Used to be a skinny fag.
No, just you were and still are just a fag.

>Then I started working out and felt much better physically and emotionally. And the girls started swarming.
Then everybody clapped huh? Nice fake backstory that never happened.

>Don't fall for the jew male memes. Life is much better when you're fit and the kikes hate you for it.
Funny because kikes sure put these beefy queers all over their media and all in their jewed institutions. It's like you're a lying faggot. "And the kikes hate you for it" no it looks like that certainly love you for it and oaf beef faggots ARE the Jew male memes.

this cannot fucking be real

If you find it difficult to gain weight normally, then gaining it by muscle is the best way.

There is nothing wrong with developing physical strength.
It's not like reasoning with these fools has worked well so far.

At some point we are going to have to fight like absolute animals to take our countries back, ammunition can run out, melee weapons can break, you could find yourself disarmed.
If I cannot depend on tools at some point I am going to have to depend on myself this is the ultimate expression of survival of the fittest.

Can confirm seafarers are generally not swole fuckers. Bit hard to access bilges/voids if your gorilla sized. Especially once you get past 40

The goyboy body type. Brought to you by goybean milk. Produced in Kosher factories.

Man oh man no wonder im getting so much pussy lately. DABBIN ON THEM MEATHEADS

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Goyboy body type

These are goyboys.

I don't understand...those are normal looking guys. Isn't that how males use to look back in the 40's?

I know a few ex regiment boomers, and they are all sub 5 11.

Absolute unit

>Lets try to redefine the term twink before people discover its what gay men call underage boys.

Very clever.

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The future is goyboy is we do not overthrow the Jews that create them.

twinks are malnourished sticks that lack a healthy amount of muscle

Wait a sec..

>The landing page of a modelling agency

Well that explains it, it's always the age of the twink in fashion land.

>Isn't that how males use to look back in the 40's?
all muscle atrophied from never exercising, manual labor or eating enough?

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>if you don't look like an establishment queer porn gay doll then you lack a healthy amount of muscle, says establishment faggots


Nigga I eat a SHIT ton and yet I'm still skinny as fuck.

why not just become Alexander the Great and get everyone else to fight for your greatness, being able to kick one persons ass is nothing versus being able to command an army of thousands or millions even

not what i said
no, you don't

That's exactly what you said queerbag

Physical strength is a meme

Unless you're an athlete or have a physically demanding job, (but even then most of the heavy lifting is done by machines) no man in 2019 needs to be muscular

have fun meticulously planning each and every meal, eating nothing but tasteless sludge and wasting hundreds of hours in the gym

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These people glorify illness and bad posture as a way to hypnotize the population into a passive, controllable state. The bad shoulder posture is bad body language, both for oneself and for communicating with the world. Get one of these btw. HIGHLY recommend to improve your alpha.

had a friend who worked a nuke plant say that the navy seals did a special plant attack simulation and he said they were all manlets or sub 5'11

think about it, they have to climb through vents and shit

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Fake and gay

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nice retort faggot

The Chad twink vs. the Virgin whale

Honestly is what it comes down to

Sorry fren

Suck my cock sissy fag

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