Trudeau 2019: Foreign Detractors and Domestic Friends

While incel Americans hate Canada's sexual modernisation and envious Europeons want their leaders to favor local industry as
does Trudeau, Canadians love him.

You make fun of his costumes and say that foreigners hate him, but he's cherished by his citizenry- which is what actually counts.

Trudeau 2019: because the current year continues to progress, even if foreigners do not.

Attached: trudeauObama.jpg (310x163, 9K)

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I voted for Mulcair last election, but this time Trudeau has my vote- he's more left than I thought possible- but probably just because the CPC is trying to be more liberal than I thought.

I think Trudeau has a strong chance to be a minority majority even if somehow he doesn't win a straigt-up majority.

That is what people forget- that you can't judge a politician based on what foreigners think about him... Trudeau is OUR leader, not theirs- and come to think of it, it makes sense that they hate him- it means that he is actually sticking up for us, not them.... Globalists be damned!

Singh is doing alright, but I don't like that he isn't pushing the government to institute a Basic Income program... what else is the NDP good for if they aren't pulling the Liberals left..

Trudeau is a massive faggot and I would rather be ruled by a primordial lobsterzilla intent on harvesting humans for their sweet pancreatic juices.

What's his approval rating at?

Pic related

The reason why Trudeau will be reelected

Attached: flag-canada-britishcolumbia.gif (500x300, 23K)

You're what's wrong with Canada- you hate what you have, but propose no alternatives... consider that you're hoping for something that doesn't exist- a fairyland canditate taht will do everything you say, and be wanted by the majority.... but the truth is taht politics is about compromise!

he is just being spanked at the polls by a grumpy electorate.

he will most likely be given a minority when it comes time to vote.

Attached: Jollibee Canada.jpg (1000x647, 114K)

>What's his approval rating at?
It's low, but only because he's been abused by the media for doing his job- but he has not bowed to them, and as such will bounce right back to 45%

More than just BC wants Trudeau back- BC is less than 10% of Canada- so you can't blame Trudeau's election on just BC.

Its going to be a close election and this shithole will tip the scales

>he is just being spanked at the polls by a grumpy electorate.

This. Plus the polls simply represent what the media has been doing- which is unfairly going after Trudeau for doing his job.

Trudeau won last election from Eastern Canada alone (election was called after Ontario votes came in)

If he wins again this year, expect Alberta seccession support to skyrocket

BC is not a shithole- you're thinking of Northern Ontario, Saskathcewan, and Alberta.

You're whats wrong with Canada, you're a fucking retard.

Funny how conservatives always rage when they cna't get their way...just like an only child who rages at mommy for taking their favorite soother away. Get at me hick- give your sister's cunt a break.

Why would it be BC? Fuck I work in a commie-socialist neighbourhood and I hear nothing but absolute hate for this man there. I hear hate him everywhere I go. I have literally not met someone who supports.

Go take a stroll in Surrey or Richmond and say that again with a straight face

Nice scenery on the interior though.

I looked at their provincial election resulta and their indepence party received the fourth largest share of the vote. I think they're gone in a few years if we keep going down this path.

Leafs deserve to be range banned.

>Leafs deserve to be range banned.
Say that again and moot will institute the range ban, on Aussies, on 4chin's side.

>BC is a shit hole
I'm not from there, I'm from Charlottetown.

Aussies aren't the problem. Leafs and Bongs are.

Be thankful

>Aussies aren't the problem. Leafs and Bongs are.
Nah, you're somehow worse mate.

Ausfags btfo

Please leave the east coast forever, we don't want you here.

>Please leave the east coast forever, we don't want you here.
No one cares what you want W*stoid.
Alleges that SNC Lavalin hired prostitutes from NXIVM for Gaddalfi's son, but no sources as to these allegations.
Source of Trudeau supporting prostitution from SNC Lavalin because "canadian jobs" so, there is proof it happened.
Stephen Bronfman works closely with SNC Lavalin CEO's wife!

I didn't even know who stephen bronfman was, but now I know he's a seagram liqour heir - and his cousins Clare and Sara Bronfman is involved in the NXIVM case.

Bronfman - Libya
Bronfman - SNC
Bronfman - Trudeau
Nx - Bronfman - Bronfman - Basit Igtet
Basit Igetet ran for PM of Libya when NX founder told him to after Bronfman gave him power over money.

SNC wife worked for Bronfman.
Bronfman criminal activities

IF NXIVM is really conducting shadowy politics like telling certain people to run for certain positions..

Well, who knows. Trudeau isn't innocent though, not by a longshot.

This matter is in the courts, we'd be best to not interfere in any way, friend.

Omfg the CBC JT fanclub is invading Jow Forums tonight. Fuck off Soros (((shill))).

What a bunch of cucks in this thread. You literally vote for population replacement.