Black People

I have had black friends since elementary school. Sure, some of them talk retarded and act like animals, but white trash is no different. Why should black people as an entire race be condemned? Is there any evidence that implies they are substantially different from other races?

I literally don’t see a difference between a smart black man and a smart white man.

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There isn't one
Their culture just sucks
It's getting better though.

But there ARE people lying to us, and controlling us. And that needs to stay on the table.

why are you asking pol when you already know what are they gonna write. some pseudo shit about IQ, superiority and similar made up conspiracies while eating a taco their mom made.

People that are attracted to racism have no sense of self worth or self esteem. They want to systems of merit because they feel they have no merit. They think people should be judged based on skin color, because racist have nothing they can be proud of in their life EXCEPT skin color. That's why you see a lot of the most racist organizations either operating out of prison, or doing most of their recruiting there.

i called a nigger a nigger to his face in 7th grade

im italian

I don't dislike blacks, and in this country, most aren't bad people at all, but you can't deny they are a bit mentally slower than other people.

Somalians on the other hand, man, fuck Somalians.

You're new here aren't you? Jow Forums is filled with autistic people that like to trigger themselves for hours. They have someone post and pretend to be a liberal and say something they deem outrageous like "I believe in gun control" just so they can make a 200+ reply thread.

This place is for right wing babies who can't evolve past having imaginary debates in the shower.

>wet rag clap
Well done, Thomas. Now do that again at your age.

how are you and other lefties not white trash?

>this one guy i know is nice and is black, so that means that all blacks are good!
Despite being only 13% of the population...

probably 50% of black people are violent or dumb, compared to like 10% of white. or 30% of brown. or 5% asian

Look are we allowed to admit there is something wrong with them? I have Somalian neighbors and they actually live with the smoke detector low battery going off and are somehow fine with it.

i dont dislike blacks either but i hate socialists. Blacks dont give a fuck about racism, only lefties does.


No such thing as real friends, thats why am glad i got 3 brothers

Can we just say Somalians are the niggers of niggers?

Jow Forums is full of progressive shills now, unironically. They're too stupid to understand they shill to each other, they're kept busy that way

Their lips are fucking repulsive.
Close your fat-lipped ape mouth you god damned degenerate nigger.

Nigger noses are literally one generation removed from a fucking gorilla.

Niggers are positively hideous in every conceivable way. I feel nothing but total absolute disgust when I look at one.

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you mirrored his post moron. theres plenty of high quality discussion here mixed with racism and memes. no bias censorship is the only real difference. go spread your high moral standards on social media, farm some likes

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Dude, Somalis are the Niggers of humanity. That's what you get when you live in an anarchic hell hole.

I'm no commie, but it's the politicians, and the Ultra rich that is the common man's enemy.

Tutti l'abbiamo fatto, user. In Italia puoi chiamare un marocchino negro e nessuno ti dirà mai un cazzo

somali's are 100x worse. they're the lowest tier niggers (if that's even possible)

they all walk around with their 3 foot necks and gaping mouth fulla big ass chicklet teeth. Walking around sucking air like they just learned to breathe this morning. Close your fucking mouths, goddamn. The white shit that builds on the sides of your lips makes me physically sick.

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Even the guys at the Halal butcher shop they go to say that particular family are retards. Once more apparently they are Upper class as well.
Explain that one, the dad has crashed 4 cars and just keeps buying new ones and has two wives that keep having babies.

Niggers stink too much melanin
niggers can not think outside of the nig, everything is about race.
One out of 10 whites is trash
one out of a hundred blacks is not

unironically THIS
dumb negro = dumb whitoid
dumb latino = dumb euro
dumb yellow = dumb mexicano

your a silly ass moron
Care not about color but niggers Act like Niggers Surprise!

so you're THAT one

white trash is the equivalent of good niggers,in terms of representation of the whole race


It's you're stupid. Now who is the nigger?

unironically this.
I truly feel terrible for the few based blacks that there are. The niggers ruin EVERYTHING for them, and unfortunately we can't even allow the based ones into the ethnostate. Niggers ruined it for them. Even if they're based and law-abiding, there's too high of a chance that their offspring will nig.

After the civil war/ww3, we can't afford to make the same mistakes again. We're gonna have to exterminate and exclude with extreme prejudice. Giving pity to the .01% of their numbers that are based is exactly what got us into this mess.

based as fuck

bell curve

Black people aren't the problem, Niggers are. They have a culture where they refuse to acclimate to western society and outright resist any form of sensibility or rational behavior. Like real life orcs they glorify barbarism.

Every other race that joins the west eventually acclimates after a generation or two. But niggers, the oldest migrants here utterly and completely refuse to adapt and intergrate. You want to fix the nigger problem you need to destroy the repulsive "Culture" they've created.

Well black people need to get really mad at niggers, cause they're ruining everything for them.

But again, that won't happen, because ALL blacks (even the based ones) still have a problem with personal accountability and self-awareness. That part of their brain just never fully develops in the same way a regular person's does.

It's the ratio of trash/not trash. Blacks are like 50% guttertrash whereas whites hover around 30%.

I just got new nigger neighbors, no idea how they got into my complex but they're already just the greatest. It's easier for me to just avoid blacks as a group outside of the odd successful black I might encounter in a white space.

Damnit your exposing my counter shill strategy.

Majority of niggers are pavement apes. There are some blacks that vaguely resemble humans but they are rare

this is why
race is real.

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>Muh one race, human race

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>white trash is no different
Yes, it’s literally different. Niggers are 80 times more likely to kill someone than “white trash”. White trash also understands property ownership.

Op is a nigger himself

its funny how people always pick out somalis specifically, yet can barely name or tell the difference between other africans... we live rent free in your head .

well he is right people are more same than they are different go try and fail to fuck your sister bobby

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oh shit
>rent free
mic drop
damn this dudes talented

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>well he is right people are more same than they are different
and yet the differences are still profund, no?
>go try and fail to fuck your sister bobby

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those are West African features, North and Horn Africans have different features, just as Europeans have different features.

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>I literally don’t see a difference between a smart black man and a smart white man.
You are not white, Pajeet. You know that. Thats why your are getting defensive about blacks,

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>we live rent free in your head

That's a nice way of saying "Somalis are objectively so much worse than every other immigrant group that they attract more attention"

Race is more than skin color.
Race is more than skin color.
Race is more than skin color.

There, I said it three times to get it through your thick skull.

You are 100% correct op. "Race" is not the determinant. Culture (how your parents raised you imo) is the driving factor of success (genetics obvious has a little to do with it).

OP is 1 post by this ID. Why do you stupid subhumans bump this trash? Kill all niggers.

It isn't tho. Fact is, human variability is not as vast as you and others who think like you think it is. IQ, for example, is primarily determined by culture (nurture, if you like), not genetics (this isn't to say that genetics has 0% involvement, it just isn't the majority).

In the options field the seasoning goes

Commie detected

You got to go back

>human variability is not as vast as you and others who think like you think it is
it is hgih enough to make Africa ashithole for a hundredthousand years striaght, no?
>IQ, for example, is primarily determined by culture (nurture, if you like), not genetics (this isn't to say that genetics has 0% involvement, it just isn't the majority).
False, it is both nature and nurture, more nature than you'd like to admit. theresa rason their behaviour is so predictable...

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>They want to systems of merit because they feel they have no merit.
Systems of merit. no the left wants systems of no merit because they think if blacks or x group don't achieve as well as other groups then the system is racist. Yes, the system is racist and that system is biology.. Blacks are stupid as fuck on average go down to a black high school and look at how they act. Not being able to score more than 85 on an IQ test means you miss obvious questions like:

If this table seats six as shown
(dots for spacing)

How many does this table seat?

They will without specific education on this be unable to answer the question in a timely fashion. And they will miss questions of a similar difficulty. Aka question 80% of whites will get will be missed by them.

Go read the fucking bell curve.

I would seriously get a DNA test if I were you. I doubt your white, it's possible your (((White)) but deferentially not white.

The funny thing is with discipline and lot of training you can teach blacks to do a lot of mental tasks like solve "complex" problems as long as a route technique can be used. But then again you can teach dog to "drive" a car if you work on it but a dog will never understand what driving a car is.

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White trash = 1% of white population
Black Trash = 95% of the black population
One is sustainable the other is not

Softbrains detected

Fuck blacks they wont integrate, think whites owe them and they steal anything not bolted down or rape it, or shoot it.
Its not racist to dislike niggers, its natural.

there is something called the deviation to the mean
if you dont understand the concept youre probably a dumb nigger and you should get yourself snipped

I think there is something wrong in a society where the only other Whites in a 13 dollar an hour workplace such as my own are all obviously high IQ people while the other 90% are a bunch of grug-brained Blacks and spics. Sometimes you can physically feel the 15+ gap in IQ between you and someone you are interacting with

There is no difference between a smart white man and a smart black man. You’re just more likely to find smart white men and less likely to find smart black men. That’s all.

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>smart black man
intelligent black person equals a normal white person

North Africans are just Arabs that got lost lol they aren’t even the same species as Africans.

Niggle this!

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