Just gonna leave this here

just gonna leave this here

Attached: baby AOC.webm (1600x1200, 2.97M)

aw cute

Holy shit!! She got raped by an alien!!

So sad to see how children get corrupted.

Attached: 1456923263737.jpg (500x247, 69K)

Those busted ass teeth

babby cortez?

musta not had dental coverage.

Attached: AOCworking.webm (800x422, 1.54M)

That was actually really creepy.

There can only be one pretty princes of Jow Forums

Attached: 1556933062968.png (761x605, 1.76M)

Her teeth were fucked up.

>musta not had dental coverage
>musta not had other people to pay for her dental work

also, that webm pisses me off. I've worked in bars, and she is a SHIT bartender. That slow ass work ethic wouldn't even fly at my local dive bar.


Attached: ilyaoc.webm (1000x804, 632K)


Attached: dental-plan-lisa-needs-braces.jpg (500x333, 48K)

Attached: 1556922629046.jpg (759x512, 64K)


yeah what kinda child doesn't pay for their dental.
like come on.

Attached: 1555555214312.jpg (634x847, 37K)

Could be any goblinita. They all look alike.

Attached: 1553683765962.png (948x1078, 1011K)

Is this little socialist girl with fake accent? How?

Damn. She always had the crazy eyes

My teeth were perfect from birth, what’s her excuse?

Yeah the stripper from the Bronx.

shit i thought exactly the same thing when i saw her, AOC is a visitor...

Attached: 18lux3twugwscjpg.jpg (299x269, 12K)

Are we to believe the the shittiest people in the world were never cute kids at some point in their lives?

Freemason Tranny Occultist confirmed

Attached: 8680CCB5-B70A-4C64-BFDC-3274AF8C5960.jpg (832x640, 262K)

OMG, some user was talking about that in 2024 the next demolitioncrat president would be called

"El Precedenta de goblinous"

Attached: El Precedenta de Goblinous.png (1175x926, 1.24M)

no shit, she was born in poverty

that's USA for you

It’s just posing. Not a real bartender.

Manufactured image

They aren't sending their best.

she was 6 or 7

Attached: teething-chart.png (616x470, 59K)

Rayyype lmao

What did God mean with this synchronicity?

Attached: 2354356586789780.png (828x747, 1.2M)


Wow what a little cutie. Id just love to have a daughter of that age.

I wanna fuck the literal shit out of her,

you feel me dawg?

she put her head in the ice bin...that's not good, probably a violation.


Attached: 3242536457657.jpg (728x453, 35K)

It's weird that spics are a mutt race but most of them look the same anyway. Spanish genes strong, and Spanish women are ugly.

Attached: GXWdZ4YVn.jpg (782x810, 146K)

At least she got her teeth fixed.

Attached: unsee i.jpg (600x600, 224K)

Attached: Bowing.jpg (493x432, 165K)

Trick question since non-white children are nearly as ugly as their parents, so none of them were ever cute

no one gives a fuck about that stupid commie cunt