Was she murdered by the British government?
Was she murdered by the British government?
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She was murdered by a shitty driver and a shitty photographer.
She was a ho tho
No. It was the Jews. Now fuck off mossad.
Yeah. The queen hated her
Yeah for making that redheaded bastard nigger lover Harry with James Hewitt.
basically her husband and mother in law
If you mean by the Queen, then yes, and Megan Markle is next. Mess with the best, die like the rest.
If she was then they've really lost their touch these days
wtf why?
I don't care
neck yourself, you autstic, faceblind faggot.
if you cant see the resemblance between harry and philip, you are confirmed to have aspergers.
She was pregnant with some Arab's baby. It's why she had to go.
is this "pregnancy" in the realm of conspiracy theory, or mainstream official narrative?
If they did, job well done!!
'My husband is planning an accident in my car - break failure and serious head injury.'
- Diana 1996
Diana knew too much, she had to go.
Also digits.
Quints of truth?
Burn the coal pay the toll
Death via terminal thottery
People who know will tell you Camilla was the true Ho
That;s why Charles wasn't allowed to marry her when he was young and had his marriage arranged to pure waifu QT DIana
Hope so, race traitors deserve just that, especially if royals.
Yep had aids, wiped to erase the shame
Everytime I walk nearby the place where she died I go to her memorial and I spit on it
I fucking hate anglos
i fucking hate frenchies, every time i get close to one of there graves i defecate on it
Your king is french
England is a french colony since 1066
Fucking faggot
I'll be honest.
I hate the French and the English. Both of you are scabs.
Their kings have been Germans ever since the Stewarts got deposed.
americans had a black president
anglos have a mulatto king
It is illegal for the French State to collect data on ethnicity and race.
Of course, she was about to expose Israeli nuclear secrets
beautiful woman
Dem digits tho.
Rollin for David Icke was right
We are taught that Windsors are Germans
How is this even a question?
>Thinking mainstream official narrative isn't 100% schizophrenic tinfoil nonsense
lol so Chelsea Clinton was sired by Webb Hubbell, Justin Trudeau's real dad is Fidel Castro and James Hewitt fathered Harry?
The elites must have some kind of cuckolding fetish where it's a way to mock the ignorance of the proles. I wouldn't put it past them. Still, it's ridiculous!
Of course, how do both people in a car crash have "heart attacks. Her and the Arab...
wow! look at those shoulders, and those sagging balls. that's a plot twist. princess di was a man, just like Michelle Obama? goddamn. the rabbit hole never ends.
I never said it wasn't.
Then you must be black. The Anglo and the Norman are god tier
depressing, demoralizing, degenerate, and disgusting public suicide sandnigger cuck
sandnigger fuckee trash burns in hell
enforce the old anti-sandnigger laws
sandniggers, jail them all
deport the sandniggers back to aidsfrica
reinstitute apartheid for sandniggers
re-enslave the sandniggers
penectomize and neuter the sandniggers
bomb and shoot up sandniggered blacked
Holocaust 2: Demonic Sandniggaboo, X Y DNA genocide edition
Yes and it was a good thing. If only they could stage an intervention for Harry's wife.
Next question
What's with all the false flags in this bread?
Saxe-Coburg and Gotha doesn't sound very french, surrender machine.
would have deserved it- she was the triple: a socialite, a socialist, and a republican. She loved the Labour Party and her mourning heralded a personality cult around her that was the death knell for stiff-upper-lip Britain in favour of soppy goyboy britain.
Hitchens has the only good take on Diana
According to HLI, she was murdered because she knew about 9/11 beforehand and tried to stop it.
it was planned 4 years in advance and she had so much love for the American ppl that she tried to stop it.
Did anyone ask HLI how she tried to stop it?
Could you try a tiny bit to look less obvious
Maybe spend a bit more time with your supervisor
>Swedes = French
Want to know something else fun? Prince Phillip is the nephew of the 2nd in command of the Order of the Illuminati.
And this is who?
She didnt provide for her husband and made him cheat on her, she upset the queen in turn, she went around royal protocol, she published a book about everything and then ended up cheating on charles.
Mossad did it.
Who cares? Your royals are cucked in any event...
lol, no. she was one of the best servants of zog of her generation:
>commit adultery in spite of being a literal princess
>produce a ginger child so it's fucking obvious you cucked your royal husband, normalizing your degeneracy among the people you serve as an example for
>divorce, normalizing degeneracy further
>start fucking a brown foreigner, still more degeneracy
>decades later your bastard offspring marries a foreign, black, commoner, divorcee
fuck Diana Spencer and fuck the boomer and Xer sluts that worshipped her.
I thought she was cheating with some Muslim dude .The Queen probably had her put down because of it.
That is a Tranny
I'm glad that coal burning thot died a painful death.
Unironically based.
This is precisely why.
>in b4 LARP (yes its real)
My great uncle was a hereditary peer and I remember having dinner with him as a child some years ago in London. At the time he'd mentioned how everyone in the royal household thought it was a scandal that the future head of the Church of England could possibly have a Muslim for a stepfather. Apparently she was extremely close to accepting Dodi Al-Fayed's proposal but had been dissuaded until that point by virtually everyone within her circle for what amounted to class reasons.
From Diana's perspective, things were more reasonable. She was possessed by a certain vindictiveness towards the royal family, and the idea that she could marry a billionaire richer than her ex-husband was extremely appealing. Even her most liberal friends were against it, however, because of Mohammed Al-Fayed's absolute crassness about the whole situation, which was complete anathema to everyone involved.
The rumor is that this triggered the Queen, who normally does not have any say in government, to use her soft power to suggest it would be a loyal act to take Diana out. This is not beyond the pale for some very patriotic Britains, of whom there were many more in the civil and intelligence service than there are today.
Nice selfie bruh.