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Jow Forums humor thread
Gabriel Green
Other urls found in this thread:
Lincoln Peterson
Landon Rivera
Lmao you pathetic racists never fail to make me laugh with your "pol humor" threads
Face it, most poc will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad virgins ever will be. You are on the wrong side of history, get over it losers
Austin Moore
So this is the infamous Pol.
I look around and all I see are sad, lonely young men that are angry because girls won't talk to you. Ever pause to wonder why that is?
Even as a woman of color, I am not the least bit offended, but morbidly dismayed by your lack of self-reflection and basic humility toward yourself and peoplekind. Pathetic, really.
Ethan Hughes
Jow Forums is a Christian board
Joseph Reyes
this meme was funny last Thursday but now its not
Luke Cruz
Can we stop with this hateful attitude towards Reddit? It's a pol meme, I browse Reddit, you browse Reddit, Reddit is basically the homepage of the Internet, so hating on it just screams that you're insecure about visiting it.
Aiden Smith
Tits or GTFO
Benjamin Davis
Brody Nguyen
Are you aware that there are people in this world that have a severe medical condition which causes them to be that way? My mother for instance is one of those people. She is a truck driver that has bad knees and a bad back from driving the truck but you probably do not care about that case either. Oh well I am not one of those people I am 6'4" 245lbs and I exercise every day. I would love to see you say something like that to my mother in front of me. Probably never happen though you are probably just an internet tough guy. I doubt very seriously you would say that to someones face. Just my thought. What do you think. Oh I am sorry you probably do not have a brain. I on the other hand will be happy to buy you a plane ticket to come here and see if you have the nerve to say that to someone I know.
Landon Smith
weak bait
Grayson Long
Newfag. That leaf has been posting that for over a year.
Brayden Miller
Guess what: I'm black
I've been using Jow Forums for 8 years now. I'm an MIS and Marketing major, top of my class. I have an IQ of 146. I'm only a sophomore and have had 7 internships. I'm a member of the MENSA society. I didn't support Obama. I'm not an afrocentrist, however, I'm probably more intelligent than most of you in this thread.
Whether you like it or not, niggers are comparable. I'm not here to steal your money. I'll probably make more than you. I'm not going to go back to Africa, but I'll vacation there in the summer. The ironic thing is my father married a woman his own race and I am full congolese.
Cocky? Yes. Ashamed? No.
I won't get lynched, I'll be your CEO one day.
Jayden Davis
Elijah Nelson
Whatever faggot you're just mad because you're a normie without a hot girlfriend. My girlfriend is so fucking hot that just looking at her sweet glistening snizz would make a faggot like you blower your head off with a 12 gauge because you know deep down your cock would never penetrate something as beautiful as her glorious puss. I bet a faggot like you is a virgin too. Fuck you for thinking I look anything below an 8/10. If I was single I would take so much strange that you and the rest of the normie fags would turn to homosexuality because I'd be taking all the tang. Luckily for you I'm not single. Luckily for you I have smoking hot babe. A hot babe that I can go home to and give her the baby yogurt she craves. Yeah that's right faggot, she also LOVES sex. Hard to find a woman these days that craves doing the ole tango like my girlfriend does. Fuck you, fuck you normie, and you better fucking pray to Buddha, Allah, Jesus, Satan, or whoever you fucks pray to that your boy never becomes single. FUCK YOU!
Isaiah Myers
I losts
Connor Hill
>being this new
Jaxson Carter
stay mad racist incel
Andrew Rodriguez
>being this new
Xavier Martin
Great copypasta. Remember, most poc will be more successful than you. Banter.
Daniel Sanders
>*christkeks are the loudest
Noah Perry
No offense bro but you are the ugliest motherfucker I have ever seen. If I didn't know any better I'd assume your mom was a titty waitress at Hooters, got pregnant, was fired for her slump appearance, then couldn't afford an abortion so she had the local kids try and whack her bulging fetus like a pinata. Only you survived and that's how you ended up with such a disfigured face. Either that or you got baptized with scolding hot coffee. I bet if a blind kid felt your face he'd be asking why there's a pizza on this camel's ass. Shit's disgusting bro, get it sorted or at least wear a bucket over your head or something.
Angel Reyes
Why do you imagine that saving white people requires a fascist government?
Oliver Adams
i have never heard anyone use that term that was not buttblasted
stay nonwhite, nigger
Noah Watson
Charles Ortiz
New copypasta. Get it while it’s hot
Adrian Martinez
Fuck off Pajeetoids
Kevin Sullivan
Christopher Barnes
remove memeflag spic
Isaiah Long
Notice how they are regurgitating the talmudic lie story?
Meanwhile in reality Mary was 16 a virgin and the daughter of the Levi class and a very faithful highly educated saintly follower of God chosen to bring the real messiah into the world in the age when the satanic jew had taken over Israel with Babylonian kabbalah and the starting of talmudic pedo rabbis?
BTW the royal family of cuck Roman imposed puppets was an incest family of notorius sinners...Sadducees running around denying the immortal sould, judgement, resurrection etc.
The story of the divine incarnation is the Virgin conception by miracle by the power of God of God becoming man in the hypostatic union destined to serve then die for mans sins but bring himself to life again and establish his Holy Church which the jews rejected, and eternally damned them as the satanic race spiritually which they have become them and their khazarian scythian based kike imposters who are molded into the Sephardic cunts of hell.
BTW Miriam is not the same word for stupid jew...anyone who doesn't understand jews are behind this anti Christ blasphemy are retarded its literally based on their talmudic schizophrenia that denies the pure truth for insane ramblings about how Jesus yes existed but his divine miracles were "magic tricks"
Adam Brown
Grayson Sullivan
The left cannot meme.
Oliver Morris
It sure was nice of Josephus to invite us to the temple, Luigi.
Dylan Bell
Oy vey
Julian Murphy
Bout time
Luis Morales
You browsed that AIDS infested pool just to use that now. I've wasted 13 years of my life here and nobody said it back then and they're not about to start.
Ian Johnson
I'm still waiting for that sourced evidence. It has been many threads of larp fags a day and still not a single piece.
>Go on?
Jacob Jones
das rite
John Lee
Isaac Sanchez
Cameron Cook
Keep the dank memes coming fellow racists im so gonna BTFO my libtard mom with these.
Daniel Clark
shit like this make me just assume pagans are gay as fuck
like do we need to go over this being a fag is degenerate you get shot for it there is no other option for that affliction
Camden Clark
fuck your anti-Christ bullshit. This is from Toledot Yeshu, which is a jewish anti-christian pamphlet from the middle ages. At the time of the birth of Christ, Herod (a greek descended reagent who married into the hasmonean dynasty) was the ruler of Judea. You are going to hell, my retarded friend.
Asher Nelson
Meanwhile, in the real world
>blond, blue-eyed Aryan countries such as the Nordics have the highest economic equality in the world
>80%+ unionization in Nordic countries protects workers
>Germanic billionaires like Bill Gates and Elon Musk donate money to charity while Jews like Soros spend their wealth on sponsoring leftist astroturf movements
Dominic Nguyen
Lincoln Cruz
reddit is wack tho
at least here there are a few remotely conscious people
Nicholas Torres
what does any of that have to do with reddit?
Benjamin Phillips
Typing in English on a computer.
Liam Ortiz
146 black means you’re literally 1 in a million according to IQ distribution curve. Modify pasta bleez.
Jaxon Morris
Quoting the talmud is not pol humor.
Joseph Cruz
imagine having to rely on some random numbers on a board filled with degeneracy in order to evaluate your middle eastern religon.
Thomas Russell
Not if I kill you.
Caleb Clark
Noah Cox
>MIS and Marketing major
>I have an IQ of 146
Nigga please
William Bennett
Jaxson Reyes
Reddit's voting system is counter productive because Reddit itself is populated with small minded people. It's the answer to the question; What is the sum of a million small minds, ... a small mind. I migrated to it a year or so ago for entertainment and to discuss on the r/JordanPeterson sub but after the Channel 4 News interview it got swarmed with juvenile fans of Peterson who couldn't entertain any criticism of Peterson whatsoever. Threads turned to how attractive he was and often he was the subject of gay fantasising. If you made even the slightest criticism of Peterson however legitemate it was absolutely voted into oblivion and that caused your posting ability to be choked.
I liked Peterson originally because of his conservativism and religious apologetics. I knew he was a White Nationalist but it didn't bother me until after a time I came to realise while he disdained identity politics and collective responsibility/blaming he cherished White Identity regarding it as an aspect of objective reality when it's really not, same as Black Identity. When he started abusing people online it was the final straw, Jordan Peterson is struggling with homosexuality, probably always struggled with it, and his desire to personify abstract Masculine virtues is his way of dealing with it. I still think he's redeemable but he will, in hindsight, have been an icon of contemporary neo-fascism.
Reddit generates waay more heat than light and on the whole it's almost impossible to have a candid and frank discussion. What I do like about it is how your account saves everything you're said and you can look over old discussions.
Jace Peterson
Go back there and never return.
Levi Johnson
>niggers are comparable
comparable to what, lads?
David Cooper
kys nigger
Luis Allen
you know this kind of meme takes months to die so quit your bitching
John Carter
>christianity invented disliking gays
please explain the pedophile priests? if anything christianity promotes a monopoly of gays with an endless supply of little boys for the chosen goyim who repeat jewish mythology the best
Ryder Turner
i don't think you understand racial politics canacuck
Robert Wilson
Man look at the nose on that motherfucker.
Charles Harris
Isaiah Cruz
and there is not a single christian on this planet that has a problem with a jewish man "converting" to christianity, although of course most oppose it since jews are god's chosen and most create Israel in order for the apocalypse to happen.
Yes, that's really what they believe! You SHOULD read the bible, it's the fastest way to lose faith in christianity
Gavin Lee
Logan Ramirez
I hope he made lotsa falafel!
Bentley Wood
You atheists better hope the Lord comes soon.
Juan Morales
Mason Morales
You legit made a thread with the same post, same flag a couple of day's ago and it turned into a humour thread anyway, nice try tho soro's.
Austin Brooks
Tyler Martinez
holy shit the legendary neckbeard shits out some crazy made up story. wow i screened for later postin lads. whew
Noah Green
>saving in .jpeg
Save in PNG next time, that quality is gone.
Lincoln Bailey
I actually find this leaf poster kindof funny
John Sullivan
Truer words were never spoken.
Christian Gonzalez
Kek. This has to be fake.
There's no way they're THAT inept.
Isaiah Garcia
This isn't made up.
We desecrated a negro fetus
Luke Watson
so is the Old Testament to be taken in consideration or not? Because if not, there was no reason for Christans to have destroyed most paganism-related stuff. Many pagan tribes saw nothing wrong in worshiping Jesus along the other gods. But christian priests, with a mind as deserted as the birth place of Christianity went full NPC mode 'idols bad' and destroyed everything.
Landon Powell
Jaxon Ward
Evan Thompson
>implying there was ever anything good about it
Gavin Clark
Newfaggot the leaf is on our side. He laughs his ass the fuck off at shit on here. He just posts that as bait to piss randoms or newfag off and it WORKS plenty.
Jeremiah Gray
Oh sweet this copy paste again.
Christopher Rogers
Logan Carter
Literally talmudic evil. You are going hell unless you repent and accept baptism. St Louis, my patron saint, burned your filthy books and we will burn them again.
Asher Hughes
Sauce? A few billion people would like to know more
Lincoln Price
>Not posting best version.
Angel Phillips
James Anderson
I spent a few weeks on reddit when my internet provider blocked Jow Forums and it was awful
Carter Thomas
Thomas Sanders
t. discord trannies
Lincoln Lewis
The bible says homosexuality is an abomination and gays should be killed, any Christian condoning homosexuality is a blatant heretic.
Ethan Roberts
Grayson Wright
Josiah Jenkins
>One of the 47 smartest black people in America
>Marketing major
Wyatt Perez
Ayden Wood
Christopher Morris
Juan Powell
Pic: Not too racist or anything
Luis Watson
Tits or gtfo.
Also you're a nigger. Go back to tumblr you whiteknight.