Is heaven going to be multiracial?
Is heaven going to be multiracial?
>Is heaven going to be multiracial?
Understand the holohoax psyop and what jews have done to the West post-WW2.
Read through this thread, it's all there. Use this info to redpill others. Redpilling normies is the ONLY battle that matters now. Redpill them and the rest will work itself out.
Heaven is supposedly a place were no natural forces are at play.
Body, earth, race, matter, time, reality, cause effect... None of that will matter in the least.
Ok leaf.
No, the jew religion is designed to help subjugate non-jews, and made the jews a privileged class in the roman empire.
>souls have a skin color
He's right. Think fool, if sin is inherent to the flesh, why would flesh be in Heaven?
Only queers want to go to heaven with the jew god.
>everyone is equal in a metaphysical sense
this is why you are a cuck. You cannot conceptualize value to your people in any tangible way.
There are no races in Heaven.
You don't bring your physical shell to Heaven.
How is this even a question?
Niggers don't have souls so they won't be there. Neither will your doggo for the same reason.
I didn't say that nor did I imply that. You're putting words in my mouth based off of your own bias. I'm extremely fed up with this constant putting words in anons mouth bs people like you keep on doing just to push your own personal shit. I'd punch you in your throat if you were in front of me and then clap your ears to demonstrate to you how disoriented your own fucking behavior is when you do shit like that. This is why you should kys you fucking non thinking faggot.
>souls have skin color
what did you mean by this?
Chinks shouldn't believe in sand nigger religions
That's just too weird.
There might be a few non whites desu but I seriously doubt there will be many. I think there will actually be less Asian people than niggers in heaven if I'm going to be honest. Consciousness is quite literally random, but different people were blessed with a higher level of it. Germanic and Scandinavian people have the highest level of consciousness. Followed by Brits, then French, then who cares who else. But Asians are incredibly low and the only reason I think niggers may be a tad bit more is because it seems like God really tries to send them a message by giving a few more consciousness. Think of the NPC meme, most people are like animals or insects. They go through their lives never having an actual thought or consciousness. Only the people with the ability to feel God are going to go to heaven, and at that only the people who were given true consciousness can actually feel God. Many people claim to, but they just follow along like NPCs.
Exactly what It means you niggerfaggot and nothing what you superimpose on to it. Is energy flesh? NO, so it can't have a fleshy skin color to it. Duh, idiot. Simple fucking analysis. Simple fucking common sense. But apparently too much for your dumbass to grasp.
>but somehow whites worshipping a jew isnt weird.
Fuck christ, fuck muhammad, and fuck moses.
It wouldn't be heaven if it was.
Because the flesh is going to be resurrected in the image of God, and there will be a new heavens and a new earth
Christianity 101 "the resurrection of the body"
No it's not
>holocaust in steep decline since mid-80s
is it really losing it's power or are faggots just writing shoah instead of holocaust?
He's right but he's a shill that is stating it as if it's a bad thing so whites should avoid it.
Imagine chinks worshiping a god created by the Romans in the image of a European.
Well, at least in english speaking countries people seem to lose interest.
So you are saying at a spiritual level we are all one race
no, it's heaven
You're superimposing flesh on to the verses you are referencing that from. The new body doesn't necessarily have to be one of flesh.
No, he's wrong, but things like that won't even be noticeable or matter there. Those are Earthly details of the material realm and no such confines of the flesh exist in Heaven.
No, I'm not. I haven't said that at all. For those who accept Christ and believe, truly, then they belong. Those who haven't do not. You do not belong because you have chosen not to so you won't.
prove it is paganeet
Not really no
I think we’re all going to hell
>skin color
Yes heaven is for all who believe in Jesus christ
>misrepresenting my post in greentext fraudulently
If lies were poison you'd be dead, Zionist.
wtf... i just searched the term "illuminati" and found some obscure book written in 1802 called "A full exposition of the Clintonian faction and the soceity of the Columbian Illuminati"
It then goes on to describe all sorts of dealings by some Clinton family that's heavily involved into american politics and has ties with all sorts of secret societies.
Are we talking about the same Clintons? What the actual fuck...
Whiter than you, goy.
>Is heaven going to be multiracial?
Light beings
Of course not. Imagine choirs of angles shooting up other choirs for being 5 IQ points different
>race doesn't matter unironically
so this is the power of the christcuck
not mine
nice blogpost faggot
There will mostly be Germanics from a couple thousand years ago, who will battle in the morning and feast in the evening.
Every white person will have twelve brown slaves in Heaven.
There is no heaven.
it's literally going to be white. everyone will be glowing white like mr clean and and all you shitskins better deal with it kek
its going to be mainly europeans and east asians to be honest
and thats fine with me
the others that make it will be happy to be there and be the best their people had to offer so it will be bearable
You actually get your own planet but only if you are truly pious
We are all of one blood first of all. And secondly there is no flesh in heaven because flesh sins and it does but the spirit which has confessed that Jesus is lord is forgiven of all sin and goes to heaben.
really? that's cool. i can become the next space hitler.
Yes, except it'll be segregated, even the Lord knows we can't all get along and that we prefer to stick to our own kind.
>doesnt understand that the dark fleshes came from satan
Everything is going to get reset to its purist form.
There is no "god" and so there is no heaven or hell. The earth is a bazigillion years old. This last round of human mouth-breathing, slack jawed, window lickers were shat out starting around 12,000 years ago. Time is almost up. We failed again. Everytime we play this game, we are supposed to nourish the planet and love one another. Instead, we peel each others' skin off, eat each other alive, and wipe our asses on the earth. We deserve to lose again. Best 4 out of 5?
Yes, each race gets a Planet or Dimension in Heaven
thats mormonism
No youre a communist. What if the goal is to build a strong warrior race of competitive living beings To be warriors of God ?
only if you worship the so called christ demon