What is wrong with Industry automation?

What is wrong with Industry automation?

If your job can be done by a machine, then its a shitty job and you should be replaced.

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What do you intend to do with the workers replaced?

Onions Green

Universal Basic Income provided by taxes on the robot workers

I don't see any hurry to automate things like lawyers, or doctors, or congress. Congress literally serves no purpose any longer. They don't even draft legislation. They could easily be replaced by a national internet voting system.

I also notice there is no rush to automate judges. Seems like the law would be really easy for a machine to interpret impartially, unlike judges.

Let's also completely automate the GP field of medicine. 100% of General Practitioners could be replaced with a competent flow chart. You don't even need a robot.

I totally agree. People are just far too fearful about "being replaced" because apparently once you get fired, you can never get another job again in your life or something. But honestly, automation needs to happen, and it will as long as it is economically beneficial for the industry.

Nothing. Control System engineer here

Pointless. UBI has been a drastic failure each time it was tried.

nice meme, the governments will sooner kill us off then give gibs. Just one simple biological disease attack should do the trick and blame it on (((terrorists)))

Kill them

found the newfag

They do something else

This is why depopulation is a good thing. Technology increasing a single workers productivity and robots/automization flat out replacing workers obviously leads to lower demand of workers.

Look at Japan, there population is aging and declining, but it's probably a good thing. Look at us, tons of immigrants whose jobs are being replaced with technology and automization. You're right what are we going to do with the workers? No idea, we're pretty fucked. Japan won't have to worry about that. Immigration is going to destroy the west.

That is too much REDPILL, take it back.

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Automation has been somewhat overplayed. A bunch of companies have bought robotic deburring machines and have found they are more trouble than they are worth. These things are only so good as you can keep them running.

As an Industrial Electronics Technician my employment future is secure. Someone needs to repair the robots and associated automation machinery. We are quite far from machines fixing machines. Until then I will enjoy my 100K + a year income.

With nations like China, India, or other heavily populated areas of the world, there should be a 1 child policy implemented.

Bigger military

If no one has a job, then how will they buy the products from the factory? The factory will exist for no reason.

Automation is still in the early stages and will only get better.

Under capitalism, automation starves people

Have them repair and perform maintenance on the robots.

replacing unskilled work with skilled work?

But what if someone can only do unskilled work?

nothing wrong about that
as long as you are either going to hand out UBI or erradicate 90% of the population

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what seems to be happening is that wealth and power is consolidating in a few hands, and everyone else is becoming subjects of their will

but that's fucking stupid
capitalism doesn't work without consumers
if nobody is there to buy your shit you won't need automation producing goods in the first place

fuck the modern economy. burn it all to ashes for all i care. i'd rather live in a yurt with a horse.

men to the army, women to the kitchen


Or you just not be a lazy faggot and learn new skills.

I'm a programmer at an automation startup intended to replace agricultural workers. I personally can't wait for roving bands of unemployed bored men with nothing better to do then wreak havoc. After our agri endeavor, we plan to get into the automated security sector in roughly 6 years, by which time those with wealth will need fast and reliable means of protection from aforementioned roving bands. There's another type of man which can be easily pacified, in which case we also recently put funds into an entertainment startup which intends to create media to keep people as busy as possible.

Then they should move to the middle east and fight against the retarded sand people who think blowing up themselves along with children and innocent people is a great idea.

there is no demand for that considering we could replace 50% of our work force tomorrow
and no i am not talking about shit relying on min wage like waitress or your trusted mechanic but white collar
100% more efficient
working 24/7
with minimal maintenance
when normies think about automation they think about robots will i think about software
you think your job is "safe" just because you can operate a computer?
well spoiler
the computer doesn't need you to operate

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