Pick side. It's time

Pick side. It's time.

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I choose nobody. I hate jews and muslims equally.

if .. only ..

i wish

>Pick side
You guys duke it out for my entertainment

false flag incoming

>Zyklon B
That lie is so old, nobody could possibly fall for it.

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Miga of course. Never question Israel. The chosen ones will always lead you on the right path. Trust the plan. Jesus was not the messiah. Suddenly for no reason at all




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Hopefully the superior Shia Persians can defeat Israel and their mutt supporters. (Myself included.)

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Israel about to get deloused.

Root for both sides, hope for high casualties

Absolutely based. Even when Memri (an Israeli organization) tries to malign Iran, the truth of the Imam’s words shines through.

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They have wooden doors, they should be fine.

>zyklon b
i laughed

>And then they all fall into Iraq because Scuds are ancient shit and the wind carries it back into Iran

Theres no way this is true.
Iran couldnt possibly be so based.


>Reports on GEOINT findings.

What did they mean by this?

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What’s the best way to get rid of the Jews? Let another nation exterminate them and then treat that day as another shoah... it’s basically what Israel did the the US on 9/11.

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Bug spray? I didn't know that they were on such bad terms with Turkey.

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The female fantasy.

Oh, bullshit.
Wouldn't zyklon b be a fucking horrible poison to try to gas people in the open air with?


This is the CORRECT answer

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Iran has never attacked Israel.
Israel has attacked Iran multiple times through various terrorist acts committed by Mossad.
Yet Israel loves to paint Iran as the aggressor because they support groups resisting their various illegal occupations.

Its for lice nothing to see here

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Zyklon B is the poor man's nuclear weapon. Iran, despite encouragement and funding, has not joined the Atomic Club.

Actually, Israel has a lot of nukes. Some analysts estimate that they probably have around 200 warheads. One analyst at the US Naval War College thinks that if they produced steadily since the late 70s then they could have 800 nuclear bombs! Only a few would be on missiles, the rest would be carried as bombs on jets and as battlefield tactical artillery warheads.

Naturally, a nuclear "first-strike" against a non-nuclear nation would be political suicide. However, nukes against an atomic "aggressor" would be more palatable. Hence the Obama-era "Iran Deal", which did not specify any restrictions against Iran getting a nuke. It just gave the Iranians a pallet full of cash. The Iranians have deep underground (under hard rock mountains) factories getting ready to produce fissionable material.

Why is an Iranian atomic bomb DESIRED by Israel? When Iraq and Iran went to war, the formidable Saddam Hussein Iraqi military could not overwhelm the Iranians. The Iranians sent out enormous numbers of soldiers in suicidal waves against Saddam's modern tanks and weapons. The only way to stop a million troops on a battlefield are tactical nukes. Tactical nukes are ready in Germany as a measure against Soviet military incursions.

So it is official NATO doctrine.

So a possible scenario is:
Iran detonates an atomic test blast,
tension ratchets up in the Mid-East,
the media will play up fears of a atomic strike by Iran,
a "Israel-bound missile" (a dummy fired from a Israeli sub
in the Strait of Hormuz?) is detected by the Saudis/Turks/US,
the 'atomic' missile is intercepted,
Israeli jets scramble to nuke Iranian nuclear facilities, missile sites and military barracks,
Iran is no longer a military threat (and no longer a Shia threat to Saudi Arabia).

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Is Iran trying to prevent anyone in Tel Aviv from getting Typhus?

For lice?
Btw, if my last act is shitposting on here, I lived a good life

clowns to the left of me jokers to the right here i am

>zyklon b cluster canisters
Zyklon B is literally useless outside of closed spaces.
Maybe gets a few people caughing

>zyklonb missiles
are they taking notes from Jow Forums?

>Zyklon B rocket

I guess Israel is safe from typhus thanks iran.

>zyklon B.
fucking lmao

I choose Israel. It is our duty as US citizens to defend the people of Israel. And we must do so to the last American man, woman, and child if necessary.

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The one and only correct answer

...stuck in the middle with jews.

Care to venture a date? maybe just a year.

Are you lost son? This is Jow Forums. You must be looking for reddit.
Consider suicide.

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Zyklon Deet

You almost had it user.

>Pick a side
Two puppets one puppet master


It's not a weapon, it's a message.

This would be more amusing if it had fewer typos. Nice meme in principle though.

I stand with Trump and I stand with Israel.

It seems there are scud launchers ready too, they can hit targets within a large radius and are all carrying holocaust poison. The one on the right in this picture is even named سيدي أدولف which is the name of the great holocauster person who created zyklon b.

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>Zyklon B
My God, they are literally going to meme Israel to death. Man, this timeline is fucking wild.

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Only the Turks can be killed by zyklon B, it is ineffective against mammals and reptiles, so Israel is out of the equation. Retaliation for Turkish aggression against syria.


literally neither

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The one and only acceptable jew
Some of you kikes are alright, don't be in israel in 20 years.


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Can't let the homos have any lice


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Why hasn't he killed himself yet?


I hope Iran knows Jews are immune to ZyklonB

Im going to move back to Russia, to a comfy -50 somewhere around magadan or any other place in the Kolyma region.

payload also includes an electric floor and a masturbation machine. You go Iran

jews subvert more, so the other side.

Honk Honk motherfuckers, see you lads out there.


Death to everyone but me and 5 girls

do not forget the basement with floor of lawnmower blades.

If only

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I remember this game

They made more after Urban Strike wtf?

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>zyklon b cluster canisters
i'm 99% sure this is a joke

i'll stand with iran over israel any day of the year.

I beg your fucking pardon?

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What kind of crazy fucking lice do they have in Iran?!

>US Satellite

fucking snitches

Persia = based

There was Soviet Strike & Nuclear Strike...I don’t remember there being a Urban Strike? Is there any copies left? I liked these games.

It will blow your mind but Future Cop LAPD is part of the series and shares similar gameplay.

Anything that hastens the death of muslims is a good and righteous thing.
Death of islam anywhere is a blessing to humanity and fulfillment of God's grace on earth.
God bless Israel. Jews can die too, but are not as far gone as islam.
Jews go to purgatory and may yet redeem. All islam are sent directly to hell and are less than maggots unless they are redeemed in life.
So Israel may be defended in God's name and to his will.

>God bless Israel. Jews can die too, but are not as far gone as islam.
Sloppy job, mossad.

>ELINT news
im busy

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How effective is Zyklon B as a fighting gas anyways? Like I know it works if you put people in a closed room with it, but how deadly is it when you load it up into a SCUD missile and launch spread it into open air? I know its cyanide based, but still.

If the holocaust is anything to go by, the missiles are loaded with swimming pools, petting zoos and great healthcare. You'll be allright

omfg lmao, the meme lives

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Wont someone please think of the lice

Yeah this seems like a load of bs

zyklon HONK

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>Zyklon B

Oh fuck off. Fuck right off with this shit.

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Clown fags kys

Them evil Iranians are loading up their Belsen III missiles with Treblinka warheads. Something something Nationalized Central Bank, something something holocaust.

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For the innocent people of Iran, i wish it aint true.