Fuck Nationalism we are all earthlings

Fuck Nationalism we are all earthlings

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Every. Fucking. Time.

>Remember goyim nationalism is racist

what a MIGA boomer faggot

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>arrest him
On what charges?

Fucking this.

Of course he is, he's a Jewish controversy actor.

Only a massive act of aggression from the aliens will unite us earthlings.

Not listening to CNN and not cutting of his dick and wearing a dress

A leaf

Move to yemen, earthling

Someone send him info on the USS Liberty.

Hey chink: go back to China.

Israel is right wing. You're retarded to not support them.

. Fuck the racist scum on here, there's only one race- the HUMAN RACE. You cancerous virgins haven't felt a pussy since your mentally ill mom popped you out in the alleyway behind a bowling alley. The way of the future is MIXED. GET OVER IT.

This. There’s a difference between Israeli Jews and rootless cosmopolitan Jews. The former are pretty based ethnonationalists, the latter are the stereotypical Jews who go to other societies and ruin them


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>. Fuck the racist scum on here, there's only one race- the HUMAN RACE.
"Human" refers to our species. "Race" are groups within a species. And all racially mixed societies are shitholes.

Fuck Candians, you people are subhuman retards

Im never uniting with nonwhites. Id help every reptilian in the universe before allying with niggers

go back to the_donald you jew loving boomers
This is an ANTI-Israel board.

but those based israel ethno nationalists 100% support the actions of those liberal lefty cosmopolitan kikes who subvert other nations except their own israel. You're being played by a false dichotomy of left and right wing appearances. The truth is that all jews support JEWS, no matter what or where those jews happen to be. They are nepotists.


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I think the term you meant to use was Zionists. There is no difference, now fuck off.

>a Jewish controversy actor.

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A faggot Canadian. Typical.

fuck off, leaf! worry about problems at home before telling other countries what to do

>Arrest him for utilizing his Constitutional rights.

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