Godless pro-faggot woman blasphemer whore masquerading as Christian dies of freak infection

Another point for Jesus

Fuck women trying to subvert real faith


S to spit on her grave as she goes to hell for blasphemy

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dead bitch is making a killing on gofuckme.

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Contradicting plain worded scripture is indefensible.

>Be ugly dyke faggot lover

>Suddenly get infection and die

>Gofundme earns measly 160,000$

Money won’t save her from satan fucking her ass forever. Hope her cuck husband kills himself next

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archive link wheat nigger

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If she was, would God still have killed her?

all christians are larping as jews so who fucking cares

hey buddy
you know it's not a secret when you post this in every thread, right?

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confirmation bias is fun isn’t it brainlet

Nyet suka

L0Lno fgt pls

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This kind of subversive bullshit is why she got a mysterious infection and died suddenly

Repent sinner

i saw this and forgot to make a post, based ukrainian


just realized this one is gonna have to go on the Trump curse wall (if there's any room left)


Who is this thot and why should i care?


liberal christian thot trying to be subversive, probably hated places like Jow Forums, god had enough of her shit

Would fuck her.

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Hope she believed in heaven...

Have sex



I love how the only Christians the media cares about is those undermining the religion. The media is such a sick fucking thing.

>progressive christian
these people are absolutely hellbound

They are. And the media enables all of it. Why they are allowed to get away with it is beyond me.

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Fuck this blasphemous cunt.

Just the prods

>Calling her husband master

Wait a minute, that sounds kinky...

Anyone else want a Christian wife who calls you master?

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>Godless pro-faggot woman blasphemer whore masquerading as Christian
There's no need for that. Just call her a woman. It's called mankind for a reason.

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One of her goals for 2019 was "resist". In 2016 she told christians to vote for hillary clinton. Trump curse is real.

She got AIDS then meningitis killed her.

bitch just looks NIV tier.

Was thinking the same. Dies anybody have a quick rundown of this master thing?

Trump Curse is so unironically real at this point. It just claimed another fatality.

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Love the sinner, hate the sin. Also, let black and latinos into America so we can be their Christian brothers and sisters.

>urinary tract infection
>was placed into a coma by doctor
>when they tried to take her out of it her brain expanded until it splatted on the walls of her skull

lmao dirty ass bitch shoving shit up her cunt

>judeo-communist bourgeois outlets only support those figures who preach the idea that christianity is about being a useless hippie socialist

what a surprise

I think it mostly comes down the fact that these people live extremely unhealthy lifestyles, often knowingly doing so merely to "prove bigots wrong". And then they are shocked before they die when the bigots and their bigoted common sense turns out to be correct.

Bump for Jesus

But ironically she was a liberal christian, her lifestyle was probably relatively clean. This almost reads like a freak incident, it's too eerie. Feels like god had enough of her shit.

>clean lifestyle
>freak accident

Literally says she had a fucked up cooter which was a breeding ground for infection. And the "accident" is what happens when 80 IQ pajeets with fake medical degrees flood American hospitals for the past 40 years. Lots of "freak accidents" nowadays with people dying when they shouldn't because Dr. Prasanjeet doesn't know his head from his ass.

Thats what user was implying...user.

UTIs happen to every woman at some point

Yeah user, I don't know where you got the idea that UTI = fucked up cooter but that is not the case. The chances a woman will get one at some point (especially in a hospital while catheterized) are pretty high. It's a lot easier for them to get them than men.

But the chances you will get a UTI and the flu at the same time, and it leads to system failure/coma are very low, especially in a western country. For her age, it might even count as a statistical significant.

Wow how very Christian of you faggots for celebrating a women's death for having different opinions than you. You should've been aborted! This is one of the reasons why I want religion to go extinct which might happen.

>This is a post about Donald Trump, not Hillary Clinton. Changing the subject is a sign of a bad argument.

I celebrate everyones death. Die you sick cattle.

huh, wwyd? probably say something like LMAO FUCKING CUNT

currently burning in hell alongside john mccain

>religion is bad because you people don’t act like my opinion of religion tells me how you should act
Lmao kys leaf

she was subverting by mocking trad life. i'm glad she's dead.