Blood type IS political

Blood type IS political.

Negative blood types are spiritually adept.

If you're negative blood type do you get precognition, telepathic experiences, or have empath tendencies? This shit is 100% real.

How hard can you "flex" your spirit? If you think you haven't been recognized/cataloged yet (as in, you haven't admitted to this online or in the presence of constantly on microphone equipped internet connected devices) don't reply to this thread.

Inb4 ZOG Schizo shilling.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Are you a stand user?


>Blood type IS political.
>Negative blood types are spiritually adept.
>If you're negative blood type do you get precognition, telepathic experiences, or have empath tendencies?
We don't. The only thing having negative blood does for me is that (((blood banks))) are more likely to spam me for donations.

Ok bill nye, why don't you go watch something nice and zogged like snl?

I don't watch television, but I can tell what kind of person you are by assuming I would.

Sure thing faggot, and thanks for bumping my thread.

Quality thread.

Yeah well I don't even know what a television is

I am AB-
I have a powerful internal dialog my inner speech never stops
I have what I can only describe as spider sense I can sense danger I’ve physically stopped many accidents from injuring and killing people.
I can tell that non negative blood type people are not on this level. I believe that I am a alien human hybrid.

based. stories?

negative as well. same shit.

Fuck off heretic

Flexing my butthole in this thread lmao.

you're glowing

Nothing crazy, just before every motor vehicle accident I’ve had, I knew it was coming and prepared for it minutes or hours in advance.

i left my body and got that stereotypical light/heaven/hell/god/devil experience...
shit was kino af.
idk about afterlife..
but while alive.. yup ithappens.

O- universal donor master race. I like to fuck white girls and fill them with superior BLACK semen

Post stories of spider sense faggot


Spider sense - I work with chainsaws I hit the beak for no reason and a co worker fell right on the bar a second later for no reason. He would of been cut up bad if I had not hit the break... just a lot of things like this

>Spiritually woke, practiced OBE and making spirit eggs and different things to protect my subconscious while sleeping
>Experience lucid dreaming every time I dream
>Experience SP every time I have a lucid dream
>Been surrounded by several unknown figures, saw myself in an OBE while dreaming/fighting off unknown beings
>Can without a doubt remote view
>I can literally look at somebody and "imagine"/experience internally in my mind licking their skin, and my tongue can feel their skin, taste their skin/salty/not etc. resistance on the skin/muscle etc.
>This works with texture and smell and as well
>Excell at everything I do and prefer being a NEET
>I can judge a person based on their appearance, mannerisms, the choice of words, facial movements in seconds and I've never been wrong.
>My paternal DNA goes back to the ayys in egypt
>HAve seen men in black and had visions
>Experienced firt hand UFO orbs
I never talk about this IRL just on the internet and before you ask me, YES I think I'm crazy as shit.

I'm B+ and I see and hear shit that no one else can. I don't think this makes me more spiritually adept or whatever... it just means I have schizophrenia.

Made it hard as fuck growing up but I've mostly learned to deal with it. I still get startled when I'm driving and the car in front of me vanishes into thin air tho

My friends tell me they think I have the "shining" because of random experiences where I've accurately called something was gonna happen dead on. I don't believe that shit though, dumb luck is what I say. Only time though I can see what they're saying though is when we were out gambling and my buddy was playing roulette and I told him to go all in on 23 black. I just had a gut feeling that's where it'd land. My buddy told me I was retarded and sure enough it landed on 23 black. He would've won $600. I didn't bet on it cuz I had already cashed out, I'm terrible at gambling. Apparently the "shinning" doesn't work that way in my own favor haha

I'll explain the cause of RH-. The higher you are, the faster and harder you have to breathe. This causes hyperventilation, which increases the intake of fresh air through the lungs. What this does is cause you to lose CO2 levels in the blood. So what does this have to do with rhesus factor? Well, it's been discovered that the Rh protein serves as a gas channel for carbon dioxide. Rh proteins act as gas channels that help speed the transfer of carbon dioxide (CO2) in and out of red blood cells.

So, the RH- lacks this function. And this is because when living at such high altitudes, CO2 levels in a human bloodstream are so reduced that such a function isn't needed and would be biologically redundant.

Much research and breakthroughs have been found out that there actually was a great cataclysm around 12,000 years ago due to a meteorite strike, the crater found in Greenland. This has lent credence to the great flood myth you see in so many cultural mythologies. And who would have had a greater chance of surviving such catastrophes? People living in the highest altitudes of course, unaffected by such floods. Now, there are also the ancient stories worldwide of "gods" emerging from the "heavens" and creating civilization after such disaster. I believe these are the RH-, descending their high altitude locations to build anew.

we share the same road together....jfc...

I, for one, have no need for your negativity

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> not just being rh null.

A+ here. What does that make me?

RHnull master race. *Ayy clicks*

My parents are both O+ but I'm O-. Whenever I bring this up around them my dad gets pissed.

You’ll call me crazy but I swear sometimes I dream the future. It’s freaky shit man.

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Sorry I meant other way around, parents are both O-, I'm O+

Mine is A+ but I have had paranormal experiences. What now?


my blood type is Rh+ and I am far more psychic than any of these clowns. I am excited for what is coming next. It's going to be a big surprise.

Guess we got good grades on our blood tests. A+ anons reporting. What do?

is 13:23 of this video sexist???

We are by definition a different species. Hemolytic disease of the newborn is a barrier to reproduction. We have different immune systems. We have bigger heads, lower body temperatures and more acidic bodily fluids. This makes our bodies more electrically conductive and our brains like over-clocked computers.

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Honestly I wouldn't want anyone else to have this. The first time it happened I heard a faint whisper in my bedroom... thought I left the radio on... the whisper gradually grew until it sounded like a thousand demons screaming in my ears.

The amount of mental gymnastics I did trying to rationalize that experience was in itself insane. I thought maybe someone was outside with a speaker fucking with me, or maybe it's aliens trying communicate with me, perhaps I'm actually hearing demons... but I knew deep down what it really meant. I was crazy. What I was experiencing wasn't real. And no one else could experience the same thing.

The idea that you can't trust your own mind to tell you what's real is the most terrifying thing that can ever happen to you. The moment you realize that, reality is completely torn apart, and you are left alone in a world where no one else will ever be able to reach you. It's the most lonely and isolating feeling you can have.

It's not a gift or talent or a blessing. It's a curse

If more interested in that quantum influence nonsense.


rhesus factor protects you from toxoplasmosis. your rh- psychic powers are literally brain parasites.

He should be. You are not his.
If it were this way you still could be his if they were both hertrozygus

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Yeah I know thats why I made the correction

what do you mean by demons? describe the experience

At first it was just a quiet murmur I could barely hear, but it slowly got louder and more voices joined in, I recognized it was people but I realized they weren't talking in any known language. It almost seemed like they were chanting or repeating something.

It sounded like they were speaking in a language and actually communicating, but it definitely wasn't a language that humans use, it's not like it was a language I just didn't understand, it wasn't even recognizable as any language on Earth at all...

But the longer it went on the closer the voices seemed to get to me, and the louder they became, and angrier. It really sounded like the voices were coming from inside my room even though there was obviously no one else there much less a thousand people. It got so loud and intense I covered my head with my blanket and pillows and I started clawing at my head to get rid of the noise. I even ripped out a few chunks of hair because I was so desperate to stop the screaming. And then all of a sudden it just faded away and I was left completely mind fucked and afraid.

I haven't had an experience like that since. I'll occasionally hear a word or two but not loud screaming. The most common thing is to have people or things around me just suddenly vanish. Which was another serious mindfuck the first time it happened.

It's an exclusively white trait. The rare few Rh-s of other races got it through add-mixture. It's also a trait associated with nobility and possibly where the term blueblood came from. We are likely to have sharper senses and I can personally hear dog whistles. When we wre tested in elementary school they were very suprised that I could hear such high pitched sounds.

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right before my stupid bitch ex broke up with me i looked her dead in the eyes, and told her david bowie was going to die, and then the next day he died, and the stupid bitch broke up with me

sounds pretty crazy ngl
ever see one of these demons irl or have one revealed in a dream?

according to the left i hear dog whistles all the time too. connection between rh- and Jow Forums?

I'm Rh- -- A- -- and I've had zero extra-special anything. Y'all need some ballast to keep you from flying off into fantasy land. Here's mine.

Ah, that explains it! Me too, or so it seemed! Cool, I guess. I thought it just meant, it saved some O blood for someone else.

B- here,
I get premonition dreams sometimes, and it's always mundane events like a non important conversation ranging from a few days to years in advance, nothing really "cool" except the deja vu that comes of it. Also sometimes if I see an injury happen, like somebody smacking their shit, sometimes I feel it too, but I'm pretty sure everybody has that.

RH neg is rare and cat ladies are commonly crazy
does to toxoplasmosis. If more people are commonly affected by it and RH neg people demonstrate a lack of toxoplasmosis affected symptoms even after being around cats that friends have, what does that mean?
It means that the reality is more probable to be the exact opposite of what you said.


I don't know my bloodtype but I have had precognitive dreams before, which always came true but I could never remember them right up until the moment they actually happened.

I've never seen demons irl. Usually it's just normal looking people, although sometimes I'll see a shadow that floats at the edge of my sight and disappears, or a dark object will fly at me from out of no where. It's always embarrassing when I'm in public and I dive to the floor because I thought something was being thrown at my head only to realize it wasn't real.

And I almost never dream. I used to as a young kid, but it was always nightmares of being violently killed or attacked. Actually now that I'm thinking about it, I do remember having the same type of dream repeatedly... where I would just be doing normal stuff and a demon looking monster with red eyes would burst through a window and kill me. It would frighten me so much I hated going to bed and would try to stay up as late as I could because I knew I was going to have nightmares.

But then around the age of 12 or 13 the dreams just stopped completely, I just fall asleep and everything is dark until I wake up, no dreams at all. Then I had that first experience with hearing things when I was 16.

Yes, yes, and yes. Bretty hard. Being ahead of the game to the point where you're carrying around knowledge of something that no one else is going to believe until it's too late honestly sucks.

I should add though, that although a lot of aspects of it sucks, I know it's a necessary burden too. I don't think anyone else would be able to handle it and I know enough about esoteric matters to know I was pretty much born into it.

>muh aylien blood
>muh superior genes
gosh I really hate you rh negative retards. you're smug faggots and elitist bitches.

you think your special? well guess what? you're not, but keep circle jerking.

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I'm O- as well as both my parents, so I might as well be Sepheroth


OP is a faggot. It's not blood type system that is political, but the genes that produce blood is.
>muh sickle cell syndrome
>mfw, your ancestor is too retarded to use smoke to avoid getting bitten my tse-tse fly

user what the fuck? Is this a genuine reading comprehension mistake on your part? According to what you just linked both RhD plus and negative are protected against
>Here we demonstrated for the first time that amongToxoplasma-free subjects the RhD-negative men had faster reaction times than Rh-positive subjects and showed that heterozygous men with both the RhD plus and RhD minus alleles were protected against prolongation of reaction times caused by infection with the common protozoan parasiteToxoplasma gondii
This what you are focusing on
>Here we demonstrated for the first time that among Toxoplasma-free subjects the RhD-negative men had faster reaction times than Rh-positive subjects
but this is right after it which clarifies the statement as contrary to your claims as seen here
>and showed that heterozygous men with both the RhD plus and RhD minus alleles were protected against prolongation of reaction times caused by infection with the common protozoan parasite Toxoplasma gondii. Our results suggest that the balancing selection favouring heterozygotes could explain the origin and stability of the RhD polymorphism
That means that anyone carrying Rh neg or pos is seemingly immune to the Toxoplasmo-gondii parasite.
Good link you provided, but goofed up on the reading comprehension. But in the end you provided good information for the entire thread regarding a very divisive subject so thanks anyways.