Only topically related (the swede can go and enrich himself in one of his country's many ghettos), has anyone else seen the bit about the Mideast Peace Plan that's going to be rolled out in mid-June that notes they're intentionally avoiding any use of the term "two-state solution"?
>guise look >Trump is setting some restrictions on H-1B >but we will allow millions of illegal immigrants to stay >and allow millions more to cross our borders >$38bn for Israel's wall >we never really wanted a wall anyway
>fear mongering arrive headline to entice gullible demosharts >50 Oh sweet summer child. Try 500 hundred at the very minimum. Chances are he’s screencapping this post RN
This is a media fabrication like any other; I assure you Trump's immigration policies are fucking the U.S. directly in the ass.
Andrew Murphy
Holy shit, what did Orange Man do this time to twist their panties this tight? The shilling annoying tonight, yes, but holy shit it's pathetic
>they don't have MUH 38 MILLION anymore because it's been debunked already >They don't have MUH FENCE because Trump has AMLO by the balls as we speak >And they definitely don't have MUH RUSSIA
What do they have anymore, MUH TAX RETURNS?... Again?
In large part that's thanks to the Internet. For people sufficiently far out in the boonies, two trips to the library to borrow and return a book can cost me more time/money than just buying a book online, whether ebook or dead tree. Jow Forums boards alone have aggregated several specialist free libraries that your typical rural public library couldn't hope to match, everything from computer science texts to anime and manga to firearm CAD designs, and then there's the huge mass of information native to the web.
Thanks for letting me use your platform to legally remove Trump from office. I don't need or want your yous I will just explain what's going on I'm not as smart as a pole tho so just slow steady progress to bleed Trump voters for 548 more days until he is FIRED
Like oh look Trump buddy takes millions to house Trump's 50 million illegals and Rob (you) the taxpayer of $ billions $$$$$$$$$$ heck you say we give Jews $38 gorrillian
EVA, you are the only one so obsessed with trannies that you have gone apeshit. No one else gives a fuck. Only you, the guy who failed out of college because you were too busy jacking your dick in public libraries to trannies. I will also point out that you are the one who says huggers is a tranny. In four years of watching, I have seen no evidence to prove huggers is male or female. Only your rage at huggers telling you NO.
Austin Anderson
Based Mexibro. I hope violence never darkens your doorstep.
Noah Sullivan
See? People are saying there is no wall, but cbp is saying they are building one? Who should i believe
When you look at population distributions, it's entirely possible to live near a library where that's not a thing.
Dylan Diaz
I know he went for about 40 hours once (no breaks, pissing in bottles). I’ve had several people confirm that. I’ve heard an user claim he went for like 50 once.
The ad-libbed line "we want more legal immigrants than ever before," shockingly didn't actually reflect real policy and was nothing more than him campaigning against illegal immigration. Trump hasn't changed his policies since day one of getting into the White House and the niggers pretending to be "NAZ's" on here spamming every threads are anything but. However, even exposing that is pointless because they want attention and to mire every thread down in fucking bullshit.
Brandon Anderson
What about the lack of white trash?
Nathan White
Hahah most libraries are frequently used by the homeless to look at porn.
Jaxon Adams
idk, I've done 120 and you niggers don't even have a name for me, so he's fucking up
Chase Allen
I have personally seen 42. I know there is longer, but I can only attest to personal experience.
Ethan Jenkins
Now, here is the exchange on which the perjury allegation is based : CRIST: Reports have emerged recently, General, that members of the special counsel’s team are frustrated at some level with the limited information included in your March 24th letter . . . that it does not adequately or accurately necessarily portray the report’s findings. Do you know what they’re referencing with that?
BARR: No, I don’t. I think — I think . . . I suspect that they probably wanted more put out, but, in my view, I was not interested in putting out summaries or trying to summarize because I think any summary, regardless of who prepares it, not only runs the risk of, you know, being under-inclusive or over-inclusive, but also, you know, would trigger a lot of discussion and analysis that really should await everything coming out at once. >So I was not interested in a summary of the report. . . . I felt that I should state the bottom line conclusions and I tried to use Special Counsel Mueller’s own language in doing that.
When we look at the actual words of this exchange, Barr’s testimony is clearly accurate. And I don’t mean accurate in the hyper-technical, Clintonesque “depends on what the definition of is is” sense. > I mean straightforward, unguarded, and evincing a willingness to volunteer information beyond what the question sought.
It’s been like this for awhile. These are new generation shills so they’re far more dumber than previous shills. It’s even more pathetic because there was 3-5 of them earlier repeating the same shit
Kayden Taylor
I guess he never actually said he wanted the largest immigration ever in his State of the Union speech. The giant concrete wall across the Southern Border must be working perfectly as he can now focus on deporting millions of illegal immigrants already staying in the your country.
As long as you don't make it widely known that Libraries now have console games (and sometimes consoles themselves) in their inventory, it will stay that way.
Cooper Barnes
What they are currently running with:
>Trump is racist >We need to get his tax returns >Let’s attack Barr
Aiden Morgan
yeah, most I've seen polefag do is a day and a half
Xavier Peterson
No. Sauce? I hope it's true just so everyone can move on. >Israel annexes West Bank and Gaza and shoots the locals >now the Palestinians are all dead >finders keepers It sets a beautiful precedent for dealing with Mexico and Canada.
>Franchises Retard journos might lump 50 restaurants into 1 franchise
Like MAGAtards journalist can't calculate percentage change
Joshua Martinez
can someone explain from Hama's point of view, why are they firing these rockets. they rarely ever hit anything significant or kill anyone, and then israel bombs the shit out of gaza killing dozens.
The swede is not a swede. He is an american college dropout that spent too much time jacking it to tranny pics and failed out of college. He is trapped in poland because his family cannot save enough money to fly him home, and poland will not let him get a job to earn money. He sleeps under a bridge whenever he gets caught trying to hide in the library for warmth and internet.
Christian Clark
I remember that autism, it was under two days so not quite 48hrs. It honestly wasn't as bad as the weekends where you'd lose an entire day to virtual divegrass breads that weren't politics related and no one gave a shit about. At least hot dogs are RBG and SCOTUS related
They are trying to bulli Barr into recusing or retiring through threats of impeachment. They know an adult at the DOJ ruins their shenanigans and also know trying to impeach ANYONE at this point would tank what little support they have. Barr is just smug enough he might get them to bite on it though; telling fat Jerry to fuck off the other day was pretty solid bait.
>they don't have MUH 38 MILLION anymore because it's been debunked already >debunked OH NO NO NO NO
>They don't have MUH FENCE because Trump has AMLO by the balls as we speak You can't see through a wall, a fence, yes. Also, those barriers that were put up recently were due to Obama's policies.
>And they definitely don't have MUH RUSSIA Yeah, it's not like Israel is a much bigger threat but it's not like Trump has come out and revealed himself to be the biggest kike puppet in history, right? You should also be ashamed of yourself and betraying the Mexican people, race traitor.
So just curious what are you doing to fix sweden, or is all you do is preach to others about what should be done in their own countries.
Do you consider yourselves a lost cause with no future because you have so many islamic niggers living in your country? Or do you just not care and are obsessed with the U.S?
Elijah Foster
Except McDonald's publicly lists how many locations they have because that's a metric to see how their business is performing. At the end of 2017 there were 14,027 restaurants, down from the prior high-mark of 14,339 in 2014. >
Brody Stewart
Their will never be a wall cernovitch pointed this out a year ago
Luis Hernandez
>Biden is coming he's just jerking it to cp so nothing new
Benjamin Wood
>500 hours
I’m talking about hours in a row...
Nolan Gutierrez
It’s jews false flagging themselves so they have an excuse for killing muzzies
Luke Campbell
I'm amazed at how they won't give up It'd be like Native Americans firing off rockets from their reservations into the nearby cities
the war was lost, faggots
Joshua Perry
I do but I live in a 96% white county. Do niggers actually read where you're from?
Ayden Murphy
>wall That's a fucking fence, can you see through your walls in the house you live in, faggot? Also, it doesn't matter since illegals can carry a fucking handsaw or ladders in order to cross the border with that fence.
is this fucking boomer going to do anything besides twitter post through his presidency? god fucking damnit we need action.
Noah Lewis
>can someone explain from Hama's point of view, why are they firing these rockets
A deer doesn’t know why it’s a deer
Carter Kelly
Pretty sure he’s just trying to imitate eva
Blake Barnes
If you're up for a road trip you should fill a truck bed with jumping chollas and dump them on that bridge the migrants use to enter from Guatemala. They're jungle niggers so they won't know the dangers by experience.
Jonathan Sanchez
>just slow steady progress to bleed Trump voters for 548 more days until he is FIRED HA HA HA HA HA HA. You seriously thing you're affecting anyone on here!?
Here was the poll I posted earlier. Notice something funny about it? I invited you retarded niggers to expose yourselves as the incredibly obnoxiously minority that you are. You aren't fucking NAZI's and you don' represent any shift in public opinion. You're faggot leftists. The same retarded niggers that were screaming into the sky when he won in 2016 and you'll be doing it again in 2020.
Sebastian Hughes
Well that makes him the perfect president for Jow Forums
I will point out that 46th Engineer Battalion out of Fort Polk Louisiana has deployed to the western part of Mexico/US border to build the fence/wall. I know this, as I am at Fort Polk. Fort Bliss has also sent personnel including welders and metal workers. But, believe whatever you want.
Jason Young
I thought you Americans wanted a no-action all-tweeting President like Trump who is also the biggest kike puppet in history. Nobody beats Trump in sucking Israel's and Bibi's dick.
That’s CEMENT in the cavity of that steel tubing. You can not cut through that with a portable saw. Period. You need some serious equipment to get through that.