Canada is SHIT

I seriously think we aren't even a country, we're just a weird patchwork of ethnic groups that want everyone else to get the fuck out.

The prices in our stores are expensive, the value of the things that we buy are notoriously awful-- you go into any store, the prices of things are marked up to such a degree that wherever you go, whatever time you do it, you feel like you're being ripped off. Everytime I pay my taxes I feel like i'm ripped off.

Service that you get anywhere, be it at a restaurant, retail or (God forbid) a fucking government institution is so fucking atrocious it would make Soviet Russia look like paradise. The workers in this country are lazy, entitled and expect tips for just existing. No matter where you go, you need to tip at least 20 fucking percent or else you're branded as a cheap son of a bitch asshole that doesn't belong there. They are all fucking rude, fat lazy ugly cunts that would not survive anywhere else besides this crypto communist country.

We are a completely cucked country, our government is cucked beyond all recognition. Woman run around wild with their dyed hair in wild colors acting like they're capable of the same things men have been expected to do throughout the ages.

So long as you are an able bodied and able minded heterosexual male, you will forever be viewed as an enemy within this joke of a 'nation'.

Might as well take things to its emotional conclusion in this shithole; round up all the productive people and chain them to a slave farm so that the free ranged parasites can feast upon our labor and good graces to perpetuate bizzare social experiments to the whims of our faggot transgender overlords.

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>We dare you to eat here

Stop bitching and start selling weed on black market. You won't pay taxes and you won't go to jail either.

Id eat there if it wasnt marketed strictly for the fact that its an HIV+ only kitchen. HIV dies pretty quickly when it hits air and the fact that the food would be cooked makes catching it from one of them basically impossible.

shut up Hohol.

Weed has been made legal in my joke of a 'nation' so that there is a substance that can placate and make docile an increasingly restless population. There is no black market in Canada, even shit like Heroin and Cocaine are sold openly on the streets here, our governments are run by faggot men and power-hungry incompetent woman that care more about their own image than solving real problems.

At least in Russia you can have a beautiful girl with a nice smile at least pretend to want to help you. At least in Russia you have the freedom to do the things that you feel are most productive.

In this Shithole, we are treated like kindergarten children. We live in a nanny state; it's a fucking shithole.

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>Rationalizing the Degeneracy

Fuck you Mutt, you are the source of all this bullshit.

Fuck you.

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Yeah the future for Canada is pretty fucking bleak

We’re falling way behind USA and Australia economically, can’t sell our resources, low productivity, absurdly high cost of living, and all our politicians can talk about is gay feminism and climate change. (Hilariously, because we’re in the unique position of both being so small that our complete disappearance would have no effect on the climate, and of being so far north that climate change would literally directly benefit us.)

This is not even to mention the gigantic flood of immigrants constantly pouring in, at the same time as anti-white sentiment is basically actively encouraged by journalists and intellectuals

And of course while this is happening all Canadians are convinced that they’re the greatest country on earth

Shit, shit, shit country

I forgot that every man in that kitchen would probably be a faggot so I retract that statement. I would fuck that black girl though.

fuck off u goddamned snake ass treachourous bitch. obviously we are lazy and entitled. at least don't complain about being poor u pussy

Hows life in Japan?

Canada is doomed; I can just sense the level of pessimism and surrender on the streets here.

I absolutely agree. If Canada were to Disappear tomorrow, it won't even affect the world all that much, as a matter of fact- the US, China and Russia would be glad that such a faggot nation disappeared so that the land and resources can be effectively managed and portioned off.

You literally could not pay me enough to eat there.

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>fuck off u goddamned snake ass treachourous bitch. obviously we are lazy and entitled. at least don't complain about being poor u pussy

Why are you so content on being a poor backwards shithole?

There needs to be some cosmic boot that kicks the ass of every Canadian so they'll move 2 steps faster.

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>Service that you get anywhere, be it at a restaurant, retail or (God forbid) a fucking government institution is so fucking atrocious it would make Soviet Russia look like paradise.

I've been noticing this more and more. Not to mention any time I take a bus it's like going on safari, gormless ugly brown faces.
The government openly advertises that it gives hiring priority to non-whites and women; nobody should be surprised that every department operates at sub-optimal efficiency (I know this first hand, my literal diversity hire colleague has been on the job for 6 months and can barely work the photocopier or speak English).
>And of course while this is happening all Canadians are convinced that they’re the greatest country on earth

This pervasive attitude couple with increased anti-Americanism disgusts me more than anything else. Nobody here has the capacity to realize that our prosperity is largely credited to our geopolitical and cultural proximity to the United States.

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Oh yeah we're fucked, there's absolutely no hope for Canada, I say the country has about 15 years left

Ever since this faggots been in power.

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Do you mean you dont like spending 20 percent more for the same car than Americans. Think of Toronto and all the brown ppl there that need gibs

Maybe I should just move to the USA.

But the US is a whole other can of worms, it's a violent shithole.

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fuck u faggot ur part of the problem
as a brown man I grew up playing your white sports, buying into your culture, only to realize as I go to work everybody there is a newfound brown\white\black immigrant, who can't even locate the city on a map.

YOU are part of the problem, I've seen first generation canadians fall to drugs, hopelessness, and bullshit, while your superiors give all the jobs to work visas.

you fucking treacherous whites deserve what's coming to you

Canada is so bad I'm tempted to move back to the shit hole known as Russia. I enjoy the NHL and making money and that's about all I like.

Your family made the mistake of emigrating here. They really did.

I assume your family would've been upper-middle class and are fairly wealthy compared to the average there. You'd be far happier over there in the developing booming world that in the 'developed' stagnant world cesspit that we currently live in.

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Funny thing is you can do like the video game industry or Hollywood does, and just blame the potential customers boycotting you for bigotry, and built up a an entire new following of virtue signalers who only consume this food because the employees are sick.

You're the problem, nigger.

I have to sit and watch both sides go to shit. At least have some honor and hire the people of your country. I dont even care I'd you hire whites over me. Have some loyalty in your lives.

You're all like shill faggots. Canada is just fine. Go outside and do something. Winter is over.

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I would laugh at your situation leaf but I realize that i'm in the same boat as you. In a way America is an even more embarrassing situation because we have enough guns in private hands to send these globalist faggots packing but nobody has the willpower to organize and actually do something.

I strongly recommend focusing on securing a future for yourself and your family. It won't be long before your country collapses given the way it's being run. Try converting some canuck bucks bucks into USD or gold and silver,stock up on whatever food and supplies you can, hoard gas, try and get a hold of some weapons or learn to hold your own in a fight, and most importantly try and connect with like minded individuals in your area. You can usually find redpilled people doing redpilled things most of those being trades. Good luck leaf here's hoping you don't wind up like Venezuela.

Everyone is disillusioned dude. Just give it up, everyone secretly wants to see this place die, as a matter of fact, many of us already died inside.

Just care about your own family, you get any support from sane people in this country.


Oh fuck off. We are seeing more violent crime in Canada every year.

Haha Canada seems good to you bc u fled a literal shit hole.

Bull shit it's fine. Cost of living sky rocketing wages stagnant. Taxes rising. Go fuck yourself poor fag

Oh I am streetshits. I dont even acknowledge non whites anymore. Makes living with my rice eating chink wife kinda hard and now we only fuck dog style.

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No, never give up. The west is a shining light in this world of darkness. No matter how shitty things look now remember that your ancestors suffered through much worse so you could just give it all away to these foreign hordes.

Its getting more violent where I live too in small town Washington. Just this year a store clerk was shot dead after a robbery, a pizza delivery driver was robbed and had his face slashed, and a sheriff was shot and killed.

People with HIV+ should be sent to an island like we used to do with lepers.

Groceryjew secondary thread

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>Go outside and do something. Winter is over.

Fuck you. Whats there to do? Am I to just walk around in nowheresville and gawk at the fucking sky or something? Theres nothing to do here, eveytime I want to go outside and do something the prices make me regret it.

> I would fuck that black girl though.

How American of you

>A shop ran by niggers and fags
No thanks.

We gotta come up with a zinger for Scheer. Queer for Scheer has been thrown around on the reddits.Better get used to him though. Hes gonna be PM soon.

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>People with HIV+ should be sent to an island like we used to do with lepers.

People with HIV should be fucked gassed.

My mom and older brother and sister have it. Fuck you. Also she’s cute.

Anddddddddddddddddddddd they get aids.

We don't have any identity in this fucking shit nation.

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how do I find more customers for my black market weed?

>Anddddddddddddddddddddd they get aids.

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I had to get my passport redone and goto the government building tk get it expadited had to deal with this bald fat black woman man thing who treated me like shit, i go to the store i get treated like shit toronto is fucking gay just moved here from small country town cant wait to leave

I didn't say go to the store and buy something. Go outside with your kids. Ride a bike. Go to the gun range.

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>still doesn't realize chink is playing the long game

Why is Milliberg putting a cockroach in her cup?

Moves to Toronto doesnt realize its hell on earth

You dont have any identity. I do. Grow the fuck up and do something about it. Stop being a black pilled faggot ffs. At least your not this fagget.

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Is this 1986?

>Shitty business goes bankrupt
>soiboi customers all die eating exotic food prepared by gay niggers with aids

sounds good to me.

i'm a little tired of my fellow leaf posters shitting all over the country they live in, suspect others are as well.
i don't expect burger levels of patriotic bullshit from anyone but burgers but i'm bored by the constant leaf-slagging of canada here; if you're so unhappy, if your life is so fucking hard here, perhaps you should just fuck of somewhere else ?
that or stfu and man up a little, stop being such a whiny bitch.

the anti-americanism is on purpose, the people in government are actively trying to shift our countries diplomacy towards fucking china. they're gonna turn this country into a communo-capitalist state.

>we aren't even a country, we're just a weird patchwork of ethnic groups that want everyone else to get the fuck out
we've been boasting about being multicultural for decades now, how is pointing it out again some fresh insight? latestage multiculturalism be like that my guy

There’s no way they can transmit it through preparing food. Also if somehow someone did catch it theres medicine that makes the virus undetectable in the body.

Oh, I'm giving her the luong game alright.

Attached: 20190504_221051.jpg (1046x1633, 524K) is wrong with you?

we *used* to have a fucking identity, it was killed on purpose for the sake of multicultural diversity

> patchwork of ethnic groups
what do you think europe is??

You didn't refute any of the legit criticisms of this shithole country. You like being shit on I guess

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I'm trying to the same thing here, just nicer. Jeepers dude, be nicer. Life is what you make it.

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>Might as well take things to its emotional conclusion in this shithole; round up all the productive people and chain them to a slave farm so that the free ranged parasites can feast upon our labor and good graces to perpetuate bizzare social experiments to the whims of our faggot transgender overlords.
that is not our destiny, friend. Do not fret. A correction is coming, but it may take you by surprise.

>There’s no way they can transmit it through preparing food.

they can put their blood in a drink/salad/sandwich/etc. any cold food, and if the customer has a cut or a sore or anything in their mouth or throat they can catch aids.

Nothing. Im just not retarded, it’s way harder for a woman to transmit it through sex than it is for a male.

Then take it back. At least on a personal and local level. Go do Canadian stuff.

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They had enough trouble integrating the Anglos, French and indigenous people, let alone the myriad of mystery meat people we're bringing in today. Most laughably is the attempt to reconcile pro-LGBTQ2JKJLDSFKJF sentiments with importing people from a cultural milieu that tends to deny those folks basic rights and throw them off rooftops.


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Nah we're fucked. Sounds weak but it's beyond saving at this point. Seriously considering moving to Europe as fucked as that place is getting to both "come home" and be among a sizeable amount of people that at least recognize the impending situation.

The virus dies extremely fast when it comes into contact with air.

See. That's what I'm talking about. Its gonna work out. People are talking. It might not be perfect but people are talking. It's a start.

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you misspelled "NIGGER"

Canada sucks and faggots like you are the leading cause

what do you think I do dumbass? I live in a small town that's local population has become 30%+ ethnic in less than 10 years.

We are among the most economically stable countries, and we have some of the highest standards of living in the world. You’re too preoccupied with shit on the internet and it’s cancerous culture. If you ignore it, it will leave you alone and you can carry on making a great living for yourself and your family

the whole blood drop doesn't come into contact with air dumbass, esp. if you put it in a liquid.

Dont cut yourself on that edge buddy.

Id assume those people are taking medicine so their virus doesn’t become aids. They’re all probably undetectable.

is that too much for you? that was easy

Your just uptight because your chef and servers don't have AIDS... deal with it.


But think of the restaurants...just fucking with you. I dont have the answers dude. I do know this though. Have a 21 day supply of food/water and some gunsand ammo. Just in case.

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i assumed every canadian was hiv positive.

doesn't "become" AIDS? that's not quite how that works...

chinks and fags and gooks and pajeets
lots of aids in our foods to eats!

Oh man you're telling me you're also expected to tip in Canada? At least in the US it makes sense since they min wage is so low for servers and the food in the US tends to be cheaper on the whole.


This. Only you can change your path. May the 4th be with you.

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Are you sure? Once the T cells drop below a certain point its considered aids to my knowledge.

Godspeed, bud. Keep on talking with everyone you can and stay healthy. I promise you that we are going to get out of this.

It’s gotten beyond bad here. The Canada I grew up with is totally gone

The people shitting on Canada are from Ontario. Based Alberta is basically 70% ultra-nationalist white people who hate niggers and aren't afraid to say so publicly. I live in Ontario, it really is fucking terrible.

The minimum wage isn't lower for tipped employees. If after tips you still didn't make the minimum then the employer must make up the difference.

That is me. How dare you!

You big fucking baby.What's wrong with you that your so damn immature man. Take a brake for fucksakes you think your the next best thing around here. I've been at this site for 8 fucking years & you take the cake dickhead with your fucking pathetic arrogance. I've seen you at times telling others how glad you were to have them at Jow Forums like you were management for fucksakes. Here's a news flash for you, your approach to being somebody at Jow Forums is going to stay right were it fucking is, in your fuckuing imagination, they don't want pretenders & that's were you blew it you big asshole wannabe. God damned I'm fed up with you & your self righteous bullshit, This isn't youtube.

Ignore the kikery. Do your own stuff. Get married. Have kids. Be a good person and accept Christ as your savior.

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Eh, we're still not running our country that well. We dont have many big corporations, Canadians are not getting rich like Singaporeans and Chinese, we have a massive drug problem, alienation is increasing thanks to multiculturalism, and wages are not keeping pace with cost of living - making our standard of living decline.

It's better than somewhere like Russia or Egypt, but for a big country with lots of land and resources, we should be more productive than we are.

IMO Canada is similar to China under Mao - there's lots of talk about "right wingers" and "class oppression" - but there's not a lot of talk about how to create new industries, make our corporations more profitable, and bring money into the country. I. wish we had someone like Deng Xiaoping that could just tell people to knock it off with the BS and actually focus on guiding our country towards wealth creation.