Prayer for the healing of our people

Blessed Trinity,
Hear us in our time of need. Please grant us the grace to rid our land of the vile evil that pushes multiculturalism on us. I pray that every person be given the happiness that comes from living in a high trust society among their own people. Help all that live outside the homeland of their people achieve a swift and safe return. We beg you, oh Lord, to strike silent the forked tongue of Satan which spews the lie of diversity and which laughs at our anguish as we labor to accomplish even the most mundane of agendas in this perverted clown world. Through your Son, our Lord Jesus, bestow upon us the virtues of patience, persistence, and bravery to achieve victory. Holy spirit, enlighten our hearts with the wisdom to choose our actions appropriately and for those actions to reflect the will of Almighty God.
We ask this in the name of Christ, our Lord.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>fag flag

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>talk talk talk talk
>no action

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That's the clown world flag, bro

Preach on. You can't even bring yourself to say something inspirational.

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At least they didn't shit in their own streets, pajeet.

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OP, the prayers you're looking for already exist.

Based. You triggered the shitskins and kike demons hard with your prayer. If bad people hate you that’s a pretty good sign you’re on the right path.

When I really need a prayer, I look in my heart. Thanks for the link.


God's rainbow.
Do you even know what a Bible is?!

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Now that it's timed out and I can post this pic again, AMEN,

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Attached: L'ame Immortelle (lame imortelle) - The Night is my Shelter [Austrian Darkwave].jpg (1920x1080, 873K)

Yeah, that's retarded.

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Have mercy on us, O Lord, have mercy on us; for at a loss for any defense, this prayer do we sinners offer unto Thee as Master: have mercy on us.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Lord, have mercy on us; for we have hoped in Thee, be not angry with us greatly, neither remember our iniquities; but look upon us now as Thou art compassionate, and deliver us from our enemies, for Thou art our God, and we, Thy people; all are the works of Thy hands, and we call upon Thy name.

Both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

The door of compassion open unto us, O blessed Theotokos, for, hoping in thee, let us not perish; through thee may we be delivered from adversities, for thou art the salvation of the Christian race.


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Youre the same guy every time and you post the same memes mate, get some new ones or /Pol will learn that your just a seething indian, You have been shilling here for the past three days,

>Globalists want civilization to collapse
Absolutely incorrect, if they wanted it collapsed it would be. What they want is for it to continue existing in a decadent manner for as long as possible, good enough so that you have some sort of hope for the future and an incentive to go to work every day but bad enough so that you may be too tired and depressed to rebel against them
That being said """western civilization" should indeed collapse so that it may start over but without Jewish subversion (Christianity) and Jewish control (capitalism)

You're right, they want it to be an endless limbo that can never be escaped even by true enlightenment. Hence the reason they want to get rid of God and Christ.

They will take away everything except sports, food, and consumerism, and the average joe won't care.

>get rid of God and Christ
Again: if they wanted so, it would be so. And by the way this statement is absurd to begin with since they were the ones who invented "Christ" the weakling for the goyim to worship, instead of their own empowering mighty Gods. Christianity and Islam are part of the plan, a very important part

Here's a new one user

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Rad/trad Christianity definitely isn't a Jewish subversion. Protestantism and vatican ii were jewish tricks, but the vein of the true Church still exists.

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Christian whites conquered the barbarians. It is most powerful is used correctly.

>The Indian continues to seeth as he knows he is a marked one!

They are marked quite literally, and also worship golden calfs.

Regardless of whether Christianity was anti-Jewish or not in it's origin or not it is still a dogma that has nothing to do with Europe and Everything to do with the enemy. Still, the "Christianity" that you profess is not even that original one but rather the one that was written for you to follow by them at the council of Nicea, all of the original papyrus that would contain anything of actual value and power were destroyed leaving only the subservient and meek mentality of the Christian we know today, even then, it would still not be European
This is exactly what they want you to believe, you're being played
Brainwashed corrupted Christian whites were used as tools to murder their blood brothers who refused to accept such corruption by the Jews and it still happens to this day, you're fighting me, your blood brother in the name of Semitic false deity

>seething christard projecting this hard

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No I'm here defending myself as you came here to attack. If you truly believe in your views on race then surely you can see a larger problem that needs addressed before we start our in-fighring again. Figure out how to motivate Christian whites to the cause.
black pilling fellow based is counter productive.
My view on Christ was almost wiped away until I saw how much Jews hate Christ: more than anything. I see them as pure evil so that speaks volumes for Chirst and his teachings in my book. Enough to bring me back.

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>Still, the "Christianity" that you profess is not even that original one but rather the one that was written for you to follow by them at the council of Nicea, all of the original papyrus that would contain anything of actual value and power were destroyed leaving only the subservient and meek mentality of the Christian we know today
>ignoring 1700 years of Christianity and all the religious wars, persecutions of jews, and conquest of the world by Christian Europeans
This is the dumbest shit I've seen posted this year.

This guy gets it. Seriously, 'christians', you've got an UNORIGIONAL jewish faith healer cult, written in Israel under polytheism, and just adapted by a roman in nicea.
How do you not get this?
You're not jewish.
Theres nothing in here for you, and you're playing make-believe.
If everybody just stopped,we'd probable all be better off.

You have to remember, it's obvious there is an unmoved mover, and that's why religiosity is woven into the very fabric of our being. If you aren't offering an alternative belief in a higher power, you give nothing for men to aspire to and are poison to the movement.