Who the fuck was behind this shit ? (probably a jew right?) and this is just a simple first class question

who the fuck was behind this shit ? (probably a jew right?) and this is just a simple first class question.
On the right it is very simple and i had calculated it within seconds with my mind but on the left i don't even understand where to start or how to calculate this shit so why the fuck are you americans dpoing this nonsense?
and do really all of you learn this bullshit system?
is this
>american education
really true because your leaders do everything to make you guys as dumb as possible to make you good goy consumer slaves ?

Attached: marika math.png (900x371, 45K)

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This shit is hilarious when trying to do a basic large number. Like just solving for 540 million would require you to draft an architect plan to draw out.

was there any official explanation to do this stupid system?

Of course it was jews. youtube.com/watch?v=inM8WTBT1lg

Niggers are so stupid we tried to spell out what normal humans do in their heads. Turns out that was even more confusing for niggers and now everyone suffered. Thanks Obama and Bill Gates.

>2 hours
yeah how about no....
no wonder you faggots got deported back then

It's just another step in the decades long process of dumbing down of our education system in a futile effort to boost nigger graduation rates.

we have similar stuff here
we have 4 branches of schools
lowest to highest is Sonderschule for retards then hauptschule then Realschule then Gymnasium and our veeeeeery smart politicians lowered the standards so our shitskin animals would not fall behind (they do anyway because fuck education i only need muuh ullah)
in 1900 it was normal for most people to speak german italian and french and today most can't even write correct german anymore without autocorrect

The error is that they want to simulate the way the brain actually does math with their procedures.
These are 2 separate things:
The brain really works like the common core calculations, but it's slow.
Doing the calculation in the traditional way is much faster.

who's brain does that? i don't understand anything of the left but on the right my brain can easy calculate this in seconds.

How do you do the calculation on the right without writing it down?
The actual process works like the one on the left. Fill up to the next tens/hundreds and add it together.


thats how my brain sees it but i added an extra step, i don't even separate the 200 while isolating 25-24

an interesting method but that definitely is not how my brain does it. but then I'm on advanced math for engineers level as my only next math step (like 400+ lvl classes)

yeah that's closer to how my mind sees it. Truthfully I skip straight to the end at the point in my education without even thinking about it, the answer just comes to me, but I certainly do not go through the whole adding it up shit in the background of my mind, I'm not even sure I could add all that up in my mind without paper.

die abgezogenen numbern sind weniger als die oberen number also ist es noch einfacher
2 und 2 weg 4 von 5 weg also bleibt 201 übrig jedoch ist es auch einfach bei anderen aufgaben zb 8 von 5 ab zu ziehen und dann bleiben 3 im sinn ect.
mathe war noch nie wirklich mein ding aber solch kinderleinen sind ein pups

keeping track of a list of additives is easy once you systemize it...

12+ 3 + 49 + 333

try that and trying to find common places... 5s, 10s, and then work on the smaller increments

i mean I can add those up in my head, but every additional step in the procedure is likely to introduce error, that I then have to run a check on, especially in my level of math. That sht don't fly bruh, too much effort/time. Gotta be quicker than that n less steps with less error.

lmao is this a humble brag or some shit?

(((Gates Foundation))) and (((others)))

its truth bruh

Never did common core, but I see what they're trying to do. Can do both ways in my head.

John Taylor Gatto, wiggers.