Whats wrong with this lil niggas hands?

whats wrong with this lil niggas hands?

Attached: the knife fuentes.png (748x639, 572K)

i want to marry him so ill have a 90% chance of being future first lady

>half Italian, quarter Mexican guy thinks he's a full-blooded white American

you'd marry someone whos half black? fucking amerimutts

I'm entirely European so I'll help bleach his bloodline.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed this

I like Nick, but no more eceleb threads. Ok? sage.

Hey big guy nobody is perfect.

arthritis from chronic masturbation

>one drop of blood

They are his good optics hands.

I heard Faith Goldy put those big lips of hers on his pee-pee at CPAC

Attached: Faith.jpg (691x1007, 64K)

well i voted for her so who really won?

dayum boi

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My Nicker!

I ain't no doctor but that don't look right

Attached: 36d7b2a57991b7d1141328b2b58f9692[1].jpg (600x827, 96K)

You probably walk funny when your pockets are filled with money

You think this prick would pay some Mexican under the table to walk his dog, Actually I'd pay a midget, just cause I could....an albino one

He uses a fisheye filter to not look like a manlet. Once you see it you can't unsee it.

There is no size points of reference. How is a fisheye helping him?

Reminder that Nick "the spic" Fuentes got BTFO by Destiny 3 times. LMAO imagine not being able to beat a manlet Jewish gamer in a debate.

Neocon Nick says we must invade Venezuela to prevent a migrant crisis!


Nick Fuentes says we have to fight the Venezuelans over there so we don’t have to fight them over here!

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The goyim are so easily tricked by these Jewish hucksters it’s amazing. He claims to dislike the Jews but the policies he endorses are exactly the same!

Nick Jewentes

Attached: 10134EE7-1DBF-4727-B940-DFAF4650F272.jpg (960x639, 48K)

Hello, I’m a Jewy Jewface Jew named nick jewentes ! We must invade Venezuela NOW!

Attached: 6518884E-C4A5-4537-BA41-0CC16FCA4CB4.jpg (960x640, 42K)

What is the c kyle meme

you are not a lady, tranny. you will not be a lady when you cut your dick off either

Jow Forums wants to criticize Fuentes, though he's Whiter than 70% of Jow Forums.

Jow Forums would take White shit-libs bent on the destruction of Whites and the Wests over Fuentes.


You big fucking baby. What's wrong with you that your so damn immature man. Take a brake for fucksakes you think your the next best thing around here. I've been at this site for 8 fucking years & you take the cake dickhead with your fucking pathetic arrogance. I've seen you at times telling others how glad you were to have them at Jow Forums like you were management for fucksakes. Here's a news flash for you, your approach to being somebody at Jow Forums is going to stay right were it fucking is, in your fuckuing imagination, they don't want pretenders & that's were you blew it you big asshole wannabe. God damned I'm fed up with you & your self righteous bullshit, This isn't youtube.

Jewentes wants to invade Venezuela....hows that for America first???

make another video lauren ffs

but thanks for the Nick pics. Moar?
>durr dox yourself white girl
fuck off hebrew.

Hey goyim, let’s invade Venezuela!

Attached: 3AC8B420-D843-4177-952E-3021AE510BDE.jpg (1600x900, 124K)

Means he’s got a massive dong, not even fully gay and I’d suck him off desu

Le 69%.

Let’s invade Venezuela goy!

Attached: CAF7A7E7-3BD8-429D-86F8-369796AB2C32.jpg (1920x1200, 372K)

abby shapiros specific titty

Hi Brittany

brittany is not capable of "bleaching" anyone, it's definitely lauren rose

Attached: DdW_6TNX0AYEnUA.jpg (610x606, 59K)

hes Le 56% meme incarnate

Attached: 443f4786.jpg (360x360, 20K)

I’m intrigued.

oh god lauren just had a stroke someone call an ambulance

I know Brittany and I’m sure she isn’t posting here. Leave her alone.

Didn't he say he was 91% European? This must have crushed his world view lmao

i get the feeling he has had sex with richard spencer or they are from the same youth commune.

He is

Do her braps smell as good as I imagine them?

Great impression of a Jew you’re doing.

High class Jasmine scented.

Attached: 1508552597642.jpg (900x965, 254K)

>Marrying a mixed race
Absolute trash roastie tranny.

His digits are probably just double jointed. Now kill yourself.

Brittany and Nick would go good together because they're both mixed and both D class e-celebs.

must be those protomongoloid genes fucking up the nose bridge

You should send him a superchat saying this

Nicks the future of America, both genetically and politically. In all seriousness though he's on the money with pretty much everything

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Fisheye lens makes me look way shorter than I am. It makes me look about 5'8" when I'm 6'1"

isn't he like 30% non human and claims to be half Italian when hes only 17% Italian?

He looks double jointed.
Maybe he just pops his knuckles too much.

Basically the answer to you question is nothing. You knew that already though.

Attached: 1546652698482.png (500x500, 185K)

Side effects from mtf hormones

He's only 13, give him a break
At least wait until his ball drop before you compare him to other men

Spic Fuentes is a mutt

You know the rules, lady, please comply.

I like Nick but he makes some stupid ass arguments when it comes to religion


this is shooped for the low IQ people out there

why does this bitch look 40 in every photo

He has effeminate low test mutt hands

He's 6'9, cut him some slack

This little dipshit neocon was literally shilling for an invasion of Venezuela the other day. I guess he stopped caring about optics now.

>Jewentes wants to invade Venezuela....hows that for America first???
[citation needed]
You're not even trying anymore, Shitapheus

heh, sure you didn't draw this?

Attached: tarrant-chan.png (1851x2355, 711K)