Kaitlyn Bennett

How do I get her to marry me?

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By not looking more feminine than she does

apparently you have to take it

she's engaged to a real man

be a sandnigger

Buy her a glock, that gun is going to take her shoulder off.

Be a nigger.

I'm an army fag, more of a man than he could possibly be

why would you want to marry an ugly butterface cunt like that

>an armed woman
easier ways to an hero fren.

Did she pay you to post?
Fake cunt wants beta bux and she's going to get them too. The sõy right is cringe and bluepilled as fuck.

cut your dick off as penance for ever thinking more than 20 seconds about this thot

he's a marine so he's more of a man than you, army fag

No, I'm just bored and shit posting while on CQ

holy shit
>severe man angle

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>Gun on Kent State campus.
>Peak optics

Just puked in my mouth

her hair really annoys me. the gun stuff is fine. but goddamn, straighten that hair out.

Marines can be pussies too

Go and take it lol

Be a fag, that's a fucking man.

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step one: kys
step two: ???
step three: profit

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Go back to R*dd*t, limp-wristed socialist shit. The death of a couple of faggots means nothing to the exercise of our rights, no American should shame himself in lawfully bearing arms, wherever he may be. The weapon of the Left is facilitating the disarmament of Americans is gun-guilt. This is combating that notion.

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She's already taken nigger, and you're not the first to try

>Be a fag, that's a fucking man.
It's not a man, she's just handsome.

This. She's a fucken man, baby...

>How do I get her to marry me?

Be anything but White

So she can leave you for being a faggot?

Being a racist bigot would help I bet.

You're retarded and likely a boomer.

And fragile

She has a face like a smashed crab

>I'm an army fag
you browse Jow Forums and call yourself a fag. you're a bitch.

I'm an air force fag. She'll want me before she ever considers you low IQ jew tools

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that chick is a jew.

You're canadian so you're a maple syrup sucking cuck

I bet I'm more of an aviator than you are

Why would you? She shit herself at a party

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obvious to you too?

He literally looks like a fucking BEANER.

Think she still a virgin?

considering the thread is about her, there's a serious lack of pics showing her

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Curly hair, that's a big nope from me pal.

she got rid of it in her latest IG post: "Goodbye ramen noodle hair. I never loved you anyway."

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She should go back to curly hair

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fuck off newfag


No, she dated a BASED BLACK CONSERVATIVE 3 years ago, posted pics on her Twitter.

I hope there's a pic of them kissing lol

Why shes some butterface who only gets attention for being a thot with a rifle

But what about Christian values??

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She's such an obnoxious cunt. She always tries to find the biggest brainlets and play the kike shapiro "fact and logic" game, exposing le emotional libtards. If her opponent isn't a complete retard this happens:
>Hey what do you think of Bernie
>Uhh he's cool.
>Oh really so you want free stuff?
>Who's gonna pay for it?
>The billionaires through taxes
>Oh wow do you think it's ok to take their money?
>I think taxation is theft
>K bitch
So much for the discussion. She's the most pathetic part of Infowars. They got deplatformed from social media by huge corporations owned by billionaires and this bitch makes sure to defend the poor little billionaire kikes.

*chair force

I hope some libshit faggot tries to sucker punch her one day and she just blasts him

Cry more incel

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Brain-dead American conservatives love this shit. You go to Europe and the conservatives here are a lot smarter, and more nuanced when it comes to discussions.

Your opinion hasn't mattered since 1776