Greetings to the oppressed masses from the peace-loving peoples of China!

Greetings to the oppressed masses from the peace-loving peoples of China!

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>cultural preservation.
Let’s forget the many cultural touchstones destroyed during the revolution, you retarded chink. You people don’t care anything about culture since then—you’re savages.

Remove your memeflag and stop fighting over the internet. This is not the Chinese way, I’m so disappointed in you fellow brother.

hello, based dog burning, organ harvesting bug person!

They tried to throw it all in shredders and break it with hammers and they still have more culture than half the European countries and the USA

Whoever made this image knows little to nothing about China.

we need to cut off all trade with these subhumans and nuke beijing.

>lecturing the people of a three-thousand year old Empire about culture

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>Being an apologist for cultural destruction

China hate/rekt thread? If you insist.
Time for Gooks of Hazzard

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LOLOLOLOL... Back to the rice fields MFer before your social credit score takes a dip.

>three thousand year old culture
Listen, the people in that land mass have been invaded and raped so many times by so many people the original "chinese" don't fucking exist anymore. They are the ultimate mutts.

No they don't. China destroyed all of it's actual culture. What is has now is some weird romanticised, mostly made up version of what their culture use to be like.

You got to remember, the Chinese language isn't even the Chinese language they used 100 years ago anymore. Even the words they write were destroyed. That is how thoroughly the revolution destroyed Chinese history and culture.
China doesn't even have ancient temples anymore. At best it has government buildings made to look like temples (but aren't actually temples).

Don't even get me started on morality. There are historic accounts of just how lacking in morals China is and always had been.

That was in the 1960's .

It's 2019 and Western civilization is destroying it's culture, women,and children. You may as well sit back and enjoy the ride.

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The forces that "invaded" merely assumed power because they were able to overcome the military of the reigning dynasty, in the end, they still were but a single drop in the vast sea of native Han who were not in military occupations. Some intermixing did occur, some rape did occur, but truly not enough to completely or even significantly erase existing Chinese genetics. Han Chinese actually made up the majority of "invading" armies in several cases, such as that of the Manchus.

I agree with you, but none of that makes this image any more correct.

Greetings, from the Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ!

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Didn't Genghis Khan rape China so hard that even today something like 90% of Chinese are descendants of Khan?

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Have you repented of the mass murder of your countrymen in Tienamin Square?

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Sad peeps

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Winnie the Pooh?

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>three thousand years of civil war and being ruled by steppeniggers """""""empire""""""

>China destroyed all of it's actual culture. What is has now is some weird romanticised, mostly made up version of what their culture use to be like

That's Russia. China has a tomb, temple, or palace every five miles. They have at least 5 historical capitals. How many European or Western states had more than 2-3?
>You got to remember, the Chinese language isn't even the Chinese language they used 100 years ago anymore.

Yes, Mandarin was standardized but every town has its own dialect and despite centuries or even thousands of years in some cases, ancient poetry is still legible because they've been using the same characters for Classical Chinese longer than proper Latin existed. Even the Japanese, Koreans, and Vietnamese used their writing system up until the 1500s-1800s.

>At best it has government buildings made to look like temples (but aren't actually temples).

Like a few Western nations they've repurposed old buildings into new government facilities, like how London has the Parliament building and the Queen's palaces/castles with bunkers and renovated facilities. There are almost no forts in the US as old as those in Europe or China.

>Don't even get me started on morality. There are historic accounts of just how lacking in morals China is and always had been.

Doesn't really matter, morality seems to be holding back the West at this point since the Chinese are the only ones able to experiment genetically on humans without people crying about muh fee fees.

Yeah its a meme, but it illustrates that China is actually rejuvenating its culture while the West is poisoning itself.

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No. My name is Jim.

Rejuvenating its culture? How so? What evidence do you have for that? Culture might not be as SUPRESSED as it was during the Revolution years, but those days left a lasting impact and irreparable damage was done to Classical Chinese culture.

Now you're just making shit up Chen. There isn't a tomb, temple or palace every 5 miles in China. There is a government building made to look like one of these. They even hire fake priests to work in these temples to make them look authentic.

These aren't repurposed old buildings either. They are brand new buildings made specifically to replace all the ancient buildings destroyed last century.
There is hardly any authentic ancient buildings in China. Just new shit build to fool tourists.

Their writing is the same. China has no original ancient poetry or books, they were all destroyed and the ones deemed suitable were rewritten in the new simplified Chinese language.

Much of the "northern half" of modern China was sparsely populated frontier for most of its history. The only grain of truth in this post is foreign dynasties ruling China for long periods of time, but again, this hasn't significantly changed the Chinese admixture due to great population differences between invading and native groups. Practically all "foreign" invaders maintained their rule and conducted their conquests with the aid of native Han. I wouldn't call the Chinese "slaves" at all, given the frequency of full-blown revolts, such as the Yellow and Red Turbans, and impassioned factionalism in their history as seen in the Warring Kingdoms period and even the very recent Chinese Civil War.

>"P-p-plz don't kill us, Japan! We admit that China is a third world shithole. Please annex us, you're the master race in Asia!"
What did chinks mean by this???

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Sigh, what can you expect from barbarian island people who want to copulate with cartoons?

Ahh who could forget the ol' china gang bang of 1899?

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chankoros: i-i-i don't wanna die!!!

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Away land of rising perverts


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Pickled fish eyes with rice?

>what can you expect from barbarian island people who want to copulate with cartoons?
A thriving capitalist country that hasn’t given in to communist bullshit


Never EVER forget

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Nice manga

Know what that goes for you too Chang Fuk Stik

You mean a puppet of the Jewish controlled 3rd world country masquerading as a 1st world country?

That describes China pretty well, yeah.

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>Glorious China
Sometimes you Western barbarians can be so funny

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The Chinese are very Jewish. Yes. Thanks for confirming

Theyve cracked down on degenerate ideas and behaviors from spreading and adopted a social credit system which rewards civility and punishes degeneracy. Theyve been the only modern nation so far to tame muslims (notice how hard msm screeches over this). Even serpentza who is literally a paid anti-china shill admitted despite his shilling he prefers to live in China rather than a Western country. Classical China is long gone. But the contemporary culture of modern China respects its own heritage, which is why Chinese people are polled as being positive about their future.

Ancient china is as much modern china as america is ancient greece.

Wait until America stops buying from them. Hope they’ll still feel positive about the future then

>Homosexual Deviance
>A Western civilization thinking it is the center of the civilized world
Seems pretty similar to me.

>family values
>Fucking cultural preservation


You know nothing about china, do you

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>what is the Cultural Revolution

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 劉曉波动态网自由门

chinese calling anyone else superstitious... you gotta be fucking kidding me

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Ahahahahahaha, good luck, idiot! You're not even a nigger at can not win, where you to noble Asian? You stinky piece of shit.

You're wrong and your thread stinks.

Calm down baby. China is the second economy of the world, the strongest army in the world. Where is Japan? Under the yoke of the United States?

Diversity vs. Homogeneity

chankuro, your people are less than dogs.

China is a NatSoc nation.

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Fucking based.

Here's a history lesson for everyone to learn. So pay attention

Genghis Khan never conquered China. He died on his way fighting western xia. He never lived to see China conquered or even fight the Chinese song dynasty. By the time China was taken over it was already 50 years later and it was his grandson Kublai Khan who reigned.

For all the praise people give Genghis Khan, his actual abilities were kinda overrated. It was subutai who did the real heavy lifting when fighting tough opponents like the Jurchen Jin dynasty. Genghis is most recognized for creating the system that enabled his tribes to unite and move effectively.

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Shut the fuck up you Chinese slave nigger. Enough with your fucking excuses. Your people were raped for 2000 years. Fucking subhuman chink cannibal.

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Morality LUL equality LUL prosperity LUL order LUL is this anime a parody?

And yet they look more genetically pure than the average mutter.

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That blue part was already ruled by foreigners. Chinks were slaves in the blue part.

South chinks look very different from North chinks. It's very obvious that China's northern population got gangraped by the Mongols and Manchus while the douthern population racemixed with Southeast Asian aborigines.

>Where is Japan

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I know one girl from China that moved hrtr and got married. She herself says China is shit for most of it

Arent russians quite reckless too?

This. The entire world is a fuckhole. English will be the world language

Japan still standing.

Based Jap is being based.

May I also remind everyone of this wonderfull piece of history that spawned this picture.
Union of 8 nations during the Boxer rebellion.

Before anyone goes autist about them being 9. Its because a colony is not independent.

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Chinks are disgusting subhumans. Mandarin sounds so ugly

Hey Chinaman.
Jews are conspiring with your elites.
They're taking over your economy.
They're building ghost cities to move into.
In the future, China will not be for the Chinese.

No hate. Just wanted to let you know. Hope you're more vigilant than we were. Best of luck.

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>the original "chinese" don't fucking exist anymore. They are the ultimate mutts.

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All people that claim to be Chinese have American flags, youre de reason western culture is getting destroyed...

Make babies, or you're just as bad as the chinks

Millions of Chinese sacrificed themselves fighting against communism.
You embrace it without a fight, without a sacrifice, without even realizing it.

Have you repented for not fighting communism in your own country?