Europe K.I.A

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What’s the problem ?

If I lived in a country where it is all blonde women i would be dying for a darker skinned women

>Caring about what beauty pageants think is #1
Both women in the picture are ugly as fuck, one is a literal monkey, and the other has a forehead you can play dodgeball off of. Pageants are all rigged and are not the baseline for beauty standards, only other women and queers watch that drivel.


da white bitch got that 7 head yo she uggy

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Based black queen. Sorry, but wmbf breeding is the future

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this. Black women are goddesses. White women look like pigs.

Average family, circa 2030

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Use this for propaganda, use that "beauty contest" to red-pill White women even further.

(they're already become nazi-like atleast everyone of them except the bottom 10-15% of them)

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Damn. 4th place looks like the last Escort I visited. She was from Malta though not Finland.

i would fuck both

So it seems that Finland has adopted America's, "Everyone gets a trophy to avoid hurt feelz" mentality thus making the trophy worthless.
Niggers are fugly AF and no amount of pretending will ever change how most people really feel deep down. I suppose it is true about people having to dumb themselves down to a 3rd grade level to deal with niggers and play lets pretend like you would with your kids. It's not any different except niggers are more costly.

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Triggered racists. Ain’t nothing wrong with fucking black people. I love it when mixed people are created. They are the death of all races, and that’s good. Can’t wait till we’re all one color

Low T

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At some point we are going to have to start treating our girls like gentlemen if we want them on board.
I don't mean like a faggot basedboy gentlemen but like a fucking spartan bull, where they know they are secure in our arms once they begin to tire of the constant attacks by anti white media and poor alternatives.

Checkem. The future of the white mans bloodline is through the black womans fertile womb

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funland is not europe but asia you shithead
Spuuuurdoo :DDDD

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this is retarded, it's like saying if there are all nice 8s, 9s, and 10s around you'd die for a 3 with a bad personality

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The white girl looks ridiculous but the black girl looks like a literal stone-cold streetwise monkey. I vote pic-related.

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>Can’t wait till we’re all one color
You personally will ALWAYS be a nigger Tyrone.

If you lived on an island with only women would you he dying to fuck men?
You are ridiculous.

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What kind of women? Hopefully there’s some black and mixed race women on that island

thats expected from you guys

there's the mutt spammer shill again

really makes it apparent that blacks are a biological weapon and not people

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Only coloured women aka white, coloured eyes, skin and hair. Not shades of shit.

Black female dna is a improvement
I would not make it, I’m not attracted to white women

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>u mad roastie?

Holy fuck, even with a relatively hot mother and father, they still spawn la goblina

This is absolute proof that racemixing always results in ugly shits.

No. Nigger dna is racial suicide. You are a jew..

I love black woman and theres def a lot of beautiful bw but this wide nosed rat isnt one of them.

>likes low foreheads
you must be a smart one

The problem isnt the colour of the woman, its the fact shes a very average one ,at least if she was pretty, there is a reason, but that is just ridiculous.

I can't wait for Prince Harry to redpill the entire UK on how ugly mutts are.

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The MÜTT woman is the epitome of female beauty

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>Can’t wait till we’re all one color

well except for the ruling class. what do you think they will look like?

But you are a subhuman monkey nigger so its different.

get out of my thread, faggot

Europe is fucked

Wow, that's not even a pretty nigger

Miss disgusting subhuman gorilla.

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Did your ex take you back yet?

>Super rare flag

anyone else notice how niggers are incapable of looking at the lens for a picture? Like they think the image is magically taken from the screen itself or something

>White women look like pigs.
and they don't know how to work that pussy on it

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I'll never stop hating niggers

fucking americans with their unnatural white teeth

>Can’t wait till we’re all one color
Look up the Rwandan Genocide, if you think that's going to end human tribalism.

I bet nigger IQ is so low that as babies they don't recognize their own reflection

The one on the left needs to be BLACKED

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>t. gypsy teeth

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Riley fuck off

Tell me about your country.


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Kek whenever I see the nigger cunt spam I always think of pic.

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With you brother. This female may get chunky later on, but those big tittie nigresses will be FAT in a couple years. Fat, bitchy, demanding, and possible kill you with a knife while you sleep.

Fat ass, soon to be FAT ASS.

This. This right here.

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Lol, brillo head.

It’s beautiful

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