Why are Americans so fucking fat and obese? Disgusting

Why are Americans so fucking fat and obese? Disgusting.

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Because of all that onions dripping fast food they can't go without. I don't ever go a day without seeing thunder thighs on the skanks and man boobs on the men. We in shape and thin people are hated and resented.

Literally this.

Many aren't overweight=/= obese, despite what your longnosed overlords tell you.
If you dont know shit about a person besides their weight, you are making false assumptions. For example, a 6 foot Male who is 230lbs, you would probably imagine they are "fat" when really they could be jacked as fuck.
Face it schlomo in training, weight alone doesn't mean shit without additional information.

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let the prisoner eat in peace.

Because they eat too much. I eat once maybe twice a day and im 6’0” and 172 lbs

God bless america

This was a video stunt thank fuck

This was in Canada.

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We're a defeated people

Eating too much shit. People blame fast food and little exercise but it's just eating too much shit. If I go to a fast food restaraunt I'll get a sandwhich and a small drink, sometimes diet (I'm slim but I'll get diet drinks just to avoid the sugar), and if it's to go, I'll skip the drink and get a bottle of water at home or wherever I'm going. Typically just the main course is like 500 calories and will hold me until my next meal. Then I look at the fuckers around me and they get the full combo meal with large fries (another 500 calories) a liter of non-diet soda (probably like another 500 calories), and then will typically say "OH BOY I'M IN THE MOOD FOR SOME ICE CREAM/MILKSHAKE/OTHER DESERT ITEM!" which will probably tack on another 500 calories at least. I don't get fat despite eating out a lot because I only take in 500 calories, but you're average fatass mcburger is consuming 1500-2000 calories a meal, when you eat three meals a day like that, combined with snacks and more big gulps in between with no remorse or self control, you're going to be a disgusting piece of shit in no time.

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I work at Six Flags and there is no refuting your claim. Your are more right than you know it. However I got to say it is mostly Non-Whites though. (Hispanics are the most from what I see but then again I live in Texas.)

Imagine actually being a lard ass lmoa

You can literally see the fat jiggling.

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Because they don't attend church. They don't read the gospel. God is against gluttony and excess. He wants people to be tempered in their habits.

Don't think that way. Embrace Jesus and win at life!


Lay off man I'm starving

subsidized corn

Easy life

Cheap fast food. Tv. Onions in everything killing testosterone. Drive everywhere. Let the fats be fat who cares. I cant stand when they loophole the system to get disability based on fat tho. Why do you care if people are fat?

he was right after all... oh well oh well

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Americans make me sick, disgusting people.

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i work at Mc Donalds

Prosperity, shitty culture(internet is helping tho), mega corporations.

Working the ovens?

Umm, hi. I’ll take a double quarter pounder with a side of fries and ummm a large vanilla milkshake. Thank you

Ein Big Mac menu mit Cola light bitte.

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blacks and hispanics inflate the stats per usual

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pick one, user. being fat is for stupid people:

Low IQ is associated with increased odds of obesity, particularly in female adolescents and in adolescents with high SES.

Cross-sectional studies have found that obesity is associated with low intellectual ability and neuroimaging abnormalities in adolescence and adulthood.

Childhood general intelligence has a direct effect on adult BMI, obesity, and weight gain, net of education, earnings, mother's BMI, father's BMI, childhood social class, and sex. More intelligent children grow up to eat more healthy foods and exercise more frequently as adults.

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This stupid argument again, THEY ARE AMERICANS.

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>Why do you care if people are fat?
Shit I can list several reasons. It's ruining our ability to have a standing army, it's the reason sedans and sports cars are going extinct because their fucking fat asses can't fit in them, so they buy big ass trucks and SUVs that they don't know how to drive worth a god damn, and they're fucking ugly. The one motivating factor for me leaving the house is eying up some prime pussy (a shallow shitty reason, but I have a dick and a sex drive), and when I went out today, I quickly got in a sour mood from getting stuck behind slow fatasses in their fat ass vehicles, got to one restaurant but left because their were 20 fat asses in line waiting for all of their fucking food, and when I got to the second restaurant, the fat ass behind the counter was low IQ and as slow as that fucking sloth from zootopia, and I'm not exaggerating, I almost walked the fuck out of there too while she was making my sandwich, and nowhere during this experience did I see one exemplary female Aryan specimen worth eying over and talking to. There was one chick that only had a muffin top, and that was the best thing I saw. Everybody else I saw today was fucking obese. The day of the harpoon can't come soon enough.

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>Why are Americans so fucking fat and obese?
Redundant, "obese" just means very fat.
And it's "why not?"
There is no reason to be fit in America. You can be 500lbs and still get some methed out trailer park pussy. You can still find work. Even manual labor jobs go out of their way to accommodate and make you physically work as little as possible, and if you're too heavy to work then gibs will keep you alive. There's a road to everywhere and a parking lot every 500 feet, so you don't have to walk anywhere. Used cars get as low as $300 and you can always find a corrupt mechanic who will pass it through inspection even with the suspension blown out from your weight. Need medication for your self inflicted diabetes and heart disease? The pharmacy has a drive-thru. Our national past times are sitting on our ass watching fit people do things. Fatness causing depression because that's how biology works? Fuck biology, there's a pill to make the bad feelings go away.
America is a land of human cattle, kept complacent by stuffing us with feed and distracting us from the negative emotions that would normally cause, to funnel 100% of our income to Jewish interests like how the machines harnessed our body heat in The Matrix. And nobody cares because it's comfortable enough being this way.

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Total mystery

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Cola light weil man ja auf die Kalorien achten muss nech Fettbernd ?

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Lack of exercise

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You going to make that same irrelevant point when people point out how blacks inflate crime stats too? Facts are facts, if blacks and hispanics weren't here a lot of our problems would simply dissolve

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double big mac combo, supersized fries, large fruitopia, two apple pies, m&m mcflurry with extra m&ms..thats how kings eat

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Diverse menus with copious portions and sedentary lifestyles.

I think it's nice. Here our poor and worthless and easily identifiable, so there's no confusion on who is worth spending time / effort on.

why are black women so fat? arent they basically poor and smoke crack?

Ask this guy

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Literally perfect goyim cattle.

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Yo lemme get 3 soft taco supremes and a shitton of fire sauce, NIGGER

>why are black women so fat?
your question contains the answer: combine the fact that they're black and they're women and it all makes sense. also this:

>that slight hint of intrspection in surrounding obese americans
tell me Jow Forums, the people who saw this, did they stop eating processed food and drinking soda ?

I'm not american but i also fat and obese.

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But they ARE there and they are never going to leave. NEVER. They are violent Americans, whether you like it or not.

Fuck, I don't even know what a Taco Bell is.

Blacks eat the worst fucking shit. THE WORST FUCKING SHIT! They're typically have shitty genes as far as diabetes and other food related illnesses go to (I've got a buddy that's already pre-diabetic from eating the worst fucking shit and being black), so you'd think they'd be more motivated than whites to eat better, but they aren't.

2000 cal daily is way too much for most people.
I'm down to maybe 1000-1200 calories on most days, and I've lost around 35 pounds doing absolutely nothing different besides changes to my diet. It took almost 2 years though. I still eat burgers and pizza too, just not as much as I used to.

simple math
eat more then needs because idk

compared to europeans you are all fat animals and you cannot deny that and muuh new studies that british are now fatter than americans is bullshit too because everyone is getting fatter but getting a big beer belly is a different thing to being to fat to walk anymore or other disgusting deformations and such things do not happen here on the scale of extremely overweight america is NUUUUMBA WAAAAAAN by far

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I never understood the mutt memes, Euros definitely are way more cucked than North Americans. All the strong euros left to Canada and USA hundreds of years ago.

Cheap shitty food that taste yummy.

There are ways to incentivize them to leave, and if they don't we can chip away at their birth rates with other incentives such as gibs for sterilizing themselves:

Minority women are more likely than white women to choose tubal sterilization as a contraceptive method.
In unadjusted analysis, African American and Hispanic women had significantly higher odds of undergoing sterilization.

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Hi there, fatty.

this guy just got out of prison you mongoloids lmao

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>, , , , , , .
I think you lost these somewhere.

Is that heather heyer?

Anyone who thinks this was real is a true retard. But it is hilarious.

Worldwide obesity is your doing.
I hope your shoes give you splinters nikker

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M8 even if you erase all non-whites the obesity rate would still be completely unacceptable. This isn't a "13% of the population commits 50% of the obesity!" thing, and a retarded argument when over 1/3rd of whites are still fucking obese. The only existence that demographic is securing is the existence of the four for four menu at Mcdonalds.

you're all fat niggers unless you post pics with timestamp spreading your boypussy

So we're so fat that we have not only more olympic gold medals than you, but everyone else as well. nice cop bro

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Was in Hawaii last week, it was truly fascinating to see the sheer number of fatties bumbling around.

Ich bin deutsch und gebe einen scheiß auf richtige Besetzer Sprache !


At Outback I always order the "steak for two" for one

germany does not count east germany or the third reich or the second reich... well great manipulation mutt

Implying that there aren't fat degenerates everywhere.


Most Americans don't have a common understanding of calories and exercise. They consume what they believe looks good and tasty. That is all.

They get into their car, drive to the local restaurant, order food, eat, drive home then lay in their bed on their phones, iPad, computer, etc and then repeat that step the next day.

Nevertheless, their fucking plate is huge. I mean, it is enough food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Smaller portions, not big portions.

They blame not exercising because work is such a drag and they have no time and that they are exhausted. But not exhausted enough to drive out and get food, or make a shitty meal. It is amusing to see because if the average person ate 1500-2700 cal a day and walked enough throughout the day they wouldn't get fat and they would even lose weight.

I used to be a fat fuck, said it was cause I was depressed. Moved to Europe, started eating less and exercising regularly and I lost near 100 pounds and felt great. Moved back to the US, gained back 35 pounds and feel like shit again.

xd weird huh???????????

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>high fructose corn syrup in everything
>drinking the soda jew instead of wine or milk
>everything is deep fried
>personal responsibility in burgerland is considered evil to many people
>people have shitty lives so they stuff their faces with garbage to cope
>stoners are sick of life so they get high and then eat a fuck ton
>its cheaper to buy a burger than a salad

Granted the rates of whites are higher than they should be, it is a "despite being only 13% of the population" sort of scenario still. Especially when you look at the implications and other things around it, such as diabetes. Whites are the least likely to be diabetic, even less likely than asians. Diabetes costs the nation tons of money and leads to issues like kidney disease which also costs a shit ton of money

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They are mad because they betrayed their (i.e. our) ancestors and let the continent fall to Islam. They deserve every bit of humiliation that they receive and will get far more once they are all sissy maids for Muslim sheep shaggers

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doubling down on that cope I see, brutal. show me how many olympic medals they won and we'll see if it's enough to compete

>this is the best response a leaf can shit out
As expected. Carry on mossam

This lol, even half the guys on here preaching anti materialism, ant corporations, anti Zionism, leave their computer to jerk off to disgusting porn and eat a baconator combo and come back to POL after crying for a few hours.

No one is looking at average weight as a metric for judging a nation's obesity problem you dingus. They use BMI. BMi is only inaccurate if the person is some sort of body builder, which the average person is not.

Fuck I'm sick of all these shitposting fags from Toronto. They aren't real Canadians.

Found the fatty.

together we are not first but close to it that's all

Because they're ZOGGED.

USA's avg lifespan is #1 when accounting for car crashes and murders. We're just violent fuckers, especially one dark group.

Eating a burger satiates me a long time, because its got what you need. Don't blame burgers bro. Obese people are just weak-willed people. Kill them all.

Americans seem extreme in every way possible. Probably got something to do with the colonialism and the selective ways of nature. Only the most extreme people went to America.

I'd like see the proof for that, but either way U.S.A. is still number one. My point overall is that the amerifat meme would have a lot less force behind it if our demographics were different

Per capita, Germany has more than the US though.

Mutt logic...

>especially one dark group.
If only

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i watch bbq pit boys on youtube but i always thought the portion size was satire

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check for yourself and a few superhuman sport guys don't represent the overall fitness of the entire country you fucking retard

mutts are very low IQ so don't be too hard on them

I’m skinny. Sage

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...wtf does that even mean in this context? what are you distributing gold medals across a total population number? quantity of people doesn't mean anything, it's all about quality

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Proof that capitalism works

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