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he's going to expose DRUMPF for the russian agent he really is
Literally who?
Deeply covert, buried beneath DC
A sub-basement lair, highly sleazy
Where numerous screens richly showcases
Live feeds fed from the ladies' loo spaces
Lurking neither in sinks nor even their stalls
Sneakily broadcasting toilet bowls' all
Congressladies dimpled cheeks aflutter
Squeezing braapers with noisome sputters
No tourists can reach those hallowed commodes
Reserved for elected chicks by city codes
All throughout the long legislative day
Privy eliminations plummet away
Hissed expulsions of peristaltic logs
Thundrous flushings each the ivory bogs
Emictions lively, fading to sprinkles
Anal apertures wrench shut their wrinkles
Rarest toilet shows shone therein that Room
Unless a lense is choked by rectal spume
Until that powerful flush does banish
Floaters and sinkers, marbles to ghanoush
Twelve sharp cameras arranged in a ring
Peak seamlessly the slop their bottoms sling
Multitasking muted phones as they spurt
If ever they speak, those Reps are quite curt
Scanning screens for new eclipsing tushes
Its a fine way to spy varied bushes
Mellifluous messes loosed from sphincters
Rippled cadences by brown eyes' blinkers
Reps and Senators, those lobbyists too
All hunker their hineys to dump some poo
Why yesterday there's that Wasserman-Schultz
Profaning from expulsionary jolts
No bashful ejecter is Rep. Pelosi
She never strains, her bowels most cozy
Even AOC voids, her stools likes masts
Resisting livestreaming to lower castes
Woe to girls following Maxine Waters
Fecal patterns sprayed from plie squatters
Sometimes they peer queerly into the bowl
Never fathoming there's more than a hole
An artistic tool beneath their old glutes
Logging the zephyrs by ladies in suits
Fake and gay
Reveal it or don't you little shit.
It's Pence.
Chef Boyardee
>Greg (((((((Rubini)))))))
Yeah nah.
>Jordanian reading comprehension
and nothing will come of it.
also, (((Rubini)))
Let me guess he will claim its trump himself
Z foresaw this
no, it's that sheisty jew
This and why is he pretending Kushner fucking over Trump is some kind of super duper sensitive secret?
Obama peeking through eyeholes in the Andrew Jackson portrait
>Posts a screencap of a LITERAL WHO from Twitter
>Jow Forums in 2019
It's all so tiresome
>The Secret Knowledge has to be kept secret. // Strategy Advisor at [classified] / Intel / Comms / High Tech //.
AHAHAHAHA this is the most laughable LARPer since the so called FBIanon.
>le deep state
Faggy meme. It was always a shorthand to mean the intelligence agencies and jews. Trump blows both daily.
just make sure you like, favorite, and subscribe itll really help me finally get that blue checkmark xD
Trust the plan.
Where we go one we go all.
Trust Sessions.
Tick Tock.
It's coming.
Stay in your seat.
Just a little longer.
felus catus, is your taxonomic nomenclaiture
an endothermic quadruped, carnivorous by nature?
>i have sensitive secret
>i will not release it
>wait until tomorrow or else
>next day, wait!!! I have earth shattering secret and i am going to release in a week.
Yeah fuck off. I am fucking tired of these fuckwits.
tick tock shils are the worst
I'm sick of "I will reveal". Reveal or go fuck yourself, faggot.
It's Kellyanne Conway. It's not like we haven't known this all along.
wonder where spot is now?
Send Bolton to Guantanamo.
The NYT "inside resistance" source never did reveal
Kushner I’m assuming
"IT" happens two weeks from now. Wanna know how I know you are full of shit? Oh btw that is why (((congress))) is having a problem right now. They have been notified. Big name that will be thrown around. You have heard very little of it. Starts with an M. He and Nunes broke their whole shit.
>Not disregarding anyone who makes larp-tier references to the (((deep state))), instead of specifically declaring members and branches of the ZOG, (((Masons))), and Israel itself
>Muh boomboom
>Muh ticktock
it's Kushner regardless of what this faggot says
Lard Ass
Trump tries to serve two masters, just like Netanyahu.
He will remain cursed with traitors as long as he is disloyal to the God who placed him in office.
Tell him that, glowniggers!
Leave Baron alone... he may be a traitor and deep state asset but it's just a phase. We've all been there.
Saucy if true!
Kikes and kikes.
Greg Rubini will reveal his big scoop and his Twitter following will jump from 10 followers to 11... possibly even 12
Not a secret for us per-say.. but for the masses it is.
A poem for pol. So beautiful user. 10/10
Now get back in your time machine and post in on your 1994 GeoCities site
How funny would it be if it was Hannity?
There is literally zero chance this jew names the jew
Well duh no way its not that
rubini just flew over my house
What a fucking retard. If he had anything even close to .05 megatons he would just release the goods instead of same bat time same bat channeling it
You poor, poor people
na, think muslim asset
Sooooo fucked between the cheeks is is asking for more
Q boomers killed MAGA. They have Trump convinced that his base will never leave him no matter how bad things get.
Is it the Jew?
Wow where can I find this guys paypal
Pence runs/is involved in pedo rings, he was glad handing Clintons and Obama's at GHWB funeral and his wife got one of those suspect envelopes in her funeral program. it's happening. Fuck the "I have a big secret, will drop it soon." shills though
I won't tell you who the traitor is, or when we'll attack. However, the Duke will die before these eyes and he'll know, he'll know, that it is I, Baron Vladimir Harkonnen, who encompasses his doom!
>"im going to release it tomorrow"
>gets popped
why do leakers set themselves up for failure like this?
Go fuck yourself nigger.
>Fecal patterns sprayed from plie squatters
this. I have to give this based and redpilled individual money!
Guess the kushner shills really are gonna be on suicide watch.
Thanks pol, I love you guys!
It's Pence isn't it? Didn't one of his underlings just get outed as having intelligence connections?
>tomorrow I will reveal
oh piss off
what a fucking faggot
I wouldn't be surprised since working for a famous womanizer and having a hot ass wife like Melania in his 70s must drive the VP fricken nutz. not to mention that he was alway tight with Paul Ryan/Romney fags
tick tock
M-Mars Volta?
id believe that connection. some left over blue tooth receivers.
It’s Pence
Reggaton BoomBahBoom
Why all the drama while basically everyone thinks that he is a rat?
woahhh its just like q predicted!
I guess you could say he is Russian agent in a way, that Russia is ruled by jews. US agent is in the end Israeli agent.
But Pence is irrelevant. When was the last time anyone ever mentioned him?
based Q
all those qfag boomer clowns
>i have this totally important info i will release eventually but not now even though i could but dont for some reason so wait for it and pay attention to me from now on till i provide the info which may is tomorrow or some other day if i decide something came up hindering me from doing it tomorrow, and the day after and every day after that until noone cares anymore andi sink into the pit of irrelevency
Fucking Kek. Gross but a worthy shit-post.
I would definitely have a few beers with whoever the fuck wrote that