The ultimate red pill

White people’s hatred for Jewish people is the same as black people’s hatred for white people.

Search your feelings you know it to be true.

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Maybe is only because you want displace for our land
Use the kike media to degrade 24h/d
Want to degrade the humanity to some irrecognicible subhuman mutt to serve your interest ?

I’m white but I’ll play along. How is that different from black people blaming “THE MAN” for all of their social economic problems?

Is the way europeans view thenself and how they try to elevate to an ubermench and lead the world to a higher point while jews only try to degrade everyone to the lowest common denominator to rule over a world in ruins
I find it repugnant, i wouldnt want to rule a world where everything pure has been extincted

niggers have been the slaves for whites - thats why they are in america.

kikes are obligate parasitic bloodsuckers that construct (((isms))) to abuse their host culture. from muh evil egyptians to muh evil nazis, the kike cries out in pain as he strikes his host.

you need to do some thinging user you are full of shit

the key difference is that white people rule both throughout history

The ultimate redpill is that "white" (colonial) peoples have no route to salvation and will be destroyed in the coming third world punic war against them. Times up whitey, enjoy it wile you can.

That Jesus Christ is GOD and Eternal life is free

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The Jew hate is mostly by unemployed rednecks who want to blame their failures on someone other than themselves. Most of them have never even met a Jew

Who gives a fuck if it is? Jewish people onle thrive because white people gave e them a society in which they do amazing in.

Black people don't thrive no matter what, and in fact can only have some hope at a decent life outside of their 3rd world shit holes.

Conclusion: white people are the racial hard carries in society, and the world would be better off if niggers and kikes all just died

I don't hate whites, only broke niggers without a father does. I dream of a black ethnostate but Jamal and rayquaza in the hood can't stoop fucking shooting each other. Blacks won't face reality that they're losers and "black nationalists" chase after white women like pathetic betas.

When have whites ever conspired to genocide the black race out of existence?

The only reason kikes appear "smarter" than whites is because they completely lack a moral compass. There is no evil act they won't do in their pursuit of power and money, while white people will hold themselves back to avoid being a soulless piece of shit.

Nope, you are pure shit:

And I'm not white, so the hate occurs in all the goyim who know.

You really believe that stupid shit?

>White people’s hatred for Jewish people is the same as black people’s hatred for white people.

Except no.
Whites and Blacks have a parent, resentful child relationship. Jews were never, for long periods of time, in such a position over Whites. Jews are actually another one of the resentful children of the White race.

The dynamic is more like this.

You have yuppy White parents that have adopted retarded babies. Their blood children feel increasingly short changed by their parents and protest at the behaviour of their adopted non-White siblings. The yuppy parents don't care because they are more concerned with looking good than doing good.
As they get older and the question of inheritance comes up, the blood born children become increasingly angry.
When the yuppy parents finally kick the bucket or are too old to act as a guardian of their spoiled and wicked adopted children, it will be a no holds barred brawl.

Its a fact.

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>Implying other races don't hate kikes too.

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No, it's not.
Whites don't want to live alongside the Jews, unlike the blacks who want to live amongst Whites whilst hating them.
Let's do a nice little mental exercise..
Where would Whites be without Jews?
Where would Jews be without Whites?

Thank you user

Dont tease me user. I’ve been wanting to try my new toys out

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You must be new here.

Weapons don't determine the outcome, the rapid decline in living conditions does.

Well we don't blame them for low tier cultural problems like lack of fatherhood or high crime rates that we could actually fix ourselves. We blame kikes for slowly leeching off of and ruining society by promoting degeneracy. Black leaders are capable of seeing this as well (Louis Farakan and Malcolm x for example).

Then why do blacks want to have access to whites and whites don't care about access to jews

Kek interesting how if you speak out against jews you lose your job. Quite the catch 22


Those questions provoke extreme answers


Understand the holohoax psyop and what jews have done to the West post-WW2.

Read through this thread, it's all there. Use this info to redpill others. Redpilling normies is the ONLY battle that matters now. Redpill them and the rest will work itself out.